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Munchy Boys?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Rattledagger:
    I guess all work-machines is on local net with your machine, and not via firewall? If so, you can run SetiQueue on your machine, and use this to cache all units, and use seti@home's -proxy-command to point all machines to your machine.
    You've grabbed my interest!!!

    Explain more....

    As a note, would each computer work off of my hard drive over the network? Or would each computer work on a unit on its own hard drive and then send it back to my machine when it was done?



    • #17

      Each machine would process units as stand-alone: use own cpu, memory, hdd...

      SetiQueue makes one of the machines on your network that has Internet Access the Seti Proxy Server. Instead of sending results to and receiving workunits from Seti@Home Server at Berkeley, your Seti machines on the network do it with Proxy Server. You controll the Proxy Server on the number of units it should cache, automatic or manually to send rusults and receive units and at what time of day to do it.

      I use SetiQueue on my home network and I have not lost one single unit since. Plus, its so easy to set up.

      For all the information: <a href="">SetiQueue</a>

      [This message has been edited by Sir Hitech (edited 23 October 2000).]


      • #18
        Right . Welcome indeed!

        And +96 WUs for your first day on the team. Not bad. Looks like Breezer will have to watch his rear view mirrors.



        • #19
          Welcome aboard Munchy Boys!

          I love getting knocked back a place when it adds over 9000 WU's to the cause!


          • #20
            Maggi, if all machines is in intern network, and one of the machines are using windows, its better to use SetiQueue to cache, and point the other machines to the setiqueue-machine with the proxy-command. The port is always 5512 on the setiqueue-server.

            Muncher, when you've set up setiqueue, you can on NT-machines set up seti@home as a service, getting a little bit more speed this way. Of course, on dual-machines two instances. Since all use of setiqueue is via sq.exe after setiq.exe is started, it's recommended to run setiq.exe as service also.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Muncher:
              You've grabbed my interest!!!

              Explain more....

              As a note, would each computer work off of my hard drive over the network? Or would each computer work on a unit on its own hard drive and then send it back to my machine when it was done?


              First off ... Welcome to the Nutty Club, Muncher !!!

              Now about your firewall, use the cmd-line version and use it like

              seti.exe -proxy hostname: port (without the spacing in between ":" and "port")

              I use it to pipe the traffic trough our standard ports and that should work for you too, since it also works on our two SGI Onyx IR ...


              [edit]D'oh !
              the UBB interpreted ": P" as emoticon when using it without a space in between .. sigh.
              Use seti.exe -help to get an overview of its options[/edit]

              [This message has been edited by Maggi (edited 23 October 2000).]
              Despite my nickname causing confusion, I am not female ...

              ASRock Fatal1ty X79 Professional
              Intel Core i7-3930K@4.3GHz
              be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 2
              4x 8GB G.Skill TridentX PC3-19200U@CR1
              2x MSI N670GTX PE OC (SLI)
              OCZ Vertex 4 256GB
              4x2TB Seagate Barracuda Green 5900.3 (2x4TB RAID0)
              Super Flower Golden Green Modular 800W
              Nanoxia Deep Silence 1
              LG BH10LS38
              LG DM2752D 27" 3D


              • #22
                Originally posted by Ees:
                Right . Welcome indeed!

                And +96 WUs for your first day on the team. Not bad. Looks like Breezer will have to watch his rear view mirrors.



                I was up +96, then today +101, and now it says I've only done 45WU in 3 days? I know I have done 134 WU in the last 3 days. I don't understand. Can someone explane this to me as this is my first week in the group.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by Muncher:


                  I was up +96, then today +101, and now it says I've only done 45WU in 3 days? I know I have done 134 WU in the last 3 days. I don't understand. Can someone explane this to me as this is my first week in the group.

                  Ok, seems ok now.

                  sorry bout that.



                  • #24

                    Jan M.


                    • #25
                      Well, for a short guide of setiqueue, take a look at:

                      It's probably possible to work from this...

                      You're also missing instructions of running as service under NT, since this too cuts some minutes off the crunch-times. One way is this: You need srvany.exe from one of the resource-kits:

                      1. instsrv SetiAtHome c:\path\srvany.exe
                      2. set SetiAtHome to automatic in Services applet
                      3. open RegEdit to
                      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\SetiAtHome
                      4. add a Parameters subkey
                      5. Create string value "AppDirectory"; enter "c:\pathtoseti"
                      6. Create string value "Application"; enter "c:\pathtoseti\cmdline.exe"
                      7. Create string value "AppParameters"; enter "-proxy x.x.x.x:x" and other
                      8. Start the service

                      Another method, probably easier:
                      1. Download FireDaemon from
                      2. Install it.
                      3. Open a cmd-prompt and execute:
                      "%mxbin%\firedaemon" -i SetiAtHome c:\pathtoseti c:\pathtoseti\cmdline.exe "cmd-parameters example -proxy xxx:yyy"

                      (all is on one line, the quotes is important)
                      4. Set SetiAtHome to automatic in Services applet
                      5. Start the service.


                      • #26
                        Well, if you want to actually go any faster than you currently are...try my Seti site - produced for MURCers by MURCers!

                        No guide's on SetiQ though...(hint, hint)


                        Pace3000 Network: (early stages)
                        Computer Solutions | Arena | Seti | P3K | TechSupport | Portal | Pace Central
                        Matrox Users / SETI@MURC
                        Join the team! | Crunch faster! | View the stats!
                        Meet Jasmine.


                        • #27
                          Thanks Rattledagger! And I'm sorry, but I missed your reply to my other thread!

                          This will mean I have to keep my hub on constant but that shouldn't be too much off a problem. Now then, to get the rest of my place connected by a phone LAN !

                          Meet Jasmine.

