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DVDMax performance problems on TV

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  • DVDMax performance problems on TV

    I do have a G400 16 MB DH at default settigns with the latest drivers 5.41. When I run a DVD (a bug's life with Matrox DVD player or Power DVD and I use the DVDMax feature, I do have a wunderful picture on my computer screen and on my TV. My Problem is that the speed of the video slows down, when I enable DVDMax. Withoug DVDMax the video performance is perfect. So is there a way to close the video on my computer screen but keep it running on my TV? Would this result in a better DVDMax performance?
    Actually my system should not be the problem as I have a Celeron 500 MHZ and 128 MB Ram.

    I am very thankful for any help or comments!!

    a bug's life rules!!!!!!

  • #2
    Have you closed all other applications?

    Are you using the DVD player that's on the Matrox CD that came with your card?

    I had similar problems when I started using DVD Max, but they seemed to have been fixed by reinstalling both the Video Drivers and the DVD player.


    • #3
      I used the Matrox player as well as the power DVD 2.0 Player, and there was no difference. But I found the problem. As I live in Europe my TV is PAL and I selected PAL in my settings. But as the dvd is American (NTSC) there must have been a problem with the line jumping of the TV or what so ever. I just changed to NTSC in my DVD Max settings and it works. Easy huh? :-) Yeah now I can watch a bug's life fullscreen on TV in perfect speed, wunderful!!!

      Thanks for your time and your time, Le Bodge!


      • #4
        Do any of you guys get Blue Pixel Noise when PLaying a DVD or any other movie file on your computer screen?
        PIII-500, 128M RAMpc-100, ADVANCE 5/133 Motherboard, QuantumKA 18.2gig, QuantumST 6.4gig, Creative DVD-Rom 5x, Pioneer CD-Rom 12x, G400Max Dualhead, SB Live, Winmodem 33.6, NEC MultiSync E900+ 19" Monitor, Windows SE


        • #5
          No I don't have those pixel problems. But I read a message within this forum that somebody else had the same problem. His solution was to reinstall Win98 and the problem was gone. Maybe this works for you as well.


          • #6
            I've got a similary problem; i live in europe, i watch a dvd zone 2 in PAL, no problem during the first 2 minutes but after this 2 minutes the video slows down !
            This problem occurs only with PowerDVD, no problem with MatroxDVD.. maybe several slow down each 10/15 minutes and after 5 seconds all become normal... very strange
            Have you any idea ??


            • #7

              Just curious, do you have an NTSC TV aswell or how do you take care of the NTSC-video output?


              - - - - - - - - - - - -
              Striving for perfection
              - - - - - - - - - - - -
              Striving for perfection


              • #8
                I live in europe and have a pal TV but a NTSC DVD. And since I have chosen NTSC output in my software settings the performance is better. I guess it is a probelm concerning the TV standards and the line jumping of the electron beam or something like that..........

