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Matrox G550 Millennium

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  • #16
    Well, maybe I´ll post here, while all those threads in CB forum aren´t moved back

    One more idea: They could have suported Texture compression and DOT3 product bumpmapping with this one. There´s already a few games out there that use DOT3 and too many that could use DXTC.

    But I keep insisting their best choice would have been to forget about pin-compatibilities, get a 128-bit DDR interface and ask $25 more for the card. I think it wouldn´t hurt its 2d abilities


    • #17
      I couldn't agree more, they've done a 128bit memory interface before, they've done a DDR memory interface before, so it wouldn't mean them having to learn anything new and most of what they'd need they already have.

      The fact they didn't means that they're not even aiming for the casual gamer, let alone the more hardcore gamers.

      They might release a faster version at some point but frankly I'm not dumb enough to wait for it.


      • #18
        Thx for the post, Kruzin!
        To the point, to say the least.. =)

        I AM really dying for some benchmarks. I have had my hopes up for this card. Yesterday (yes, the 18') I sold my G400MAX. I got a really nice offer (125$) and jumped at it - knoeing the G550 would be out.

        Sigh. Now my hopes have turned to prayers.. Yikes.



        • #19
          Hey, look at it this way: Even if it´s as fast as your MAX, you don´t loose nothing


          • #20
            Heh. Indeed.
            Except: Im a resolution freak. I really like 1600x1200x32 AND dualhead (dvdmax). The 450 couldnt do this, or so I have been told. Mayhaps the 550 suffers the same limitations?



            • #21

              Sure doesn't sound too promising.



              • #22
                And, if anyone checked the releases before Matrox linked to them, they've now added the oh-so-impressive flash intro:

                We lose nothing compared to the MAX? How's about the money we spend? I'd quite like something faster...low framerates are now costing me frags over my GF2 mates

                Meet Jasmine.


                • #23
                  "I'm still waiting for a company to release a decent 3D card that has dual-monitor support. This isn't it, and I don't see Matrox ever getting close enough to the bleeding edge of 3D technology to tempt me to buy another card from them. The G800 would be great now, but by next year it'll be out of date before it's even launched."

                  You might be wrong. Maybe they haven't released a truly new card in two years, because they got too close to the bleeding edge.

                  Just like 3dfx did when they had a (some) projects canceled. Or so the rumors speculated



                  • #24
                    HeadCasting ?

                    It looks similar to my graphics project at school...

                    Head Modeling with Image Metamorphosis based on triangulation

                    P4-2.8C, IC7-G, G550


                    • #25
                      the g550 is a cunning ploy by matrox, they are hoping that other video card companys will spend there resources copying this "unique" feature.
                      Or maybe they have had so many request/complaints about when a "new" matrox card will be released they have produced a video card with a talking head that keeps saying there is nothing offical, but murmurs "soon", and then winks at you.

