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K7V + Athlon 700 + G400 Trouble

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  • K7V + Athlon 700 + G400 Trouble

    I have an Athlon 700 running on an Asus K7V motherboard. My video card is a Matrox G400 32 meg dualhead.

    The problem i'm having is this: I can't get quake 2 or quake 3 to work.

    I've tried the following, copy over the g400icl.dl_ from drivers version 5.41 to version 5.52 and then install them, but it's still not working. I think i have the turbo drivers install from when i setup the 5.41 drivers, it automatically sets up the turbo drivers for quake 2 and quake 3. How do i remove them? I did use the matrox uninstall program to remove v5.41 drivers.

    Could someone please help me out. I've been having so much trouble with this card it's not funny.


  • #2
    Look for the file OpenGL32.dll in you game directories and remove it. DO NOT remove the one in the Windows\System directory.


    [This message has been edited by Joel (edited 05 May 2000).]
    Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


    System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
    OS: Windows XP Pro.
    Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


    • #3

      I removed those files from teh quake 2 and quake 3 dir's. I tried to load up quake 3 and it loaded up, i was moving through some options and it locked up on me. Any ideas?



      • #4
        Try this.

        1st Install the VIA 4-1 driver, Install the VIAGART driver as Turbo. The rest just ignore as Win98SE hv support.

        2nd. Install PD 5.41. Copy the G400ICD.dll to a temp folder.

        3rd Remove the PD5.41 and install the PD5.52 driver to attain DX7 video driver. Then replaced the PD 5.52's G400ICD.dll with the PD 5.41's g400icd.dll driver.

        Quake 3 will works only PD 5.41 G400ICD.dll.
        Strictly no TurboGL. Its wont work.

        This shld fix it.

        K7V with BIOS 1005
        G400 PD5.52 with 5.41's g400icd.dll driver
        VIA 4-1 4.20 driver
        128mb PC100 SDRAM

        Go kick some ass


        • #5

          I'll give that a try tonight. Hopefully that will work. I don't have the new bios updated on my machine yet, so i can do that tonight. I'll letya know how i make out.



          • #6
            Restart your system in savedmode.
            Try to delete ALL your Matrox- and opengl- drivers u can find (:> in the registry too!)
            -reinstall latest DirectX
            -resinstall your G400 using the latest
            If that doesn´t run try a formation of ur
            HD (it´s rad but its clean)
            good luck

            & also try TURBOGL; i.t. r.o.c.k.s.!

            Tomorrow I also want to buy an Athlon700;
            I´ll use the g400 32mb SH & the FIC SD11 with
            128mb; perhaps we could compare fps in Q3???


            • #7

              Thanks for your advice. I did it all and everything works perfect now. I formated and followed what you said and it worked perfect. I can now play quake 2 and quake 3..



              • #8
                Have the exact same configuration but W2K.
                Q3 hangs computer on intro or in menu, but seems like only after some time (I pressed Escape to bypass intro and got to menu) - like 2-3 seconds. (oh... and actualy same thing happens with any opengl application)

                5.04 drivers, had to upgrade bios to 1004 beta to make g400 run at all.
                Matrox Millenium P750 bios 1.3 - 12, P4 3Ghz HT 800Mhz, Asus P4P800 Deluxe, 1Gb DDR400 Dual Channel, Dual Seagate 80Gb S-ATA on Intel Raid level 0, Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1302, external Yamaha CD-RW CRW-F1DX on Firewire, Microsoft Natural Elite keyboard, Microsoft Intellimouse Optical, Viewsonic P90F, Viewsonic PF790


                • #9

                  I upgrade my Asus K7V to bios 1005 yesterday. It just came out. It works perfectly too.

                  Ok here's something for you to try. Go to your quake 3 dir and look for opengl32.dll file. If it's there, delete it. Then try running quake 3. See if that works.

                  Let me know,


                  • #10
                    But let me describe what I did before I read your message (I will try 1005 today evening).
                    1) Used Tom's method - got CPU to AGP working.
                    2) W2K started crashing when it tried to switch to graphics display (that is from that ugly VGA 60 Hz ;-) - all the time, just restarted computer.
                    3) upgraded to 5.06 drivers - didn't help
                    4) Weird stuff: once got everything working when pressed F8 on startup and selected Debugging Mode - even Q3 worked, but oly once after restart have the same 2), also sometimes began getting screen with crap on it (you know... blue lines and dots... ;-)
                    5) Removed thouse lines from machine.inf, removed CPU to AGP bridge, windows installed all drivers (for that PCI-PCI bridge ;-)
                    6) Windows started stopping on loading drivers (on VGA screen)
                    7) Loaded BIOS defaults, updated configuration - now it works, q3 does not...

                    Summary: seems that Q3 doesn't work if you do not have AGP. Why? Why opengl wants it???
                    Seems I am back to Q1 TF... This time on 1200x1024.. )

                    [This message has been edited by Arsa (edited 05 May 2000).]

                    [This message has been edited by Arsa (edited 05 May 2000).]
                    Matrox Millenium P750 bios 1.3 - 12, P4 3Ghz HT 800Mhz, Asus P4P800 Deluxe, 1Gb DDR400 Dual Channel, Dual Seagate 80Gb S-ATA on Intel Raid level 0, Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1302, external Yamaha CD-RW CRW-F1DX on Firewire, Microsoft Natural Elite keyboard, Microsoft Intellimouse Optical, Viewsonic P90F, Viewsonic PF790


                    • #11
                      Hi Kride....

                      Way to go manz.

                      I'm happy tat u managed to get all issues Ironed out. Shld u hv any query. Drop me a note then.

                      Driver update for the G400 is kinda slow lately. Any user with KX133 and G400 got to do some juggling. I was just guessing. Its simply too much work made out for a ordinary user.

                      Guessed, its life..

                      Remember....TurboGL wont work on KX133 based system. So pls use the default ICD driver. Some FPS drop. But its work.

                      Hv fun~


                      • #12

                        I'm finally glad i have it all working now too. I just did some FPS tests on quake 2. Running in 640x480 i get 110 FPS, thats without any tweaking, well very minimal. And at 800x600 i get about 96 fps. I'm quite pleased with that now. I'll fool around with some settings and try to get it up a bit more!

                        Once again, thanks for your help. I'll drop you a line if i run into any further trouble.



                        • #13

                          ;-)... Nothin wrong with Q1! hehe

                          So did you give the new bios a try yet? If so, any luck?

                          I find the driver support for win2k the shits. Thats why i went back to win98se.. Way way better IMHO!

                          You might wanna consider that if you still don't have any luck!



                          • #14
                            Still haven´t got my cash yet...
                            ...will...blow...the bank...!!!...

                   the way," no probs with Q1?"
                            are you running it in software???
                            the new (& unofficial) GLpatch for
                            Q1 really kicks ass, but the g400
                            doesn´t seem to be compatible with
                            GLIDE... ( OR are there any
                            GLIDE-drivers for g400 // Q1?????


                            • #15

                              In a previous post you said maybe we can compare Q3 FPS.. How do i test my FPS in Q3? Is it the same as Q2?

                              Please let me know.


