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Matrox Do Something! (Flickering Part II)

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  • #46
    Same problem with my G400 16mo SH on a BE6II, C366@550, force agp2x, vio3.6v, monitor philips 105b.
    Flickering with 2d & 3d.
    I tried many solutions with no succes.
    BUT, this is ok on a COMPAQ DESKPRO PIII 500, AGP 1x !!!
    I tried on my computer with no OC and agp1x and same problem.
    Perhaps a problem with Abit mobo ?
    and my resseller told me that there is no problem with Matrox cards.
    SO, help us MATROX.

    Excuse for my bad french/english


    • #47

      did the exactly same card work on the Compaq but failed to work on the BE6-II? Was the flickering you mention exactly the same type of flickering we discuss in this thread?

      I have a Soyo 6BA+ IV, which uses the same HPT366 UDMA66 controller as on the BE6-II. But to my knowledge people have had this problem also on other boards.
      Asus A7V, Duron 600@900, 192MB PC133@100, G200, Guillemot MUSE, etc.


      • #48
        Quick update.

        So far, we are unable to reproduce this in house even with the boards that were RMA'd.

        We only have 300w PS's and above.

        We have tried them on the abit and soyo mobo's mentioned in this thread.

        Used SBLive and 33 hd's connected to the 33 ide connectors.

        We'll do more testing and see what happens.

        Again, if no one wants to wait, the RMA option is still there.

        jms - The 32m board draws more current that the 16m boards.



        • #49
          Keep in mind guys, that current draw is NOT the only issue with a power supply. The modern types that we've all grown used to are more directly connected to main power than ever and can have a number of different anomolies that can indeed be unique to a particular layout and component design. This may have nothing to do with the problem, of course, but the way in which two components react to each other, the particular size of a singe capacitor common only to the 16 mb units...anything can be the root cause. Based on Haig's report, it's obviously an incompatibility between components, not the fault of only one. He wouldn't offer an RMA so willingly if they were stonewalling or attempting to ignore the problem.

          Information is what they need. Keep sending those configs in, and the bug will be tracked down.

          [This message has been edited by Bixler (edited 01 March 2000).]
          Greebe's juiced up Athlon @750 on an MSI Irongate Based M/B Marvel G200 TV with HW/DVD Daughtercard,
          CDBurner, Creative DVD, two big WD Hdds, Outboard 56K modem
          Parallel Port Scanner, Creative S/B AWE 64 (ISA), and a new Logitech WebCam (My first USB device)


          • #50

            "My" flickering is :
            horizontal lines during scrolling in 2D ans opening windows on explorer or other.
            Lots of horizontal lines in D3D&OpenGL games. (difficult to explain in english)
            This gives a bad quality of the screen (800x600 @ 85hz Philips 105B)
            I had a G200 before and i never had this problem.

            My config :
            Matrox Millennium 16Mo SGRAM
            serial : LAA29532
            Bios : 1.5-22
            Powerdesk 5.52.015
            Irq 9 alone, force agp2x (same with 1x)

            Abit BE6II bios QJ
            Celeron 366@550 (stable since oct99)
            Micron 128Mo
            HD 10Go IBM DMA 33 (boot)
            CD 40x ASUS
            HD 6.4Go QT DMA66 on the HPT366 (Irq 11)
            SB Live value (Irq 10&5)
            Adaptec 2940uw, IBM 4Go+Yam4416 (Irq 5)
            Power supply 300w Astec

            Then, i put my G400 on a despro EP PIII500 at my office and i didn't see this problem (agp 1x) and the test with 3Dmark2000 was very poor.

            very strange...

            G400 16mo=low price=low quality ?


            • #51

              do you get those lines in fullscreen D3D as well? It is typical to the problem that we have been discussing here that we NEVER get those lines in D3D/OGL fullscreen, but only on the 2D part of the screen, even - or especially - when we run 3D in a window.
              Asus A7V, Duron 600@900, 192MB PC133@100, G200, Guillemot MUSE, etc.


              • #52
                If the problem only is a hardware conflict, it seems a little strange that it dissapeared when i popped out the 16MB SH(two different ones that is), and put in a 32MB DH. Sven, from the other thread, did the same with the same result. Strange...


                • #53
                  No, I think it's not strange. Actually, Bixler may have a point. Any small modification on the G400 32MB part could do the trick. What's really amazing, though, is Haig's finding that RMA cards worked OK on their systems.
                  Asus A7V, Duron 600@900, 192MB PC133@100, G200, Guillemot MUSE, etc.


                  • #54

                    "My" flickering is :
                    horizontal lines during scrolling in 2D ans opening windows on explorer or other.
                    Lots of horizontal lines in D3D&OpenGL games. (difficult to explain in english)
                    This gives a bad quality of the screen (800x600 @ 85hz Philips 105B)
                    I had a G200 before and i never had this problem.

                    My config :
                    Matrox Millennium 16Mo SGRAM
                    serial : LAA29532
                    Bios : 1.5-22
                    Powerdesk 5.52.015
                    Irq 9 alone, force agp2x (same with 1x)

                    Abit BE6II bios QJ
                    Celeron 366@550 (stable since oct99)
                    Micron 128Mo
                    HD 10Go IBM DMA 33 (boot)
                    CD 40x ASUS
                    HD 6.4Go QT DMA66 on the HPT366 (Irq 11)
                    SB Live value (Irq 10&5)
                    Adaptec 2940uw, IBM 4Go+Yam4416 (Irq 5)

                    Then, i put my G400 on a despro EP PIII500 at my office and i didn't see this problem (agp 1x) and the test with 3Dmark2000 was very poor.

                    very strange...

