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G400Max & Asus K7V and I'm still crashing.

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  • #31
    Same problem, I installed the way you mentioned and still can not get Q3 to run.
    There has got to be something that ither I'm missing or doing wrong.



    • #32
      Hey, can you K7V guys do me a favor? If you installed any of the busmastering drivers, could you check in Windows Device Manager and check your hard drives. Are they identified as generic devices or are they ID'd by name.



      • #33
        Mines are ID'd by name instead of "Generic IDE Disk Type **"



        • #34
          Hmm. My IBM is a generic... am I missing something? I only need the 4in1 right?


          • #35
            You aren't running the turbogl are you aiwa? Look for opengl.dll in your quake3 directory.
            I think it's just me though, my turbogl stopped working just before I moved over to the athlon.



            • #36
              Yes rob I'm running turbogl I've tried a few diffrent versions also.

              still trying to get this to work,



              • #37
                It most likely means the 4.20 busmastering driver update did not install properly.

                Go into Device manager again and check the VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Controller driver signature and date for the . If the provider is Microsoft and the date is old, it did not install. The provider for the 4.20 4in1 set should be VIA Technologies, Inc. and not Microsoft. They should be dated 1-24-2000 and not some date from a year or two ago.

                Having said that, I'm not exactly sure you want to do this. I've posted this about the Asus P3V4X, another new VIA board, in General Hardware:


                I'm curious if any of the issues P3V4X users are experiencing are similar or related to the issues you guys are experiencing.



                • #38
                  It might be the same problem problem as I have both those boards and I get the same problem with the g400. When I put a Nvidia TNT2 on the P3V4X it seemed to run more stable and Quake 3 ran with no problems.



                  • #39
                    I'm have an nVidia board in the machine now. It's some nutty driver issue that doesn't allow for 64 MB texture rendering after a cold boot. In addition, there are bad problems with the AGP aperture open to 256 MB. This is not limited to nVidia or Matrox. A lot of people are having this problem.

                    Although our chipsets are different, we have two common denominators: VIA and Asus. I'm sure Matrox's flakey VIA support is your lives as well.

                    I'm expecting better with the next set of 4in1's.

                    Can you guys run 3DMark 2000? Does the 64 MB texture rendering test run?



                    • #40
                      yes Paul
                      my 3Dmark2k runs very well on 64mb texture rendering..



                      • #41
                        Okie...i hope this might help for those who R stranded again.

                        As wat Bob and i had did.

                        There r few ways around it.

                        For Asus K7V user there is a site delicated for this stable mobo.

                        I found this site accidentally. Its provide BIOS and related info. I shall use the word as Sufficient Enough.
                        Also the Beta BIOS link can B found there also. 1004.04a is the latest Beta BIOS.

                        For those who liked me encountered some flashing error which i cant remembered after flashing frm 1004.03a to 1004.04a. The PC wont Bootup after this...I hv a fix for this.

                        After rebooting. Goto BIOS. Then press F10 to set system to default BIOS setting. Then goto "Boot" menu and diable Boot Virus check. Then boot up to Floppy and U will B able to access the Aflash.exe again and FLASH it to 1004.04a. This round, the error will not come back again. I had this experience, i was chilled. But after messing around. I think its works.

                        For VIA driver. use VIA 4-1 4.20. Remember to install Gart driver as Turbo mode.

                        Leave out the Bus mastering and use the Win98SE default VIA Busmastering driver. Its a certified driver. Dun b bother with the Date.

                        Then install the PD 5.41 Driver. Copy the g400icd.dll frm windows\system and place it in a folder. Then removed PD 5.41 driver and upon reboot install PD 5.52 driver. Then overwrite the PD 5.52 ICD driver with the 5.41 ICD driver.

                        Reason...PD 5.52 driver will crash upon loading Quake 3. 5.41 is the only driver tat works fine wif Quake 3.

                        Strictly No TurboGL!!!BTW, Athlon user wont mind having a little performance hit with the PD 5.41 ICD driver. Its v stable. I assured U.

                        OR u can use Paraknowya's mix n match driver. I dunno why the rests dun like it. But personally, i felt he did a great job to the Matrox community. Matrox made great card. But the driver sector has always turn me off. I meant not all users will go into all the trouble of flashing bios, update driver, update device driver...n etc.

                        I hope this will even out all the issues related to KX133/Pro133 user.

                        Also, its recommended not to place any card on the 1st PCI slot. Usually, this slot will share its resource with AGP slot. Esp card tat need a delicated IRQ. U will sure hv problem with G400. G400 dun like to share IRQ with others.

               experience said. SigmaMagic Hollywood Plus and Voodoo 2 can be allocated near G400. They r good friends...i guessed.

                        I hope....i can draw some light to the rest of the folks..

                        Athlon 669mhz(103mhz)
                        ASUS K7V
                        Kingston 192mb PC133(CAS 3)--> cant run 139mhz
                        Matrox G400 DH 32mb (uses Tweak to overdrive 10% and custom made a small fan)
                        Monster Sound 3D M80
                        SigmaMagic Hollywood + (1.81 driver)
                        IBM 22GXP 9.1gb (ATA66 + 7200RPM)
                        Quantum CX 10.1gb (ATA66 + 5400RPM)
                        Toshiba SD-M1202 6x DVDrom

                        Using Motherboard Monitor and Temperature probe On CPU and G400

                        CPU = 40 degree celsius
                        Mobo = 39
                        G400 = 41

                        Quake 3 patched to 166n


                        • #42
                          Thanks for the info Chicane
                          I'll try it the that way to see if I can get Q3 to work. I'll try anythig now.
                          BTW you had a typo with the K7V site ( but it wasn't to hard to find.


                          • #43
                            Hello all
                            Chican, Rob M.
                            I finally got Q3 to work with PD 5.52
                            Though I'm only getting 65 FPS, which is a huge performance hit. I never thought Turbo GL was such a huge advantage. Well with PD 5.30, It will run with Turbo GL 1.30 and I Would get 81 FPS, but in 3dMArk2k I would get a 400+ performance hit. I just ran 3Dmark2k and got a 3d mark of 2703, w/ PD 5.52, Is that good for an athlon 700?
                            what are you guys getting in 3Dmark2k?

                            thanks again for all your help guys.


                            • #44
                              Ops.....i typing too fast.

                              Thanx 4 catching the typo error,aiwa :P

                              I glad tat ya system is running fine.

                              Ain'nt i am sweet hahaha???


                              • #45
                                Ohh abt the Framerate thingy..

                                AThlon 669mhz...uses G400 ICD. No TurboGL.

                                Quake 3 demo1 -- 48fps

                                Highest texture detail
                                Medium Geometry
                                Bilinear filtering
                                Sky -On
                                Marking - on
                                Simple item - Off
                                sound - low quality
                                A3D - off

                                If i use Medium texture size I getting abt 58fps.

                                Tat's abt it. Basically, i hv tweaked quite well to made it run v smooth in Highest texture detail.

