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Matrox and Amiga join up?

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  • #16
    I just had to pick that up, because Amiga still kicks ass !

    - try a reboot within twelve seconds
    - try to launch your OS into 2MB RAM
    - ShapeShifter rocks
    - I even had a PC emulator letting me run Word for DOS or whatever that was called

    Yes, it still kicks ass. My Amiga with 68060@50 & PPC604e@200 and a Permedia2 based gfx-card "feels" faster than my Athlon600/G400 PC in many aspects (the normal 2D desktop work).
    Of course if it comes to sheer CPU-power the Athlon does 2.2 rc5 MKeys/s, while the Amiga only does 805 Kkeys/s. And if you want games or anything 3D you can just forget the Amiga.

    But Web-browsing most times still is faster on the Amiga and MUCH more safe - we don't have MicroSoft/ActiveX/VisualBasic/... Besides: who would program a virus for the Amiga now? ;-D

    My Amiga takes 25 secs to cold(!) boot with backgroud-patterns and some Dock-windows. And the first 10 secs are wasted for initialisation of the hardware/SCSI/...

    ShapeShifter rocks, Fusion really rocks and when FusionPPC hits the market it will rock bigtime.

    P.S.: FusionPC is quite nice, too (at least with an Athlon ;-) )
    P.P.S Forget about PC-emu on the Amiga. Even with the 68060 its just unuseable (Or would anyone want to run Win98 at 386/33 speed?)

    [This message has been edited by Indiana (edited 30 July 2000).]
    But we named the *dog* Indiana...
    My System
    2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
    German ATI-forum


    • #17
      - everyone is cool who either owned, programmed for, or used an Amiga
      I'm tripple cool then. No wait, I still own one, does that make me even more cool?


      • #18
        It would be cool is AmigaOS could run bare on a PC, but they are talking running under Windows as a game platform. I don't think anybody should get too worked up about that.


        • #19
          These Amiga topics seem to emerge at sometimes in MURC. (and that's a good thing IMO) When you have spent about half of your younghood with Amiga, losing it is like poking out your other eye or cutting off both of your hands..

          I too have my very own Amiga sitting in a table about 3 meters from me, and in working condition.

          I really hope that this Amiga/Matrox symbiosis will create something different as we're used to nowadays. The change would really be in order..


          Amiga 1200, built in modified desktop case,
          Blizzard 1230/50 68030/50Mhz with 32M RAM,
          6.4GB Quantum Fireball,
          Apollo PCMCIA 10M Network card.

          .Tumu, moveq #0,d0; rts.

          Celeron 333 (not overclocked), GigaByte 6BXE Intel 440BX AGPset (bios v3.4),
          64MB PC100 RAM, nVidia TNT2 32M (was G200 AGP 8MB SGRAM), SB Live! Value LW3.1, 3COM Fast EtherLink XL, Sony Multiscan 100ES, HP8210i
          Win98 finnish
          Celeron 333 (not overclocked), GigaByte 6BXE Intel 440BX AGPset (bios v3.4),
          64MB PC100 RAM, nVidia TNT2 32M (was G200 AGP 8MB SGRAM), SB Live! Value LW3.1, 3COM Fast EtherLink XL, Sony Multiscan 100ES, HP8210i
          Win98 finnish


          • #20

            I'm still trying to complete Lure of the temptress & Beneath a steal sky on WinUAE.

            Long live the Amiga (remember what you could do with sound when it first came out!)





            • #21
              Beneath a Steel Sky was buggy on Amiga hardware at the later levels, let alone via emulator. Adds a new meaning to the ability to complete a game. Save, move a few steps, save, crash, boot, load, move a few steps, save, crash, load...


              • #22
                Beneath a steel sky still was a cool game game in spite of those bugs (the most anoying one was the collision with the small roboter one, leading to a total lockup situation :-( ) - something you can't say (IMHO, of course) about QuakeIII...
                Who else remembers of the cool Maniac Mansion? Or GreatGianaSisters (OK, this one goes back to the "good" ole C=64 days)

                [This message has been edited by Indiana (edited 30 July 2000).]
                But we named the *dog* Indiana...
                My System
                2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
                German ATI-forum


                • #24
                  "NVIDIA has already introduced the GeForce2 MX, a video card that works wonders and blows away the older dual-head cards that Matrox has offered."

                  This is a bit awkwardly phrased. It can be interpreted in such a way that the reader would believe the dualhead feature on the MX board is somehow superior to Matrox's. This certainly isn't my understanding. From what I've read on the nVidia newsgroup, Matrox's dualhead implementation is superior.

                  I don't know one way or the other. It was my understand that the only advantage the GeForce2 MX has, hands down, over the G400 is it's 3D speed. This guy is talking specifically about about the professional market, and he's treating it like it's needs were the same as the gaming market.



                  • #25
                    Beneath a steel sky had a PC version as well and it didn't crash.

