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G400Max & Asus K7V and I'm still crashing.

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  • #46
    Chicane: Thx for taking the time to post all details of your config.

    Question for you and all K7Vers: What voltage jumper setting are you using for IO, 3.3V ("default") or 3.4V (as shipped)?



    • #47
      Athlon 550@750

      (a3d NOT enabled)

      Quake3 demo1 48.8 fps
      High quality settings except:
      full geometry
      trilinear filtering
      16-bit Z buffer

      Using the quake3 dlls gave me about 15 fps increase

      I'm using the 3.41 IO voltage, found it to be most stable of the three trying to overclock

      aiwa: you actually run at those settings to give you 81 fps? I'd be benching at what I play in, as the lower the settings go, the more of a difference the turbogl makes. Last time I checked on my p3 450@550 I was getting about 0.1 less fps without the turbogl.


      • #48
        I think my VIO was shipped with 3.4v

        Till today, i switched it back to 3.3v
        As i am running the stock speed.

        My x3 PC133 192mb memory stick can't take 138mhz. *sigh

        Since i not overclocking, i decided 3.31v shld b wise.


        • #49
          Yes Rob,
          At 700MHz (No overclocking), 128MB Ram, w/ VIA 4.20, & PD 5.30
          I get 81.1 FPS in Q3 Demo001.
          The game settings are as folllows:
          System Setup
          GL Driver: Default
          GL Extensions: On
          Video Mode: 800x600
          Color Depth: 32 Bit
          Fullscreen: On
          Lighting: Lightmap
          Geom. Detail: Medium
          Text. Detail: 3rd setting (one b4 highest)
          Text. Quality: 16 Bit
          Text. Filter: Bilinear

          Game Options
          Simple Items: On
          Marks on wall: Off
          Ejecting Brass: Off
          Dynamic Lights: Off
          Identify Target: On
          High Quality Sky: Off
          Sync Every Frame: Off
          Force player Mod: Off
          Draw Team Overlay:On

          Now with the same settings above, the highet FPS I got w/ PD5.52 & no TurboGL was 66.6

          Also with PD 5.30, 3Dmark2K runs wierd, The ground start flashing diffrent colors in all the helicopter demos. I also get 400+ points less than I do with PD 5.52

          What settings do you guys have & what FPS are you getting?
          Oh and have you guys tried PD 5.30?


          [This message has been edited by aiwa501 (edited 22 April 2000).]


          • #50
            Oh I forgot to mention:
            No gun Drawn In Q3, I took it out. I hate the thing. Blocks my site
            That should count for a frame or two.



            • #51
              Geez....with those setup...u must b missing aweful lot of game detail.

              I hv all TOP up except for the Geometry detail.

              32bit color and high texture detail. Its sure look fast and beautiful

              I getting average 50fps @800x600. Getting 81fps has no value. Time for u to shove the details up...and enjoy the details.


              • #52
                Cool, Chicane
                I will try those settings right now.

                Btw: are any of you guys overclocking your AMD? If yes, What CPU Vcore voltage setting are you using?


                • #53
                  Aiwa: I am currently overclocking my Athlon 600 (.25 micron 650 core) at 750Mhz using a Maximizer GFD. Current VCore = 1.70, although it seems stabile at 750Mhz with only 1.60V for everything *except* 3D graphics.

                  for lots of individual Athlon OCer data.


                  [This message has been edited by Pennhaven (edited 22 April 2000).]


                  • #54
                    I run at 1.75v to get the extra 200 mhz out of my 550.
                    If you want the best of both worlds, save the g400icd.dll file from windows\system out of the 5.30 drivers and then install the 5.52 drivers. You can then copy the file back and you'll have the 5.52 drivers, with the 5.30 opengl for quake3. I still think you're better off using the 5.41 though, after 60 fps you're not gaining too much (remember your refresh rate is probably no higher than 85 hz if you've got a decent monitor)

                    as for my 48.8 fps score, that's with default quake3 settings, only modifications I made were to set it to high quality, and then turn on trilinear filtering and turn up geometry detail (16 bit z-buffer is set by the matrox drivers)



                    • #55
                      Well, looks like asking for a week of stability out of this card is just too much. That's two major dissapointments from Montreal this year..

                      All I have to say is GO LEAFS GO!!



                      • #56
                        New K7V BIOS 1005 helped my 3D stability with G400 MAX *considerably*. Still not 100% stable though.



                        • #57
                          Actually the 1005 and the 1006 beta bios's didn't help me at all. What is working however is either the 1.6 g400 bios or the 5.55 drivers, I've even O/Ced (101 mhz) and I'm still stable at 2x AGP. Still a little early to celebrate though, it's only been running for 5 days (o/ced the fsb yesterday)



                          • #58
                            !!!!!!!!! SOLVED !!!!!!!!! ( I HOPE )First of all thanks to everybody helping me!
                            Probably I have found how using K7V + G400Max@AGP4X without crashing.
                            First I disabled in the BIOS (ver. 1006) the following voices.
                            Spread Spectrum Control ecc.ecc
                            Video ROM Bios Shadow.
                            Video Cache node (UCWS or similar I don’ t remember)
                            AGP SIZE to HALF OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT (4 me 128 MB RAM)
                            All the other voices (except FAST WRITES) enabled.
                            I installed step by step:
                            VIAINF 1.02 (last release)
                            UDMA (stand alone) last release
                            VIA AGP 4.02 (last release)
                            POWER DESK 5.55
                            VIA AGP 4.02 (A G A I N)
                            After rebooting, go to regedit (start ecc. ecc.) and look 4
                            HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – system – CurrentControlSet - Services-VXD.
                            U have to look 4 VIAGART.VXD.
                            If u find also VGART.VXD !!!!!!REMOVE IT!!!!!!!!

                            Then go to CLASS [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – system – CurrentControlSet – Services – Class- Display – 0000 (it could be different) – Settings – CPU and add this 2 strings :
                            AGPFallback (and give it the value of 4)
                            WriteCombining (and give it the value of 1)
                            If u want to do it easy, write me an email that I sent a reg file modified that allow u to make easy the 3) step only clicking the file.

                            4) I have played 4 some hours without problem. I hope U r lucky as me.
                            Greeting everybody

                            my email is



                            • #59

                              Thanks for posting your detailed process for getting your G400 Max / K7V combo stable. A few points on the BIOS settings weren't 100% clear to me, however, so I would appreciate if you could clarify further.

                              - Do you have Byte Merge Enabled or Disabled?

                              - Do you have the video cache mode set at US or USWC?

                              My own combo is much more stable with the VIA 4.02 AGP driver, but still not 100%. Before trying the complete reinstall sequence you went through, I want to make sure I am testing with the same BIOS settings that seem to be working for you.


                              [This message has been edited by Pennhaven (edited 02 June 2000).]

                              [This message has been edited by Pennhaven (edited 02 June 2000).]


                              • #60
                                Play around with your IO voltage jumper. I left mine at 3.41 for the longest time, as that's how the board shipped. When I said that the 5.55 drivers or the 1.6 bios fixed my agp 2x stability, I was wrong, but at 3.3v IO, I haven't yet crashed (time to play lemmings revolution again, put it to the REAL test)


