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Shiny Spots And Some Email Responses

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  • Shiny Spots And Some Email Responses

    Discussion for the editorial named above and found on should be directed here.

    Good very early morning to you MURC readers out there. After presenting the email down below in the news here, the forums and my inbox have been filled with everything from doom days are in the cards to VigilAnt has it all wrong. I am going to try to paint a more complete picture by keeping this story moving along and will continue to do so until who knows when.

    First, I would like to open this editorial with an email that was sent to me. I will respond to the points made in the email with numerical notations in the email. Note the name of the sender has been left off intentionally for obvious reasons.



    In Matrox's defense their OGL programmers have created a very intresting way to manuver around the simple fact that the parhelia (like the g400 and previous matrox cards) do not support the simple feature of line stippling.

    Line stippling masks out certain fragments produced by rasterization; those fragments will not be drawn. The masking is achieved by using three parameters: the 16-bit line stipple pattern pattern, the repeat count factor, and an integer stipple counter.

    This is extremely important to 3D programs like Lightwave, Maya and 3D studio. Line stippling allows your model to look much higher poly then it actually is by stippling the lines between the points and giving you a curved surface. It uses GL_Bitmap and GL_Drawpixels to do this operation.
    Problem is that the Open GL support on Parhelia doesn't support this at all where as every card going back beyond Geforce series, Radeon 8500 and 7500( previously cards from ATI did not support these features either, when
    catalyst came around that all changed and we actually did see amazing hardware stippling on both of the cards).

    They wrote this tricked out way to do it. He's using Open GL T & L to draw the dotted lines and allow for us to have line stipppling in hardware. Amazing sh*t if you ask me. It's like creating a radio out of a coconut.

    (1)Take back your comment that the people writing the drivers don't know what they are doing. They work with what they have been given and they are doing
    a hell of alot.

    (2)MOre so, you should list these simple features that Matrox lacks to include in their card.

    First I would like to thank the person for responding to me, it takes guts to put yourself out there for all to see.

    Okay, on to responding to the email:
    1. I never commented or even suggested the programmers or driver writers don't know what they are doing. Further, I have not even made a single comment that alludes to Matrox employees being incapable of performing their jobs. Quite the contrary, I have always focused on the root of Matrox's woes by going after the heart of the matter. Management, specifically product management and marketing. They need to let their talents rise to the top and nuture them.

    2. I think you have done a good job of listing a feature yourself. Why not take the time and list up some features you would like to see in the card and post them in this thread and send them to Matrox directly?


    Matrox has a lot going for it, but the powers that be aren't realizing what they have. Instead they are wasting their resources based on poor management decisions. Instead of holding on to the one asset that can grow a company into success, their very own personell, they instead opt to make it hard for them to want to stay and even create an environment where they want to leave. They need to keep the talent they have, and believe me when I say they still have great talent because they really do, and let them strut their stuff. It seems so obvious to the outside people, but for reasons unkown to the outside they continue to make the most basic management follies.

    Onto the next email:
    <I>Hi VigilAnt,


    I just have one thing to say regarding the discussion
    entitled "More On The State Of Matrox" currently on
    the MatroxUsers home page. Wherever "marketing" is
    written in that front page article, I would like you
    to replace that with "management".

    (1)There is a bit of a misconception both inside and
    outside of Matrox. The misconception is that a
    "marketing group" controls the direction of product
    and feature launches, particularly when mistakes are
    being made. This couldn't be futher from the truth.

    (2)It is true that there is a marketing group. Although
    the more accurate term would be web-marketing since
    layoffs and attrition have depleted this group to such
    an extent that it can really only support web
    activities. But the belief that this web-marketing
    group has any decision making power with regards to
    Matrox products and features is completely false. Most
    of the product ideas and startegies that this group
    comes up with fall on deaf ears. The deaf ears of
    management and ownership.

    (3)So please, edit any future discussions accordnigly,
    including those from Haig. *Blip*

    (4)And who knows, maybe management isn't the culprit
    either. Maybe they have more informaiton that I am not
    privy to which would implicate another decision
    maker??? But I'll let management stand up and speak
    for themself if they wish. I'm just trying to defend
    against the ongoing marketing bashing.

    (5)Credit where credit is due and blame where blame is

    Thanks for your time.

    Thank you for taking the time to email me, it is greatly appreciated, and this type of interaction can only help everyone to get a clearer picture of what is going on.

    1. I haven't really said that Marketing itself is responsible for making all the calls, but rather the management there is. Product management, the web marketing, PR, and tech marketing are all under the same management and the shots are called from there. Where those shots are called from above there is really a mystery to most including me. Whether it's the owners or a group of the management, nobody but they really know I suppose.

