Originally posted by albatorsk
Used to have a Parhelia. Probably excellent hardware, but I'll never know, since it lacked functioning drivers. After a year of waiing for Matrox to release something working, I gave up and got a Radeon 9600. It's twice as fast and it has excellent driver support. Well, at least compared to the Parhelia
Used to have a Parhelia. Probably excellent hardware, but I'll never know, since it lacked functioning drivers. After a year of waiing for Matrox to release something working, I gave up and got a Radeon 9600. It's twice as fast and it has excellent driver support. Well, at least compared to the Parhelia
And a 9600 is not alway 'as twice as fast', perhaps in specific (openGL?) games, but in Unreal2 based games for example, the original Parhelia with latest drivers is at the level of a 9500 vanilla.