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G400 -> Opengl, Unreal, Overclocking

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  • G400 -> Opengl, Unreal, Overclocking

    Hi there. I'm totally new to the G400, so don't fry me completely, please =).

    I got everything running resonably on my system now, but for some reason TGL won't run with unreal (Napali). The ICD works, but is slow as FXXC even in 640x480. I don't even know if i did the install correctly, I just renamed the TGL to opengl32.dll in unreal/system, and choosed opengl as renderer (after installing TGL correctly, offcoz). It crashes my system toally.

    Have i missed something? I'm running the latest drivers (think it was 5.3), and everything else runs fine with TGL.

    While I'm at it, what have u guys got your G400Max's overclocked to?



    Athlon 500/128mb/7200rpm/
    Athlon 800@1GHz/MSI 6167/256mb/7200rpm UD66/SB128/G400Max/Win98/Win2k/RH6.2/Be5

  • #2
    Skip OpenGL in Unreal and use D3D. It's GORGEOUS to look at. Epic abandoned OpenGL in Unreal long ago. Switch to D3D and all will be well. I deathmatch with it all the time in 1024x768x32bit. And my system ain't near as powerful as yours. TurboGL only works with OpenGL games that work right.

    The Rock
    "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed."
    -- Albert Einstein

