G400 and FIC PA2013 1.x = Not Compatable!!!
This probably includes the 503+ too.
That's right, I just saw this on the FIC web site. You need a rev 2.1 for everything to work properly though the manual says the MB is fully AGP 1x & 2x complient.
I have a FIC PA2013 rev 1.1 MB and have been having strange problems since day one. The latest problem is that my monitor will turn off and then after a minute or so, turn back on. 3D games crashing and Poor DVD play are a few more issues that I see.
Not only is it not compatable with the G400, but also they say that it has problems with the AMD K6-2 & 3s!?!?! If you have a rev 2.1 board then it's cool, it'll work, but anything else you are screwed.
I sent FIC an e-mail looking for a free 2.1 upgrade. I let ya know how it goes.
A MAD Saud.....
G400 and FIC PA2013 1.x = Not Compatable!!!
This probably includes the 503+ too.
That's right, I just saw this on the FIC web site. You need a rev 2.1 for everything to work properly though the manual says the MB is fully AGP 1x & 2x complient.
I have a FIC PA2013 rev 1.1 MB and have been having strange problems since day one. The latest problem is that my monitor will turn off and then after a minute or so, turn back on. 3D games crashing and Poor DVD play are a few more issues that I see.
Not only is it not compatable with the G400, but also they say that it has problems with the AMD K6-2 & 3s!?!?! If you have a rev 2.1 board then it's cool, it'll work, but anything else you are screwed.
I sent FIC an e-mail looking for a free 2.1 upgrade. I let ya know how it goes.
A MAD Saud.....