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Matrox To Announce New Card Next Week?

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  • #31
    Nvidia has just released ther mms equivalent the
    Quadro4 NVS

    it supports 4 displays, I guess Matrox is running out of niches..and I know what nvidia use the matrox engineers for now.

    Matrox HAS to release at least a new MMS (550 I guess).
    And they need a new generation for mainstream and MMS or they might as well pack up and go home.

    I bought my g200 for video quality and the rainbow runner (video capture).

    now Matrox no longer does vivo type cards, and their video quality can be close to matched by other cards....and whats the point of good video quality if it runs like a wet wig at 1600

    Last edited by Marshmallowman; 19 February 2002, 21:24.


    • #32
      And the silence from Matrox is deafening.
      Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
      Weather nut and sad git.

      My Weather Page


      • #33
        TIME is REALY starting to run out for Matrox


        • #34
          So, will they announce at least the G450 MMS? There isn't much time left for this week!

          The other companies, AMD, SIS, VIA, nVidIa, ATI, INTEL and so on, have all been announcing something, giving hints on their plans and roadmaps. They have at least tried to show the public their interest in developing something new. And they want to show their eagerness of doing better and sooner than their competitors.

          I doubt that the information politics of Matrox is a reasonable one. If Matrox really cares its "valued" customers, why doesn't it show that? I can't feel to be "valued" if I don't even hear from somebody. They don't need to show me a new card if they don't have one. But it would be nice to tell me that they are still trying. They don't say "Coming when it's done", nor do they say what is coming and above all, which is most mysterious, if anything is coming anyway. If Matrox doesn't want to share the future with its customers, what are we doing here?

          I find no humor in this silence.
          Last edited by chaoliang; 21 February 2002, 08:36.


          • #35
            Matrox hasnt announced anything exciting to gamers for years, why are you expecitng one now< just beacouse of everyone else? christ, nvidia has released 4 Geforces since the g400max, and Matrox didnt really care the entire time. Hopefully your not getting all ancy just because of these rumors.
            What the hell are we doing in the middle of the desert?


            • #36
              It's a Zyn to be so clueless!
              "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

              "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


              • #37
                heh, all im saying is.....

                "I'll believe it when I see it"
                What the hell are we doing in the middle of the desert?


                • #38
                  Hey, Matrox is taking the NVidia road.. reheating the same core over and over.. but NVidia is making the "next gen" faster and Matrox SLOWer.

                  Just face it. Matrox IS dead in 3D, Long Live 2D.... NOT.



                  • #39

                    I’m a long time Matrox user (since the release of the original PCI Mystique). The wait for a next gen card is getting tiresome. I will get a Matrox next gen card if it is competative with other cards on the market or this one:

                    A Gainward GeForce4 PowerPack ! Ultra/750XP Golden Sample (or equivalent)

                    Whichever comes first!
                    WinXP HE SP1& DX9b; Lian-Li PC-6089 mid alum case; Enermax 550W PSU; P4 2.8b retail; Asus P4T533-C s478/i850e; 1GB PC1066 RIMMs; Promise Ultra133 IDE PCI controller; 2x80GB Maxtor D740x 7200RPM ATA-133 HDDs; OrangeLink FireWire 800/1394b PCI card:
                    1x250GB Maxtor One Touch USB2/fw external Ultra ATA-133 7200RPM HDD; Toshiba 16x/48x DVD-ROM; Plextor PX-708A 8xDVD?R/RW CD-R/RW burner; Radeon 9800 XT retail; DVI: Samsung SyncMaster 213L 21.3" TFT; VGA: ViewSonic 22? P225f; TV OUT S-Video: Sony 36? WEGA XBR400 NTSC; TerraTec DMX 6fire LT sound card to Denon 3802 7x110W based HT; on-board LAN to Alcatel ADSL modem; Canon S750 USB printer; Canon D125O USB2 scanner; Logitech diNovo Media Desktop (Bluetooth cordless keyboard/MX900 optical mouse); Logitech Freedom 2.4 Cordless USB Joystick; Logitech WingMan Strike Force 3D USB joystick; Logitech 2.4GHz Cordless Gamepad/Rumblepad.


                    • #40
                      About the Matrox vs. Nvidia 4 display card...

                      Matrox's card will detect as 4 seperate cores/cards and work as such in Windows 98/Me/2k/XP. Also, they will support all 4 monitors in any OS that supports the G200 and multiple monitors.

                      Now then, with nvidia you will need to run their drivers in order to get 2 of the 4 heads to work... And, even if you do, in some operating systems its gonna be just as annoying as dualhead in 2000 was for the longest time - except 2 times as annoying.

                      Also, the G200 core had 2d that is still better than NVidia's. and, you get the benefit of having 4 3d accelerated graphics cores (one on each monitor) instead of just having 2 and having each one share two monitors...
                      "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                      • #41
                        Hey all, long time Matrox user, first time in these forums though.

                        About Nvidia's forray into the multiple monitor arena; it seems as though Matrox may lose its' own niche market. Granted, it's Nvidia's first chip, and may not work as well now, with time(and time is what Matrox is running out of) they can show thier own, coupled with thier superior 3D performance, and arguably good 2D performance, Nvidia can push Matrox out.

                        I'd hate to see Nvidia claim another manufacturer, as nothing compares with the stability and quality of my G450, it lacks performance. Something that Nvidia has a foothold on, and for cheap.


                        • #42
                          I think nVidia is going to lose it's niche market (3D) soon.

                          On the MultiMonitor front nV is just now coming out with what is comparable in basic features to what Matrox had 3 years ago... and nowhere near the image quality.
                          Last edited by Greebe; 22 February 2002, 15:38.
                          "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                          "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                          • #43
                            Hmm, if nothing else ATI is rumored to be releasing two new cores before the end of the first half of the year, one simply being the speed bumped 8500, the other being their next gen core (rumored to be done by the ArtX guys who did the gamecube core)... plus, as ATI drivers improve performance on the 8500 stuff, it should help remain competetive...

                            VIA is rumored to have some new 3d cores that supposedly kick ass.... will be interesting to see what they turn up... evidentally they are even bidding for the XBOX2 chipset/video core...

                            If Matrox can come out with something that is highly competetive (and i do believe they will), the time is right... its a shame that they are so secretive about what they are doing... i think that has been the major reason that they have lost people to both nvidia and ati...

                            NVidia's chipset market is probably not going to last long, although our AMD rep made it sound like they were whole heartedly endorsing nvidia...

                            Heh, just found on hardocp:
                            Lastly we hear that Matrox will finally introduce a new 3DGaming part called the AZZKICKER. Supposedly it is the next GeForce4 Ti4600 killer that will be fueled by a cross between Matrox, BitBoys, and x-3dfx technology. Plans are to give them away to anyone that shows up with 3 canned goods and uses recycled toilet paper. Sorry, just had to see if you were reading this far down...
                            looking forward to something like that =)
                            "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                            • #44
                              It's true! M announced the 450MMS. Well done, VigilAnt! You've got it. Thank you. Now we have a bit more hope!


                              • #45
                                Five million of G450s have been sold in the past?!? Good work Matrox! Many of us thought that G450 wouldn't be succesfull, but this number (it think) showed us that G450 was (and will be) very succusful...

