The reason you got comments like you did is not because you are returning your G400, it's because you came back and bitched because your post had not been replied to after a few hours. You know most people here are not hawking over the forums hitting refresh just to jump at every post. Common sense will tell you that if you would have just been patient, you would have gotten help. But you obviously have no sense, that is why you decided to throw a little temper fit on our forum when people didn't come in catering to your every need. That is why you were told to get a life; understand? This forum is one of the most helpful and courteous places you will find, but we also have NO use for pissy little brats who think that they can come in and be pushy and obnoxious. People that act like you have will get no help. I am very happy that you have chosen a card other than Matrox, that will mean that you will not be posting here. Goodbye and Good Riddance

I have seen the new Q3 on a TNT2 as well, and you are correct, the corruption is not there. I have also seen it on my V3 3000, and it is there with the MGL but not with the "ICD". On my G400, the only time I see this with the current drivers is when using the ICD and not the TGL.
[This message has been edited by Rags (edited 27 November 1999).]
The reason you got comments like you did is not because you are returning your G400, it's because you came back and bitched because your post had not been replied to after a few hours. You know most people here are not hawking over the forums hitting refresh just to jump at every post. Common sense will tell you that if you would have just been patient, you would have gotten help. But you obviously have no sense, that is why you decided to throw a little temper fit on our forum when people didn't come in catering to your every need. That is why you were told to get a life; understand? This forum is one of the most helpful and courteous places you will find, but we also have NO use for pissy little brats who think that they can come in and be pushy and obnoxious. People that act like you have will get no help. I am very happy that you have chosen a card other than Matrox, that will mean that you will not be posting here. Goodbye and Good Riddance

I have seen the new Q3 on a TNT2 as well, and you are correct, the corruption is not there. I have also seen it on my V3 3000, and it is there with the MGL but not with the "ICD". On my G400, the only time I see this with the current drivers is when using the ICD and not the TGL.
[This message has been edited by Rags (edited 27 November 1999).]