Well, maybe I´ll post here, while all those threads in CB forum aren´t moved back 
One more idea: They could have suported Texture compression and DOT3 product bumpmapping with this one. There´s already a few games out there that use DOT3 and too many that could use DXTC.
But I keep insisting their best choice would have been to forget about pin-compatibilities, get a 128-bit DDR interface and ask $25 more for the card. I think it wouldn´t hurt its 2d abilities

One more idea: They could have suported Texture compression and DOT3 product bumpmapping with this one. There´s already a few games out there that use DOT3 and too many that could use DXTC.
But I keep insisting their best choice would have been to forget about pin-compatibilities, get a 128-bit DDR interface and ask $25 more for the card. I think it wouldn´t hurt its 2d abilities
