I just had to pick that up, because Amiga still kicks ass !
- try a reboot within twelve seconds
- try to launch your OS into 2MB RAM
- ShapeShifter rocks
- I even had a PC emulator letting me run Word for DOS or whatever that was called
Yes, it still kicks ass. My Amiga with 68060@50 & PPC604e@200 and a Permedia2 based gfx-card "feels" faster than my Athlon600/G400 PC in many aspects (the normal 2D desktop work).
Of course if it comes to sheer CPU-power the Athlon does 2.2 rc5 MKeys/s, while the Amiga only does 805 Kkeys/s. And if you want games or anything 3D you can just forget the Amiga.
But Web-browsing most times still is faster on the Amiga and MUCH more safe - we don't have MicroSoft/ActiveX/VisualBasic/... Besides: who would program a virus for the Amiga now? ;-D
My Amiga takes 25 secs to cold(!) boot with backgroud-patterns and some Dock-windows. And the first 10 secs are wasted for initialisation of the hardware/SCSI/...
ShapeShifter rocks, Fusion really rocks and when FusionPPC hits the market it will rock bigtime.
P.S.: FusionPC is quite nice, too (at least with an Athlon ;-) )
P.P.S Forget about PC-emu on the Amiga. Even with the 68060 its just unuseable (Or would anyone want to run Win98 at 386/33 speed?)
[This message has been edited by Indiana (edited 30 July 2000).]
I just had to pick that up, because Amiga still kicks ass !
- try a reboot within twelve seconds
- try to launch your OS into 2MB RAM
- ShapeShifter rocks
- I even had a PC emulator letting me run Word for DOS or whatever that was called
Yes, it still kicks ass. My Amiga with 68060@50 & PPC604e@200 and a Permedia2 based gfx-card "feels" faster than my Athlon600/G400 PC in many aspects (the normal 2D desktop work).
Of course if it comes to sheer CPU-power the Athlon does 2.2 rc5 MKeys/s, while the Amiga only does 805 Kkeys/s. And if you want games or anything 3D you can just forget the Amiga.
But Web-browsing most times still is faster on the Amiga and MUCH more safe - we don't have MicroSoft/ActiveX/VisualBasic/... Besides: who would program a virus for the Amiga now? ;-D
My Amiga takes 25 secs to cold(!) boot with backgroud-patterns and some Dock-windows. And the first 10 secs are wasted for initialisation of the hardware/SCSI/...
ShapeShifter rocks, Fusion really rocks and when FusionPPC hits the market it will rock bigtime.
P.S.: FusionPC is quite nice, too (at least with an Athlon ;-) )
P.P.S Forget about PC-emu on the Amiga. Even with the 68060 its just unuseable (Or would anyone want to run Win98 at 386/33 speed?)
[This message has been edited by Indiana (edited 30 July 2000).]