Originally posted by Belwarrior
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Originally posted by Umfriend
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It's actually the same for Bards and Barbarians.
As far as I remember from, NWN or BGII, becoming a multiclass character precludes you to obtain higher levels in the class you started out with, is that still the case? What would be a disadvantage to become a lvl2 of everything (as a matter of speaking?)
1) CL/ECL (character level/Effective character level) is different from class level. thus a ftr5/rog5 is CL 10 although his max class level is 5th. Base attack, saving throws, HD, and skill will stack together. spell levels and effective caster levels will not.
2) Wiz/Sor, Clerics/druids, warlocks don't multiclass well. a ftr5/wiz5 is CL 10 but casts spells like a 5th level wizard.
3) most races have a favored class. all other classes obtained must be within a couple levels of the favored class or you gain an XP penalty.
an elf wiz5/thief5/fighter 2 is gonna have a penalty until he gets his fighter class up to lvl 4.
for humans and half-elves; thier favorite class is the class they have the most levels in.
(exception, prestige classes do not count against your favored class).
back to your question. a bard2/barb2/druid2/clr2/ftr2/rng2/pal2/thf2/monk2/wiz2/sor2 (technically impossible with alignment restrictions) is gonna be a really weak 22th level character, especially when it comes to magic. the char will be a reasonably good warrior, but not as good a non-multiclassed fighter. you will end up with an epic level char that can cast a small bunch of 1st level spells.