Originally posted by Maggi:
Further the G400 does not support palletized textures a.f.a.i.k. and therefore you should set it to UsePalette=0 in order to make it more comparable to the G400 and most likely get a lot more details on your screen.
Besides tha I still didn't have the time to reinstall UT and thus I couldn't check out whether the G400 can use those S3TC textures or not.
Anybody found out yet whether the textures itself are stored uncompressed ?
Further the G400 does not support palletized textures a.f.a.i.k. and therefore you should set it to UsePalette=0 in order to make it more comparable to the G400 and most likely get a lot more details on your screen.
Besides tha I still didn't have the time to reinstall UT and thus I couldn't check out whether the G400 can use those S3TC textures or not.
Anybody found out yet whether the textures itself are stored uncompressed ?
Haven't checked the S3TC textures but probably they are stored like the rest of the textures. However, if you were to run with these textures uncompressed on a G400 you'll see a big performance hit, even if you were able to fit them into texture memory. The G400 has (if my very scientific researching is correct