    2. This is exactly the point I have been trying to get across from my very first editorial last year. Management there seems to be plagued with deaf ears. There are screams and pleas from those who should, and really do, know better as a collective, yet they are many times ignored for no real rhyme or reason.

    3. I will try to make it clearer what I am referring to in the future, but I will call it as I see it regardless. That's why they call these things editorials . As to Haig, I haven't been able to get permission to talk to him, so he is not the source of any of what you would call misconceptions. I think you are really looking at it from a different stand point than what many others in and out of your company see it now.

    4. You may be very correct when considering this as a possibility, but beware that I am pointing to the top nonetheless. The people working there are not the problem in my eyes.

    5. That's what I try to do every day.


    On to my VigilRant now. I apologize in advance if this gets side tracked or long winded.

    Matrox Graphics has most of the right pieces in place for success. They have quality employees, even after the resignations, layoffs, and losses to other companies. They have a strong name recognition, some very bright owners, a
    person running the game that knows an awful lot about graphics cards, two other successful divisions, a long standing name in the industry, some very ingenious technology, and a very loyal user base. What they need to do now is bring it all together for it to work. They need to focus on expanding and letting their resources work for them, infuse more resources if necessary, and reach for markets. Instead it seems they are narrowing their focus down to things that are a bit off the mark, focusing on shrinking, and removing the resources. They definitely aren't making good use of what they have available to them now. If Matrox came out with a line of cards tomorrow that would be even on a par with the top ATI card performance wise, kept their 2D in check, and focused on having the absolute best in terms of final product, they would have rave reviews from all over. There would be a line of customers wanting to put in even their lower end offerings. If they want to focus on the 3D workstation market, they are going about it all wrong if you ask me. Sure the triple head is great, but what good does it do if there is interference all over the displays when doing work? What good does it do if frames are rendered at a snail's pace? If they want to take a market, they need to go for the throat and give it their best shot. Instead, like the email from a few days ago said, they throw the dart then mark the target around it (make a card, see where the chips lay, then market around the flaws...even ignoring some glaring flaws in their product with regards to who they are marketing to). Wake up, smell the PCB and solder. Its time to put your minds to work and focus on what it is you want to achieve. Then let the productive minds there get to work on what you have decided on, and have vigilance in going after your intended audience when producing that product. That is what makes companies like Tyan, BMW, Infiniti, Mattell, Sony, MTV/viacom, etc so successful. They know who they are selling to, and they spare no expense in not only reaching out to their intended audience, but encouraging them to grow with them. Now it's your turn. If any of the folks at Matrox would like to respond, feel free. I am very interested in hearing what PR and the upper management have to say, I have a pretty good understanding of what those under them already have to say, but comments from all around are always welcome.

    Last edited by VigilAnt; 28 October 2002, 22:37.

  • #2
    Um...Well said
    The underlying fact of the essence of life is if you stand on your head everything becomes upsid edown


    • #3
      Hehe I am sorry bad this is funny. Lets start the blame game now. This is what is wrong in Matrox and as Vigilant pointed out it is the Management's fault and not only the upper management but also the lower management. Ofcourse as always this is an outcome of lack of communication or rather proper management skills. A proper management would never let this happen in a company. I would say the fact that people from matrox "representing" various departments have actually emailed Vigilant is an indication that they are in big trouble.

      I hope all goes well with Matrox.


      • #4
        "Hehe I am sorry bad this is funny."
        I am sorry, but it is not funny. It is sad that many people who are dedicated to performing their jobs are losing them right now. How that is funny, I do not know. Many people had to leave their friends at Matrox Graphics and that also is very stressful.

        " Lets start the blame game now. "
        I don't see a whole lot of backbiting between the divisions so much as I see management washing their hands of the problems. The employees there are actually very good.

        "This is what is wrong in Matrox and as Vigilant pointed out it is the Management's fault and not only the upper management but also the lower management. "
        Lower management is nothing if they are not allowed to have power in their jobs.

        "Ofcourse as always this is an outcome of lack of communication or rather proper management skills."
        I would rather call it lack of fore thought and research than lack of communciation.

        " A proper management would never let this happen in a company. I would say the fact that people from matrox "representing" various departments have actually emailed Vigilant is an indication that they are in big trouble."
        What is disturbing is that not only are there employees from within (who are sticking up for Matrox, and no I haven't posted their messages), but also they are former employees who echo what's going on inside.

