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(G400 && Bumpmapping) != OpenGL ?

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  • (G400 && Bumpmapping) != OpenGL ?

    Am I wrong, or is Matrox not planning on ever offering a GL extension for its bumpmapping?

    I'm working on a project right now, and the G400's heavily lauded Environmental Bumpmapping would fit quite nicely. If it *is* possible, I'd really appreciate it if someone were to direct me in the direction of some useful info.

    Just to make sure I don't waste anyone's time, yes, I am aware that I can fake emboss bumpmapping. But come on - can that even compare to the G400's environmental bumpmapping?

    And please, no one say "use D3D". Cross-platform support is more important to me then supporting hardware that a company doesn't want to bother giving me support for.


  • #3
    Use D3D

    No really, it would be an interesting idea. I think Matrox never did it simply because of the scarce demand - either you want or not, the vast majority of OGL games use Q2/Q3 engine, which does not support any kind of true bumpmapping.

    Now, with cards being released that support EMBM (Radeon, PowerVR3), maybe someone remembers to write a OGL extention to it


    • #4
      Let me know if you find anything out.

      I'd be very interested in an env bump mapping extension for OpenGL.


      • #5
        Well, I've sent off a message to devrel@matrox to see if there is any hope for some enviromental bumpmap lovin' for my GL project. Let's hope for the best...


        • #6
          Here's the reply:

          We currently investigating the possibility of programming the extension.
          We do not have a time frame.

          At 02:51 AM 10/20/00, you wrote:
          >Are there any plans on offering a GL extension for the G4x00's bumpmapping?
          >I'm working on a technology demo right now, and the G400's heavily lauded
          >environmental bumpmapping would fit quite nicely. If it *is* possible, I'd
          >really appreciate being pointed in the direction of some useful info.
          > -Irfaan
          So, it looks like it just ain't happening. While I can't say I'm surprised, I'm still quite disappointed.

