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  • #31
    Yeah...and you do realise I was kidding?
    Meet Jasmine.


    • #32
      I will keep an eye on the name Novdid in pathfinder.

      We could play some RTCW in the weekends, except this weekend cause i'm away playing RTCW on a LAN .
      Main: Dual Xeon LV2.4Ghz@3.1Ghz | 3X21" | NVidia 6800 | 2Gb DDR | SCSI
      Second: Dual PIII 1GHz | 21" Monitor | G200MMS + Quadro 2 Pro | 512MB ECC SDRAM | SCSI
      Third: Apple G4 450Mhz | 21" Monitor | Radeon 8500 | 1,5Gb SDRAM | SCSI


      • #33
        Originally posted by Pace
        Yeah...and you do realise I was kidding?
        Nope, thought you were dead serious How about instead I call you a neomaxizoomdweebie?

        Wah! Wah!

        In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Yxalitis
          Well, an attractive female gamer is fairly unique, 99% of gamers are male, and ugly, fat ones at that! Actually I used to work with a girly gamer, who was quite the looker as well, but she NEVER revealed her sex online, going by aka's like: "Manly stud muffin", or "big strong he-man"! If ever caught out, she would slip in some comment about "rolling down the stairs" implying a weight problem, to throw horny teenagers off the scent. I am surprised Liz is so open, I have seen another forum a few years ago that absolutely hounded a girl poster, because she procalaimed to be "15 and lonely" Liz must be made of tougher stuff!

          PS, no, I am not fat, but I aint no Brad Pitt either!
          i'm open because i could care less. i dont give a shit if the gaming world knows im a girl. i dont think up retarded names like "sexygorgeousgamer" etc.. because well thats just lame. those people are the girls that get in the games to meet guys online. god that annoys the **** out of me, if your going to sit there and chat every 5 seconds then **** off.. i'm there to play and kill goddamnit. but anyway getting back to it.

          in the earlier days of Ut, lets say back in 99-00, when i got into games playing, i would be playing against people and they would catch on i really was a girl, and they would always say "Lizzard, are you really a girl?" i would say yes then they would attempt to kick my ass. ha.. poor souls. anyway, actually from what i found, if the guys knew you were a girl, that would try to make a bigger point of killing you off as in thinking. "**** i cant get beat by a girl at a video game" so i didnt get any slack cos i was a girl thats bs to whomever said that i cant remember now.

          so my point is.. im not sure i have one.... yeah i do... i'm not 15 in lonely i'm a gamer.. not a girl gamer.. a gamer that will kick your ass. so thats my outlook on it when i join games ::grinz::

          but yeah Jw.... feel my revenge when i move my pc to the living room, its hard as hell to play with the mouse and keyboard on your legs.. have you ever tried that before? bloody insane that.


          • #35
            yeah ok screw the desk



            • #36
              Oh Liz, you may want to change your by-line:
              Man Dies After 86 Hours Non-stop Gaming

              A 24-year-old South Korean man has died after gaming nonstop with no sleep or meal breaks for 86 hours.

              A 24-year-old South Korean man has died after gaming nonstop with no sleep or meal breaks for 86 hours, Korean police have said.

              The unemployed man was identified by police by his last name 'Kim', and was found dead yesterday at an Internet cafe in Kwangju, a town 260 kilometres south-west of Seoul city.

              According to witnesses, police detective Oh Myong-sik stated that the man had been virtually glued to the computer since late last Friday and had no decent sleep or meals.

              The man collapsed in front of the counter early yesterday but soon regained consciousness. He then went to the toilet where he later was found dead, the police officer said.

              Maybe your parents were telling the truth after all!
              Life is a ride
              Like days on a train
              Cities rush by
              Like ghosts in the night


              • #37
                That is old news and the guys was a broke who didn't have a job so he pld CS for too long without sleep or food or drink and paid the price


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Lizzard[MPE]
                  yeah ok screw the desk

                  There's some instant kill, last man standing thing going on there right now.

