Since we haven't any setiqueue-guide out yet, here is one. I'm posting it here in case I've forgot something... 
Paul will probably put it up if it's good enough.
-- Setiqueue-guide, ver. 0.99 --
For people don't knowing, SetiQueue (Setiq for short) is a cache-program that runs as a seti-proxy on one machine. Its main use is for machines in network, but can also be used on a stand-alone-machine. The SetiQ-program is win32, and must be run on win9x or NT, but it can cache units for all form of machines connected to your machine. SetiQ is also the only cache-program for gui-clients.
First, download setiq and unzip it to its own directory. Don't run seti@home in the
same directory, since this can lead to problems.
You must edit wsockhk.txt to get correct operation (if you don't use
Depending on your setup, you can comment out the qseti_server=xxx-line,
use qseti_server=\\computername on NT-machines,
or qseti_server=ip-address. Note, if using ip-address, this must be permanent ip-address.
As for more setup, you can run with the default qseti.txt -file, but I recommend
looking through and change as you want, specifically this:
Autoconnect=no; if not always connected to internet
queue_depth=5; to get max cache-size
max=10; if not, you're starting with 2 wu-cache.
result_log=log; if you want to keep an overview of what every machine has done.
proxy_server= xxx; if you need it...
Then the qseti.txt-file is to your linking, start the cache-program.
Setiq.exe is the cache-program.
sq.exe is used to upload/download/info.
Note, setiq doesn't start caching before first request to get wu is received from a seti@home-client.
Then setiq is running the seti@home-clients is pointed to the setiq-machine.
For cli, start them with seti@home.exe -proxy xxx:5512 (+ more start-switches...)
For gui, edit the proxy-part to xxx, and the port to 5512.
xxx depends again on your setup, and is for the machine running SetiQ, while the port-number is always 5512.
Use the same format as in wsockhk.txt. You can't use \\ in the computername here.
Hopefully all is working, but some pitfalls:
Single machine, no network:
If win9x, you must patch the client.
If NT, use computername as proxy, and \\computername in wsockhk.txt
Dial-up-connection, not always connected;
I don't know with other OS, but at least in win2k seti@home has a tendency to want to dial out then done with wu, leading to problems.
Solution: Run the seti@home-client as a user that DON'T have a dial-up-connection configured.
If all is working:
On win9x, put a shortcut to setiq.exe in the startup-folder, so setiq starts at boot-up.
On NT, install setiq as service. (can always run as system)
On all NT-machines you should also install all seti@home-clients as services. The gui can't be installed as service.
For dial-up configure the seti@home-client-services to run as user with no dial-up configured.
Since running seti@home as service cuts off some crunch-time this is a good reason to
run setiq also on stand-alone machines.
Running as service don't work with the batch-method.
-- End ver. 0.99 --
"I make so many mistakes. But then just think of all the mistakes I don't make, although I might."

Paul will probably put it up if it's good enough.

-- Setiqueue-guide, ver. 0.99 --
For people don't knowing, SetiQueue (Setiq for short) is a cache-program that runs as a seti-proxy on one machine. Its main use is for machines in network, but can also be used on a stand-alone-machine. The SetiQ-program is win32, and must be run on win9x or NT, but it can cache units for all form of machines connected to your machine. SetiQ is also the only cache-program for gui-clients.
First, download setiq and unzip it to its own directory. Don't run seti@home in the
same directory, since this can lead to problems.
You must edit wsockhk.txt to get correct operation (if you don't use
Depending on your setup, you can comment out the qseti_server=xxx-line,
use qseti_server=\\computername on NT-machines,
or qseti_server=ip-address. Note, if using ip-address, this must be permanent ip-address.
As for more setup, you can run with the default qseti.txt -file, but I recommend
looking through and change as you want, specifically this:
Autoconnect=no; if not always connected to internet
queue_depth=5; to get max cache-size
max=10; if not, you're starting with 2 wu-cache.
result_log=log; if you want to keep an overview of what every machine has done.
proxy_server= xxx; if you need it...
Then the qseti.txt-file is to your linking, start the cache-program.
Setiq.exe is the cache-program.
sq.exe is used to upload/download/info.
Note, setiq doesn't start caching before first request to get wu is received from a seti@home-client.
Then setiq is running the seti@home-clients is pointed to the setiq-machine.
For cli, start them with seti@home.exe -proxy xxx:5512 (+ more start-switches...)
For gui, edit the proxy-part to xxx, and the port to 5512.
xxx depends again on your setup, and is for the machine running SetiQ, while the port-number is always 5512.
Use the same format as in wsockhk.txt. You can't use \\ in the computername here.
Hopefully all is working, but some pitfalls:
Single machine, no network:
If win9x, you must patch the client.
If NT, use computername as proxy, and \\computername in wsockhk.txt
Dial-up-connection, not always connected;
I don't know with other OS, but at least in win2k seti@home has a tendency to want to dial out then done with wu, leading to problems.
Solution: Run the seti@home-client as a user that DON'T have a dial-up-connection configured.
If all is working:
On win9x, put a shortcut to setiq.exe in the startup-folder, so setiq starts at boot-up.
On NT, install setiq as service. (can always run as system)
On all NT-machines you should also install all seti@home-clients as services. The gui can't be installed as service.
For dial-up configure the seti@home-client-services to run as user with no dial-up configured.
Since running seti@home as service cuts off some crunch-time this is a good reason to
run setiq also on stand-alone machines.
Running as service don't work with the batch-method.
-- End ver. 0.99 --
"I make so many mistakes. But then just think of all the mistakes I don't make, although I might."