"First, that's not a question. It's a statement"
=> my bad when I wrote "THE Parhelia Should be faster than the Nvidia chip in all cases." I should have wroten " Should the pharhelia be faster than nvidia chip in all cases?"
"FAA is done by the hardware on Parhelia. It has it's own hardware to do the calculations. "
You are saying pharhelia FAA is a hardwired function, not a set of available instruction used in order to perform a Algorythm (nb this is also hardware). I hope and think you are wrong, because if you are right is does means that as it is not programable it is not improvable!
"Nothing nVidia has does it, so your statement is INCORRECT, ASSumption wrong. nVidia has no instruction set for doing FAA."
Ok that is what I wanted to know, i was just expecting a anwser a bit less Nvidiotlike.
Something like (!!Ps: I making the following out of my mind it is just a non sence exemple!!)
'in order to perform Fsaa you need to stock the alpha coordonate when drawing polygone, then check that those coordonate are commun to 2 polygones, if they are the vectrice is store while the reste of the scene is rendered Multisampling is performed only on the stoked coord. in order to perform those operation you need to be able to poke data before rendering with is not possible on the gforce pipe' Or something like ' in order to do FAA you need a "*" or a shift function working on 512bit integer, those fonction arent available on other hardware"
Matrox FAA algorithm is propriatary and i doubt that i will find any literature about it . But i think FAA is a technique used in other application and documented I was hoping someone here knew about it...
I'll try to seek answer , that i will gladly post here..
"First, that's not a question. It's a statement"
=> my bad when I wrote "THE Parhelia Should be faster than the Nvidia chip in all cases." I should have wroten " Should the pharhelia be faster than nvidia chip in all cases?"
"FAA is done by the hardware on Parhelia. It has it's own hardware to do the calculations. "
You are saying pharhelia FAA is a hardwired function, not a set of available instruction used in order to perform a Algorythm (nb this is also hardware). I hope and think you are wrong, because if you are right is does means that as it is not programable it is not improvable!
"Nothing nVidia has does it, so your statement is INCORRECT, ASSumption wrong. nVidia has no instruction set for doing FAA."
Ok that is what I wanted to know, i was just expecting a anwser a bit less Nvidiotlike.
Something like (!!Ps: I making the following out of my mind it is just a non sence exemple!!)
'in order to perform Fsaa you need to stock the alpha coordonate when drawing polygone, then check that those coordonate are commun to 2 polygones, if they are the vectrice is store while the reste of the scene is rendered Multisampling is performed only on the stoked coord. in order to perform those operation you need to be able to poke data before rendering with is not possible on the gforce pipe' Or something like ' in order to do FAA you need a "*" or a shift function working on 512bit integer, those fonction arent available on other hardware"
Matrox FAA algorithm is propriatary and i doubt that i will find any literature about it . But i think FAA is a technique used in other application and documented I was hoping someone here knew about it...
I'll try to seek answer , that i will gladly post here..