                    G400 16mo=low price=low quality ?


                    • #55
                      Just to add another strange twist to things (possibly driver related?), I've noticed that the flickering no longer appears in 2d windows under Win2K, yet still does under Win98 and windowed d3d.
                      Just to recap...I used to get a really nasty flicker in explorer windows when scrolling or disk access.

                      I'll pack this thing up on Monday and send it back (before my RMA turns into a pumpkin). Or maybe to save some time I'll drive it down myself...anyone in the Sask/Manitoba/Ontario area up for roadtrip?

                      Games Box
                      Windows 2000Pro, ASUS A7Pro, Duron 750@950, 192MB Micron PC133, OEM Radeon DDR, 15gb Quantum Fireball+ LM, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Pioneer 32x slot load CDROM, SB Live! Value, LinkSys LNE100, Altec Lansing ACS45.2, Samsung Syncmaster 955DF, Sycom 300va UPS

                      Video Box
                      Windows 2000Pro, PIII700 on ASUS CUBX, 256mb Micron PC133, Vanilla G400/32 (PD5.14), Hauppage WinTV-DBX, LinkSys LNE100, 8.4gb Maxtor HD, 40gb 7200 Western Digital, Diamond Fireport 40 SCSI, Pioneer 32x SCSI Slot load CDROM, Pioneer 10x Slot load DVD, Yamaha 4416s burner, MX300, Panasonic Panasync S70

                      Feline Tech Support
                      Jinx the Grey Thundercat, Mischa (Shilsner?)(still MIA)

                      ...currently working on the world's first C64 based parallel computing project


                      • #56
                        If you're serious about a road trip, let me know in advance and you'll get the new board at the door. At the sametime, we'll pop in your board in our systems to see if we can reproduce it with yours on our end.



                        • #57

                          just to set things straight: does windowed D3D flicker in w2k or only in win98?
                          Asus A7V, Duron 600@900, 192MB PC133@100, G200, Guillemot MUSE, etc.


                          • #58
                            Darksyd! If you're going to do the drive you might as well take your base unit and monitor then they'll have a live system to have a look at.
                            Thats if Haig would agree to it.
                            Unless of course you round trip is so long it's a case of drop it off and pick up a new card.
                            Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                            Weather nut and sad git.

                            My Weather Page


                            • #59
                              Heehee, sorry guys, was just kidding about a road trip
                              I'm in the middle of Sask and can't really afford to take time off right now. I'm heading east this summer, but I don't think this can wait that long...

                              Fullscreen flicker under Win98 only.

                              Windowed flicker under 98 and 2000. I have to add that it is really bad under Win2000. Under 98 I would call it flicker, but under 2000 it is almost the same effect as when the vhold is screwy on a TV. Full screen lines spaced about 1-1/2" apart moving up the screen quite quickly.

                              I'm going to boot back to 98 to see if maybe this is just a case of the card about to croak.
                              Games Box
                              Windows 2000Pro, ASUS A7Pro, Duron 750@950, 192MB Micron PC133, OEM Radeon DDR, 15gb Quantum Fireball+ LM, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Pioneer 32x slot load CDROM, SB Live! Value, LinkSys LNE100, Altec Lansing ACS45.2, Samsung Syncmaster 955DF, Sycom 300va UPS

                              Video Box
                              Windows 2000Pro, PIII700 on ASUS CUBX, 256mb Micron PC133, Vanilla G400/32 (PD5.14), Hauppage WinTV-DBX, LinkSys LNE100, 8.4gb Maxtor HD, 40gb 7200 Western Digital, Diamond Fireport 40 SCSI, Pioneer 32x SCSI Slot load CDROM, Pioneer 10x Slot load DVD, Yamaha 4416s burner, MX300, Panasonic Panasync S70

                              Feline Tech Support
                              Jinx the Grey Thundercat, Mischa (Shilsner?)(still MIA)

                              ...currently working on the world's first C64 based parallel computing project


                              • #60
                                Yep, the full screen flicker is much worse under Win2000.

                                If you guys want to pick up the shipping, I'll send my whole box (except monitor) down to you. I don't really think there's much point though. I've had the card in three other machines with the same results.
                                Games Box
                                Windows 2000Pro, ASUS A7Pro, Duron 750@950, 192MB Micron PC133, OEM Radeon DDR, 15gb Quantum Fireball+ LM, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Pioneer 32x slot load CDROM, SB Live! Value, LinkSys LNE100, Altec Lansing ACS45.2, Samsung Syncmaster 955DF, Sycom 300va UPS

                                Video Box
                                Windows 2000Pro, PIII700 on ASUS CUBX, 256mb Micron PC133, Vanilla G400/32 (PD5.14), Hauppage WinTV-DBX, LinkSys LNE100, 8.4gb Maxtor HD, 40gb 7200 Western Digital, Diamond Fireport 40 SCSI, Pioneer 32x SCSI Slot load CDROM, Pioneer 10x Slot load DVD, Yamaha 4416s burner, MX300, Panasonic Panasync S70

                                Feline Tech Support
                                Jinx the Grey Thundercat, Mischa (Shilsner?)(still MIA)

                                ...currently working on the world's first C64 based parallel computing project

