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my observations and problems

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  • my observations and problems

    I've found some interesting things out since Friday night, when I installed my G400 Max. I thought I'd join the group here (yes, I'm a newbie to this forum) and share some of my findings and see if anyone knows of any fixes/workarounds or if these are known bugs:

    1) System Shock 2. With the latest 5.21 drivers, the door portal textures waver and are corrupted. I've seen another post on with another user having the same problem. Backing off to the drivers on the CD fix that problem, but slow the whole game down until it's not worth playing.

    2) KPRadiant (QERadiant) will not run in any mode but the multi-monitor mode. With DualHead disabled or in close/zoom mode, it crashes when it loads textures.

    3) Number 2 would be acceptable, but then I've not been able to play a single OPENGL game in multi-monitor mode. I'm back in dualhead disabled and bingo, the games load again. What's up with that? Are they doing something proprietary that's overriding OPENGL when you're in multimonitor mode?

    Right now I'm doing a lot of Kingpin map development. I have to go into multimonitor mode to develop, change my video card settings, reboot, and the launch kingpin to test it. Now it seems a bit silly to have to do this since the point behind multimonitor is that I should be able to develop in one window, and test in another.

    Any thoughts, ideas, fixes? Any news on new drivers down the pipe that will fix some of this?

  • #2
    4) I had a window open on my second monitor, switched back to dualhead disabled and couldn't get that window back into my main screen. My hotkeys I set up wouldn't work. Anyone know how to get them back other than going back into dual monitor mode again?


    • #3
      OpenGL does not work in Multi-monitor mode at this point. Hopefully some day it will.

      To get a window back onto your main monitor, right click on it's taskbar icon, and select "move". Then use your arrow keys to slide it back over.
      Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


      • #4
        Now those are the kind of thing you should know up front. I researched that card for 2 months before buying it and never read that OPENGL didn't work in multimonitor mode. If I didn't have to reboot it wouldn't be so bad having to switch back and forth to build Kinpin maps and to test Kingpin maps..

        Thanks for the suggestion on moving my windows back onto my screen. I'd tried that with the mouse and it didn't work. Next time I'll try the keyboard.


        • #5
          Good news! I reported the door texture problems on my G400Max w/5.21 and SystemShock2, and I got the following response:

          "We tested that game today and noticed the same artifacts. We advised our
          SQA department and we are looking into this."

          They're also going to try and reproduce my kpradiant problems and see if they can get those fixed up..


          • #6
            Just got Drakan, they said they found the problems I discovered with it too:

            ********* From Matrix Tech Supp **********

            We also noticed the same problem. we are working on fixing this also. ROM
            should post the latest fixes soon on the forum for the next drivers to
            come. Disabling Bump mapping in the drivers seem to fix some if these
            issues... but again, I think that this does not happen with the 5.13.



            At 07:49 AM 10/09/99 -0500, you wrote:
            >Do you want me to add a new incident, or do you just want to know that when
            >you break barrels in Drakan - Order of the Flame, the broken piece textures
            >corrupt the video too? They flash pink and all sorts of bright colors
            >instead of their correct textures. I used the default setup, but turned
            >EBM on and at 1024x768. I didn't try tweaking the settings to get it to go

