my G400 32meg, bless her heart, may be toast
she didn't complain, always performed better then what i expected, and always produced the greatest pictures possible.
we had a good 21 months together, she saw 3 different computers of mine, and another 4 that were not mine. but soon after becoming aquantied with my new athlon (sorry no 1.4gig t-bird benchies, for the benckmarks forum) she wouldn't boot up properly and cause corruptions .
she ran well, she ran great, core could go up to 170mhz and memory to 205mhz (although never at the same time), i bought her a blue orb to keep her cool she she could continue her beautiful work.
im sure this isn;t the last of you, i'll test you on every system i can, to see if you'll work, but this is goodbye
here's looking at you kid
Slow people are easy to pass, it's people who drive fast that are hard.
[This message has been edited by drzaius (edited 27 June 2001).]
she didn't complain, always performed better then what i expected, and always produced the greatest pictures possible.
we had a good 21 months together, she saw 3 different computers of mine, and another 4 that were not mine. but soon after becoming aquantied with my new athlon (sorry no 1.4gig t-bird benchies, for the benckmarks forum) she wouldn't boot up properly and cause corruptions .
she ran well, she ran great, core could go up to 170mhz and memory to 205mhz (although never at the same time), i bought her a blue orb to keep her cool she she could continue her beautiful work.
im sure this isn;t the last of you, i'll test you on every system i can, to see if you'll work, but this is goodbye
here's looking at you kid
Slow people are easy to pass, it's people who drive fast that are hard.
[This message has been edited by drzaius (edited 27 June 2001).]