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Matrox To Announce New Card Next Week?

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  • #16
    are there any dual agp boards out there?


    • #17
      Let's assume it's a new G450 MMS...

      So, a G450 MMS?

      What next?

      Seriously, if they don't bring out a new core soon, then what will follow after the G450 MMS? The G550 MMS?

      2D cards will struggle to make money for much longer, as I'm sure NVIDIA and ATi will look to truly copy and improve on every feature we love Matrox for. So, what will Matrox do then?

      No consumer video? No gamer 3D? No....workstation 3D...?

      Which one will they go into? Gaming could be the easiest to get into, from the point of view that gamers (read nVidiots) will buy the card that gives most 3DMarks or Q3 FPS. So, it's simple, make a fast card (or cheat in those benches ).

      Pro3D? Simple, make a G550 SuperMax, bring out the fantastic drivers we all expect, and try to steal sales from other established brands in this area. Could be harder because of higher brand loyalty here, but then good drivers are one of their strong points, along with productivity. Plus you don't have to make the worlds fastest card in 3DMark.

      Me? I want both! Actually all three, but they're almost certainly out of the consumer video market, so I'll settle with the worlds fastest card. And DX10.4c compatibility too.

      Meet Jasmine.


      • #18
        wasnt there something about them being kings of 3d again at the beginning of 2002?


        • #19
          Haig had mentioned that everyone will be happy so expect an architecture which will allow for several variants targeted at different markets, akin to what's recently been discussed in TCB forum.
          <TABLE BGCOLOR=Red><TR><TD><Font-weight="+1"><font COLOR=Black>The world just changed, Sep. 11, 2001</font></Font-weight></TR></TD></TABLE>


          • #20
            darn, that means no RSN, because quite a lot of people wouldnt be too happy about it


            • #21
              I don't care if I "will" be happy (i.e. be happy sometime in the future).

              I want to be happy now. Now I say, NOW! (i.e. Haig, email me with all the details, and BBz email me with driver bugs I've to look out for ).

              Meet Jasmine.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Topha
                are there any dual agp boards out there?
                This is "supposed" to be in AGP 8X but I read that over a half year ago.


                • #23
                  Ant wrote:
                  > This ain't Parhelia. Will Parhelia ever see light of day? Only time will tell.


                  Hmm.. maybe they are going to release it when one of those weather-situations comes up

                  Someone knows an good meteorologist!?
                  There is no weakness, but to cringe and despair because one thinks oneself weak.
                  For so long as one´s will is undefeated one is strong, for so long as the desire for revenge still endures.
                  -Tom Holland, Deliver us from Evil


                  • #24
                    I highly doubt there will ever be a G550 MMS... but it's possible to have PM²S
                    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                    "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                    • #25
                      It's all about..... Boredom

                      So once again rumours are flying in odd and bizarre steps. As some might have noticed I havent been around lately, but funny thing, last time I was reading the BBS often was when the "G800" was suposed to come out and we got the G550. Wonder whats gonna happen this time. Although I would love for a new Matrox part, I dont see it happening. Of course, what do I know?
                      A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.


                      • #26
                        The G550 is the G800, in a horribly deformed way.


                        • #27
                          Shouldn't that really be "castrated" G800, ant?

                          David Van Dromme
                          A.K.A. Stormlord/WOW
                          Former C64 Scener and Advanced Gravis P'n'p betatester.


                          • #28
                            Perhaps it will be the G550 plus with 64mb of ram.
                            Most likely nothing though.
                            Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                            Weather nut and sad git.

                            My Weather Page


                            • #29
                              Deformed and castrated, poor chap never stood a chance.

                              Nice to see another fellow Gravis user, still have my original UltraSound and PnP here, superb cards shame they didn't survive, bit like Matrox

                              Originally posted by Stormlord
                              Shouldn't that really be "castrated" G800, ant?


                              • #30
                                Well I may have one or two lying around here or with a friend somewhere but I haven't been using any Gravis soundcards for several years now. A shame they went down the way they did. The usual cause: marchitecture... The techs has more of an insight as to what their customers wanted...

                                David Van Dromme
                                A.K.A. Stormlord/WOW
                                Former C64 Scener and Advanced Gravis P'n'p betatester.

