Just had to replace my motherboard at work (CPU died ). I went for a ASUS A7N8X2.0 motherboard with a AMD XP2500+ CPU( ). From time to time we play MOHAA at work for some good frustration release. On the old motherboard (K7T266PRO) the G450 had a decent frame rate, nothing spectacular, but it was playable at 640x480.
For some reason, the frame rate on the G450 now with the new motherboard is worst. Now the game is unplayable. I have installed the latest nVidia chipset driver, but no luck. I have check all DirectX setting and test, the G450 drivers pass all the test. What give??. Reading through forums the G450 should work with this motherboard. The cards work well in 2D.
Help!!!!!!, I need to play MOHAA for my own sanity!!!
I am using:
- G450, drivers 5.91.008, latest
- Win 2000, SP4 and on and one hotfix
- ASUS A7N82.0
- AMD XP2500+
- Onboard sound card from the motherboard
Note: I try the game with a SB128 PCI card, same result.
Any help or wisdom would be appreciated
Cheers!, Steph
For some reason, the frame rate on the G450 now with the new motherboard is worst. Now the game is unplayable. I have installed the latest nVidia chipset driver, but no luck. I have check all DirectX setting and test, the G450 drivers pass all the test. What give??. Reading through forums the G450 should work with this motherboard. The cards work well in 2D.
Help!!!!!!, I need to play MOHAA for my own sanity!!!
I am using:
- G450, drivers 5.91.008, latest
- Win 2000, SP4 and on and one hotfix
- ASUS A7N82.0
- AMD XP2500+
- Onboard sound card from the motherboard
Note: I try the game with a SB128 PCI card, same result.
Any help or wisdom would be appreciated
Cheers!, Steph