        "I hope all goes well with Matrox. "
        So do I.



        • #5
          Nice work VigilAnt!

          Keep up the good work.

          I sure hope you get some answers from management soon(tm). They just can't do this out of pure evil so I hope they have something smart coming. (or can a human be evil? how about management ??? )


          • #6
            ...yes, communication, internal and external, is first line importance in any undertaking. When communications, interpersonal and/or corporate go faulty, everything begins to break down. Since this is something that usually creeps in over a longer stretch of time and has become so entrenched, that even when people do wake up, many people are so anchored in the old patterns they have difficulty opening up to something new. And to each other.

            It is typical in privately owned companies of longer standing that over time, personal relationships and rivalries grow complicated and fixed, and as a consequence the flow of communications, work, ideas, creativity and reporting get blocked, bottlenecked, defused and even falsified. It becomes a real tangle of of long simmering emotions and thoughts about who is right, who is wrong, who's to blame, what to do and of course, what-the-****!

            When through utter frustration this begins to move outside the company it's time to really wake up. Clamping down, glossing over, denying and manipulating only makes things much, much worse.

            I have been observing the growing symptoms of the breakdown of personal relations and communications at Matrox for some time now. It shows up in many places, in communications, miss-communications and non-communications. But it is most glaring in technical support, where a group of straight guys who only like to give straight answers, have to dodge, shuffle and redirect.

            And BTW, the majority of questions and problems in the threads of the Matrox tech forums are not over the Parhelia.

            And while I'm at it, though it's a free world and a free forum, posters at MURC generally fall into three categories:

            1. Friends and friends of friends of a guy who's not looking too good and sincerely want to get him to a good doctor.

            2. Gawkers and ambulance chasers at the scene of an accident or crime.

            3. Ghouls, grave-diggers, tomb raiders and lawyers.

            What is helpful and what is not, and what is serving someone else's interests?
            How can you possibly take anything seriously?
            Who cares?


            • #7
              I think matrox are taking the silly path.
              They have the murc where the can see where the wind is blowing and inside the murc there's the crystal ball where anyone can see what features are the most important at least to murcers.
              If anyone in the power positions wanted to know what the consumer wants, he wouldn't have to spend money on researches, statistics or whatever. All they have to do is to go down to the people - the murc - US.

              Thus I conclude that the problem isn't deaf ears but rather a numb skull. Maybe they're too old and too tired, in this case, they should go on an early retirement and let some fresh young minds sit at the helm.


              • #8
                ...well, I think Matrox is trying to find the path again, but MURC isn't an accurate reflection of the real market and we don't know what their sales figures from what markets really are. You might be surprised if you saw them.

                Matrox has been mainly a technology company, and their problems are typical of such companies when they reach a certain size and encounter aggressive competition in the consumer market as opposed to the professional/technical market. The professional/technical market has some modicum of decorum and common sense, whereas the consumer market is a shark feed frenzy.

                I have a saying, "If you are going to swim in shark infested waters, you had better be a shark."

                I don't think anybody at Matrox is stupid or a numbskull, but perhaps overwhelmed and underpowered/underfinanced. It is obvious they have the talent and the creativity, but perhaps they have temporarily lost their flow and the thread.

                Perhaps they have hacked when they should have pruned, gotten mixed up, or even panicked, in their planning and timing, and listened to the loudest voices instead of the most competent voices, but this is also typical of a somewhat closed society, which a privately owned company is.

                The worst thing is to become driven by the market instead of driving in the market to the destinations you know best. Dolphins are very skillful at killing sharks, but the trick is to know where to hit and where to give it a miss. In the frenzy, sharks eat sharks and anything in sight, so it is better to stay out of the frenzy and choose where and what you want to eat.

                Matrox has been seeking their path for a while now, and the Parhelia, even in it's present state, isn't a bad start down the right one. They've just got to get all their resources and troops trotting on the same path.

                As Abe Lincoln didn't say,

                You can please some of the people all of the time,
                you can please all of the people some of the time,
                but you can't please all of the people all of the time.
                How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                Who cares?


                • #9
                  They've been swimming with the sharks for quite a few years and even beat them in the ir own game - Matrox Millenium was editors choice in magazines all over the world and was in OEM computers all over. It surpassed Ati Mach64 and No.9 Imagine 128. In 1996, Matrox were the top dog.
                  The millenium 2 was also a big success as the 'killer combo' everywhere was Millenium II + Voodooo because Matrox had the best signal that was almost unaffected by the voodoo passthrough.


