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Matrox Fusion G450/G800

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  • Matrox Fusion G450/G800

    Just a little speckation on my part about these possible two new cards coming out from Matrox. I thought it was odd that the G450 was also carring this name also. I know theres alot of specaitiation that the g800 will use a dual chip config, but I have a feeling that the Fusion moniker means that the card will have a T&L capibitly on it instead of a dual chip config on it at least for the G450. That would make more sence.


    Abit BH6 with a Celeron 2-566@877mhz,128mb RAM,G400 MAX,SB Live!, Optiquest V95 19in montor, Asus 40x CD-ROM, Aopen 5x DVD-ROM,HP9110i 8x4x32 CD-RW,SupraMax 56k modem, Win98 SE on Western Digital 30.7GB, Win2000 on a WD 13 GB HDD

    Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?

  • #2
    Yep, I think you're about spot on. The G800 will almost certainly follow the 0.18 micron technology of the G450, the chip will likely include T&L support and probably run faster than the G450 - whether this is through an increased clock/core speed or by means of a quad pipeline remains to be seen. I think that there will be several versions of the G800, one of which will be a very nice duel chip config.
    What do you want a signature for?


    • #3
      Fusion, to fuse together, fuse two graphics chips on one board. Trust me


      • #4
        Ant, I love your little hints here and there

        Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


        • #5
          Likewise, nice an subtle


          • #6
            Likewise, nice an subtle


            • #7
              Ok Ant, just what are you trying to imply?


              • #8
                hmmm if Ants right on this...I hope for two things....that the G800 will run better then two times faster then G450 and that they can make drivers for it in Win2000 unlike ATI couldn't do for the Rage Fury MAX...

                Abit BH6 with a Celeron 2-566@877mhz,128mb RAM,G400 MAX,SB Live!, Optiquest V95 19in montor, Asus 40x CD-ROM, Aopen 5x DVD-ROM,HP9110i 8x4x32 CD-RW,SupraMax 56k modem, Win98 SE on Western Digital 30.7GB, Win2000 on a WD 13 GB HDD

                Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


                • #9
                  Given that there appears to be two G800's, a vanilla and a Fusion Plus, to say that the Fusion moniker implies hardware T&L implementation for one G800 and not for the other. That would be strange. I would assume that if Matrox implements this feature, they'd implement it in both models.

                  I think Ant's semantic argument results in the most likely scenario.

                  A dual-G450 sounds like a strange idea as well, unless Matrox is using it as a potentially expensive stop-gap until they can get the G800 to market. Given they haven't announced this product, it could mean a relatively short shelf-life between its release and the release of the G800 or a really long wait for the G800's release.


                  [This message has been edited by paulcs (edited 17 June 2000).]


                  • #10
                    I wonder that since they have put entries into their .inf files for G800 based boards, can we hope that Matrox is playing with "early silicon" ??

                    I would hope that if they have parts on their hands right now, it won't take but 3-4 more months to debug and get out the door.

                    I know Ant said in another thread not to expect G800 based products until 2001. Is this a personal guess or is there substantiated knowledge behind this prediction?


                    • #11
                      See the 'speculation' thread for some more speculation about the G800/G450 =)

                      "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                      • #12
                        I don't have a clue really I'm just guessing


                        • #13
                          I think I'll be alittl emodest and say that if the G800 is nothing more than a dual G450 - I'm cool about it !
                          I currently have a vanilla G400 DH, if you give me twice the memory and twice the performance... With lt's say a dual head AND a TV out... I mean that would be so cool !!!
                          Thik about it for a second, twice the fps you have now with the same great picture quality !
                          I'm just speculating but I think Matrox would like to put a fight against Nvidia, and this means something as good as the new Hercules GeForce 2GTs 64MB DDR, if the G800 will come close to it in speed there is no other word to describe it but heavenly.

                          Matrox - take your time (as usual) but give us the real true "out of the box" experiance for once, please...

                          Asus P2B-DS, 2 x Celeron 400@75Mhz, 192Mb Ram, SB Live! Platinum,
                          2 x IBM 4.3Gb scsi,IBM 22GB IDE, Pioneer DVD ROM scsi, G400 32MB DH (Oc to 111.1%).
                          Asus P2B-DS, 2 x Celeron 450 (400@75Mhz), 192Mb Ram, SB Live! Platinum,
                          2 x IBM 4.3Gb scsi,IBM 22GB IDE, Pioneer DVD ROM scsi, G400 32MB DH.


                          • #14
                            But there is one thing that puzzles me with the G800 rumours. Doesn`t the

                            << Pin compatible with the G450 >>

                            mean that the G800 will use a 64-bit wide memory bus just like the G450? And wouldn´t a 64-bit wide memory bus make the G800 very slow in 32-bit. If that´s true then G800 will only have 4GB/s of bandwith with 250MHz DDR FCRAM.

                            [This message has been edited by Erich (edited 18 June 2000).]


                            • #15
                              well folks i finally bit the bullet and bought the hercules 64meg card,and while it's performance is awsome(try 80/90 fps at 1600*1200 on q3 with all options maxed out)what shocked me most was the price...730$ candian after taxes(ohhh the pain... )does anyone here believe that a G800 equipped with 64 megs of memory(fcram???)won't cost almost as much,given that the performance will be roughly the same(if not better),and let's face it,if matrox delays the release of the G800 until Q1 2001,it will be going up against nvidia's nv20(Geforce 3???),these are very though times for anyone trying to keep up with nvidia right now,but i think they're bound to screw up(nvidia),they can't possibly sustain 6 month product releases for much longer,simply because as chips grow more powerful and complex,they'll also need more time for validation,which is a huge task when you're talking about chips pushing close to 30 million transistors(nv 15 and ati radion)and will only get worse,as it is it alredy takes 2 years to actually build the chips themselves(including validation),and apparently the chip that's going into the x-box will be made up of 65 million transistors(umbelievable isn't it... ).
                              note to self...

                              Assumption is the mother of all f***ups....

                              Primary system :
                              P4 2.8 ghz,1 gig DDR pc 2700(kingston),Radeon 9700(stock clock),audigy platinum and scsi all the way...

