I think I know what's going on. V-sync is messing with your frame rates. First thing to do is make sure that HL is running the same refresh rate as your desktop. To do this, make sure you have your monitor properly selected in windows, then customize your display modes using monitor settings in Powerdesk. Make sure you customize the display mode you run HL/TFC in, and make sure you tell powerdesk to allow windows to use that customization. Next thing to do is get the MTSU (it's the tech support's tweak utility), and disable v-sync in OpenGL, and maybe even check the box that says optimize for speed. Report back to let me know how this works for you.
I think I know what's going on. V-sync is messing with your frame rates. First thing to do is make sure that HL is running the same refresh rate as your desktop. To do this, make sure you have your monitor properly selected in windows, then customize your display modes using monitor settings in Powerdesk. Make sure you customize the display mode you run HL/TFC in, and make sure you tell powerdesk to allow windows to use that customization. Next thing to do is get the MTSU (it's the tech support's tweak utility), and disable v-sync in OpenGL, and maybe even check the box that says optimize for speed. Report back to let me know how this works for you.