OK Myself and Hex have compared our settings and done some timedemo's in Q3. We set our gfx options up exactly the same 800*600 in q3 32Bit everything, Full Textures, Medium Geometry, Trilinier, Gibs and Marks on Walls Off.
Hex 39.7 FPS
Myself 54.2 FPS
Hex's system :
Athlon 700 (OEM)
128 PC133 Generic SDRam
Asus K7M Motherboard
Matrox G400Max.
Sound Blaster Platinum Live,
Intel 100/10 Ethernet Card.
300 Watt PSU
AGP 2x (checked to see if its on)
Had my Graphics Apendeture size @ 256 and 128, no difference.
My G400Max is sharing an irq with a place holder.
Windows 98 SR2
Latest Powerdesk, Latest TurboGL Drivers.
My system is as below except I have Borrowed a TNT2U off one of my friends, not a great card but faster than my G200
Now I don't know about everyone else but I think there is something seriously wrong here. I'm wh00ping him in the FPS stakes and i have a much slower processor and I have borrowed a card that is know to be below G400Max in both performace and quality. Can anybody shed some light on this ??
We have benchmarked with and without vsync turned off and also tried forcing agp1x and agp2x on his system. he also completely reinstalled windows on his machine and put all the latest drivers for everthing on when he did, including latest 4in1 latest agp drivers and G400 drivers on last.
Help would be greatly appretiated as we are tearing our hair out here
all boy does that G400 look pretty
Celery 366 @ 550,Abit BM6, 128Mb PC100 Ram, G200 8Mb, AWE64 Gold, Win98SE.
Hex 39.7 FPS
Myself 54.2 FPS
Hex's system :
Athlon 700 (OEM)
128 PC133 Generic SDRam
Asus K7M Motherboard
Matrox G400Max.
Sound Blaster Platinum Live,
Intel 100/10 Ethernet Card.
300 Watt PSU
AGP 2x (checked to see if its on)
Had my Graphics Apendeture size @ 256 and 128, no difference.
My G400Max is sharing an irq with a place holder.
Windows 98 SR2
Latest Powerdesk, Latest TurboGL Drivers.
My system is as below except I have Borrowed a TNT2U off one of my friends, not a great card but faster than my G200

Now I don't know about everyone else but I think there is something seriously wrong here. I'm wh00ping him in the FPS stakes and i have a much slower processor and I have borrowed a card that is know to be below G400Max in both performace and quality. Can anybody shed some light on this ??
We have benchmarked with and without vsync turned off and also tried forcing agp1x and agp2x on his system. he also completely reinstalled windows on his machine and put all the latest drivers for everthing on when he did, including latest 4in1 latest agp drivers and G400 drivers on last.
Help would be greatly appretiated as we are tearing our hair out here

Celery 366 @ 550,Abit BM6, 128Mb PC100 Ram, G200 8Mb, AWE64 Gold, Win98SE.