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Chessmaster 10th Edition

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  • #46
    why is this a stalemate?

    According to Chessmaster, I'm now in stalemate. What’s up with that? I can Mate anytime with rook:a7. I was messing around in the endgame because I won so decisively (against a really bad computer player); I was trying to see how many pawns I could queen, when all of a sudden the game stopped and I was told I had stalemate. I don't get it. What am I missing?
    Attached Files
    P.S. You've been Spanked!


    • #47

      When a player cannot make any legal move, but he is not in check, then the player is said to be stalemated. In a case of a stalemate, the game is a draw.


      • #48
        oh, I though it was just if there was no way for me to force him into check. ok, I get it.
        P.S. You've been Spanked!


        • #49
          Wow, the Academy system is really nice. I've owned Chessmaster before but I seem to remember having a lot of trouble with the interface. This version seems cleaner. Also, I remember it crashing a lot. No such problems this time. I like this version quite a bit. I'm learning about a lot of strategic concepts that I didn't know about before. I can see how I'm very slowly developing an instinct. It's funny how I'll be doing really well for a while and then I make a dumb move and the computer just wipes me out.

          It's amazing how in the Academy Josh would describe the psychological aspects of various strategies and then you can see the computer them happening when you play the game.

          @Helevitia, I’ll be up for some matches next weekend if you’re around. Out of curiosity, what rank player do you normally play against? How badly am I about to be beaten?
          P.S. You've been Spanked!


          • #50
            I play people that are ranked between 900-1100. I don't win very many once I get past 950, though I have beaten a few people around 1100 on the rare occasion. Just to clarify, these are computer rankings, not real people.

            Schmo, play Eddie(rank 949), he is a very tough opponent(atleast for me). I've played him 10 times. 1/1/9 is my record against him.
            Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


            • #51
              I seem to be floating around the same level as you. Maybe we'll be evenly matched after all.
              P.S. You've been Spanked!


              • #52
                See, and you were all worried
                Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                • #53
                  So what's up Schmo? Are we going to play some chess? I've been patiently waiting
                  Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                  • #54
                    Oh man! I've been swamped with a project. Hadn't had any time to play lately. Just finishing a big milestone though so I'll have time next weekend.
                    P.S. You've been Spanked!


                    • #55
                      Has anyone tried/played this game with Matrox Parhelia?


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Mikko
                        Has anyone tried/played this game with Matrox Parhelia?
                        I'm sure it would work fine.
                        Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                        • #57
                          Ars has chess tournament (there's a site for it, need to ask where is it), we could have MURC chess tournament, if there is enough interesst, otherwise my ELO according to Playchess is 1500 blitz and 1800 slow but I haven't played in a while.

                          Otherwise multiple monitors rock for chess as you can research playchess, have analytical board, kibitzers, ... also dual processors are cool for multiple kibitzers. I don't recommend 3D interface, I recommend setting up your board and moving the pieces manually.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Mikko
                            Has anyone tried/played this game with Matrox Parhelia?
                            I've got three monitors. An AGP ATI 9800 Pro drives one and a PCI Matrox P650 drives the other two.

                            Chessmaster runs in Windowed mode. The only problem I have is if I'm watching/listening to a lesson and the game loses focus (eg., I click an IE window) the audio stops and I have to replay that section of the lesson to get it to start again.

                            Otherwise, the game works just fine. I've had no problems spreading the various windows to other screens.
                            P.S. You've been Spanked!


                            • #59
                              OK, thanks.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by UtwigMU
                                Ars has chess tournament (there's a site for it, need to ask where is it), we could have MURC chess tournament, if there is enough interesst, otherwise my ELO according to Playchess is 1500 blitz and 1800 slow but I haven't played in a while.

                                Otherwise multiple monitors rock for chess as you can research playchess, have analytical board, kibitzers, ... also dual processors are cool for multiple kibitzers. I don't recommend 3D interface, I recommend setting up your board and moving the pieces manually.
                                I'd be interested in a tournament.

                                Your ratings are awesome! I've only played a few friends over the years and 4 people online now. I finally beat someone online the other day. He was actually winning the first game by a big margin. Luckily I stayed the course and ended up drawing. He immediately asked for a rematch. I think he was too pissed about drawing the first game that he just blew the second game. I mean, he didn't make any mistakes until the last few moves, but my position was superior and I crushed him in 22 moves. Interestingly, Chessmaster lets you save and analyze games afterwards. One of the cool features is that it tells you if you missed any forced mates. I missed 5! before finally beating him.

                                I think my ratings is somewhere around 950 online after 4 games. I'm suspecting it may go down further. Also, can you explain the difference between blitz, slow and I think there is one other?

                                Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

