Now would be a good time to put together data on the scalability of the G400 and G400 Max.
New processors have just been announced by AMD and Intel with top-of-the-line speeds at 800 mhz.
This high speed is great, but even better is the lower prices for the "older cpu's". Time to upgrade our CPU's.
Soooo, lets get together some data on the performance of the G400/G400 max for each of the P3 and AMD processors (with the latest drivers from Matrox).
I suggest that we use 3DMark2000 as our benchmark and test at 1024 X 768 x 16Z.
My data is:
CPU: P2 450
Video: G400 Max
Driver: PD 5.41
3DMarks: 1643
CPU Speed: 87
Dell Intel 440bx, P2 450, 128 megs ram, IBM 13g hard drive, G400 Max, 256k AGP aperture, Win 98 SE, DirectX 7.0 (not a),TBS Montego Audio, Dell D1226H 19 inch monitor at 1280x1024x32, 3com XL10/100
[This message has been edited by Grant (edited 02 January 2000).]
New processors have just been announced by AMD and Intel with top-of-the-line speeds at 800 mhz.
This high speed is great, but even better is the lower prices for the "older cpu's". Time to upgrade our CPU's.
Soooo, lets get together some data on the performance of the G400/G400 max for each of the P3 and AMD processors (with the latest drivers from Matrox).
I suggest that we use 3DMark2000 as our benchmark and test at 1024 X 768 x 16Z.
My data is:
CPU: P2 450
Video: G400 Max
Driver: PD 5.41
3DMarks: 1643
CPU Speed: 87
Dell Intel 440bx, P2 450, 128 megs ram, IBM 13g hard drive, G400 Max, 256k AGP aperture, Win 98 SE, DirectX 7.0 (not a),TBS Montego Audio, Dell D1226H 19 inch monitor at 1280x1024x32, 3com XL10/100
[This message has been edited by Grant (edited 02 January 2000).]