                  • #10
                    It seems that the situation of Matrox is getting even worse than the time before Parhelia. I never imagined that this could happen. I feel sad as a Matrox sympthizer. But I'm becoming more and more unpatient too, as a Matrox customer. Faith is not unbreakable.


                    • #11
                      It's like creating a radio out of a coconut.
                      a quote to remember
                      no matrox, no matroxusers.


                      • #12
                        Well I'm sure upper management will be reading these by now. Sure we aren't the BEST segment to target, but seriously, its the enthusiast/highend crowd that drives technology and advancements. The workstation market is the Formula 1 of graphics cards. Everything there will filter down into the consumer market eventually.

                        If the enthusiast wants a particular feature set, then the consumers probably want it too, they just don't realise it yet. I doubt anyone wanted paddle gear shifts without a clutch, yet because of development in the top level, at least consumers can imagine having them. Triple Head is the way of the future for sure, but hopefully Matrox management will realise that there has to be other things, which this usergroup has asked for.

                        They REALLY need to kick ATI's and NVidia's ass with the Parhelia2, so that NVidia starts releasing workstation cards into the consumer market to keep up. Matrox's strengths are being hurt badly because they won't pull their finger out and make it happen. Shiny specs and hype don't beat raw performance.

                        Copyright Leigh William Hardwick, 2002


                        • #13
                          Some interesting e-mails

                          some quotes:
                          "In Matrox's defense their OGL programmers have created a very intresting way to manuver around the simple fact that the parhelia (like the g400 and previous matrox cards) do not support the simple feature of line stippling."

                          I was thinking is this a part of the occlusion unit ?

                          So the Parhelia lacks a few features, big suprise

                          Another thing, most people at Matrox work there for only 3 years (not sure if thats correct, but anyway ). So they lack experience and they are learning .
                          Hey! You're talking to me all wrong! It's the wrong tone! Do it again...and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron


                          • #14
                            Mutz. hehe who supplies your toys!
                            Originally posted by mutz

                            I don't think anybody at Matrox is stupid or a numbskull, but perhaps overwhelmed and underpowered/underfinanced. It is obvious they have the talent and the creativity, but perhaps they have temporarily lost their flow and the thread.
                            I think this is a good reflection of what we've been seeing

                            To make matters worse they are falling into a trap where
                            in order to keep up profits they're slicing away at the core of
                            the company

                            "Financially most people haven't got raises there in about 3 years, paid overtime stopped 2 years"

                            and we also know that support has been heavily chopped, which
                            is typical 1920's mentality. Since your support deals with the customer daily, they tend to have their pulse. (In the last few years we've only seen matrox support people posting on these
                            forums, and interacting with people)
                            No raise in 3 years, and no paid overtime..
                            As I posted earlier, My Condolences.
                            But this alone leads to a "Hate your company" mentality, And if they're not paying overtime. then how do you expect to run a company in the crunch. They should at least give cost of living
                            raises.. or avoid donating rasises to local universities.

                            Take back your comment that the people writing the drivers don't know what they are doing. They work with what they have been given and they are doing

                            This coder posts this message, but he still left out as to why,
                            after so many years, the OGL code isn't up to par with the competition? We can definately see they have real talent
                            what is the reason? It almost seems like thier OGL code team
                            consists of less than 4 people (forced to work OT for free), or that the hardware is really that bad that 90% of their time is spent on finding hacks.
                            I would really like that person to clarify this a bit, and also where
                            are the 9x drivers for parhelia??

                            So please, edit any future discussions accordnigly,including those from Haig.

                            Do I detect friction here?? Does it appear that Marketing bears a
                            grudge against Haig? I've seached through the forums here, and
                            haven't seen one post from Haig slamming or moching anyone, quite to the contrary, all of his postings are to help people who
                            have problems.. So from this we can infer that Marketing and Management appear to be in some sort of state of denial, which would be typical..
                            Why wouldn't box art like a guy on the couch sell like hotcakes??
                            Ahh!! must be supports fault.. Fire some, and no more raises!!
                            Can't be managemnts and marketings fault!!!


                            • #15
                              What i fear is that all of us bitching and whining over here and calling for the head of the pres and for Haig to take his place could possibly be misconstrued as Haig's little project to hate management, etc, and could wind up with upper management really pissed off at him...

                              This is a fairly volatile situation, and lets leave Haig out of this as much as possible... he is just another human being who currently has a job, and i would preferably like it to stay that way, plstks... he does a damn good job and really does know the pulse of the customers, and without him running technical support dealing with Matrox would be worse than dealing with ATI...
                              "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz

