Yeah I must admit I am a bit ashamed that I went with a GeForce4 Ti4200 a few weeks before the Parhelia launch. In retrospect I really wish I waited and bided my time til I could afford the Parhelia. Sure the GeForce was fast but the 2D was quite blurry. And to make matters worse my house is filled with Matrox cards on older machines. I have 2 G400 32MB cards and a 8MB Millenium mocking me with their vibrant displays on lesser monitors in comparison to the GeForce4 Ti4200 on my Sony G400 monitor. *sigh*... So now I am considering purchasing a Parhelia and chucking that GeForce to my piece of junk second computer to make it a secondary gaming rig/linux dev box.
Now the real question is "Are the differences between an OEM and Retail card worth the extra money?" I have investigated online in Canada and most stores only carry the OEM version of the card for around $515, whereas I can buy the retail card directly from Matrox for $618. Are there some extra features, beyond the bundle and extra MHz that are truly worth the extra $100? I am thinking of tacking the Parhelia onto a P4 2.4B based machine in my next upgrade if that helps in splitting hairs
Now the real question is "Are the differences between an OEM and Retail card worth the extra money?" I have investigated online in Canada and most stores only carry the OEM version of the card for around $515, whereas I can buy the retail card directly from Matrox for $618. Are there some extra features, beyond the bundle and extra MHz that are truly worth the extra $100? I am thinking of tacking the Parhelia onto a P4 2.4B based machine in my next upgrade if that helps in splitting hairs
