LOL LAMF, what did you do to that picture??
No announcement yet.
It's Coming....
Cool looking, big interior, luxury features without additional price.
No manual transmission, power somewhat disappointing, lacking refinement.
[This message has been edited by orangejulius (edited 02 September 2000).]
Honda Accord Coupe 3.0 EX Coupe 2-Dr
2000 current market value: $22,628
1999 model: $18,592
Chrysler Sebring Coupe LX 2-Dr
2000 current market value: $18,667
Okay Rags, you're right. But why not get a '99 Honda for the same price as the '00 Chrysler?
Or if we're talking new cars only, wouldn't you say reliability alone is worth the extra $4K?
Buying a Honda's like buying a Matrox. You spend a little more for refinement.
I bought an Accord coupe V6 in February. Nice car. No stick either.Will trade in my Toyota as soon as the V6 comes out with a manual transmission.
(Lusting after a Prelude)
[This message has been edited by Brian R. (edited 02 September 2000).]
Look closely at Kruzin's car. His is not brand new. I believe it's a 97. Still, the price is lower than an accord.
Hey, the Accord is a nice automobile. I owned a '94 back in '94. It was a sweet ride until the motor locked up (two weeks, and 700 miles later). They are very well built, and the fit and finish is superior. But the price isn't justified, IMO. American automobiles, and other japanese makers are close enough now that their price isn't warranted, IMO. For example, you can drive a Mitsubishi Diamante for the same price as the Accord V6. And the Diamante is larger, has a better ride, and more features.
Mine may not be much to look at. It may have 140,000 miles on it. It may not even ride as smooth as it use too. But it does have one good advantage over the cars y'all are talking about. No car note.
[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 02 September 2000).]Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.
System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
OS: Windows XP Pro.
Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.
I like 'em fast with a sleek body and curves in all the right places. (what? I was referring to the car!)
[This message has been edited by Riddek (edited 03 September 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Riddek (edited 03 September 2000).]"Whoa..."
Keanu Reeves.
C'mon now, has it arrived? Please stop this women/cars conversation. It's turning me off... Please... Is IT there? I mean the GREEN thing, the DOUBLE-HEADED thing, the tiny, slim, shady thing...
HAS IT ARRIVED?Asus A7V, Duron 600@900, 192MB PC133@100, G200, Guillemot MUSE, etc.
C'mon now, LAMFDTK.
Let's try to be serious and talk about the important issue at hand. Like the Matrox G800 Fusion cards that power the monitors in the space ship that landed behind Kruzin's car and burned the mini crop circle in the lawn. I mean, really now!"Whoa..."
Keanu Reeves.
LAMF is that mower from the All-Grass Products range or Professional Cutting Istruments?
Paul.Meet Jasmine.