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SetiQueue-guide ver. 0.99

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  • SetiQueue-guide ver. 0.99

    Since we haven't any setiqueue-guide out yet, here is one. I'm posting it here in case I've forgot something...
    Paul will probably put it up if it's good enough.

    -- Setiqueue-guide, ver. 0.99 --

    For people don't knowing, SetiQueue (Setiq for short) is a cache-program that runs as a seti-proxy on one machine. Its main use is for machines in network, but can also be used on a stand-alone-machine. The SetiQ-program is win32, and must be run on win9x or NT, but it can cache units for all form of machines connected to your machine. SetiQ is also the only cache-program for gui-clients.

    First, download setiq and unzip it to its own directory. Don't run seti@home in the
    same directory, since this can lead to problems.

    You must edit wsockhk.txt to get correct operation (if you don't use
    Depending on your setup, you can comment out the qseti_server=xxx-line,
    use qseti_server=\\computername on NT-machines,
    or qseti_server=ip-address. Note, if using ip-address, this must be permanent ip-address.

    As for more setup, you can run with the default qseti.txt -file, but I recommend
    looking through and change as you want, specifically this:
    Autoconnect=no; if not always connected to internet
    queue_depth=5; to get max cache-size
    max=10; if not, you're starting with 2 wu-cache.
    result_log=log; if you want to keep an overview of what every machine has done.
    proxy_server= xxx; if you need it...

    Then the qseti.txt-file is to your linking, start the cache-program.
    Setiq.exe is the cache-program.
    sq.exe is used to upload/download/info.
    Note, setiq doesn't start caching before first request to get wu is received from a seti@home-client.

    Then setiq is running the seti@home-clients is pointed to the setiq-machine.
    For cli, start them with seti@home.exe -proxy xxx:5512 (+ more start-switches...)
    For gui, edit the proxy-part to xxx, and the port to 5512.

    xxx depends again on your setup, and is for the machine running SetiQ, while the port-number is always 5512.
    Use the same format as in wsockhk.txt. You can't use \\ in the computername here.

    Hopefully all is working, but some pitfalls:

    Single machine, no network:
    If win9x, you must patch the client.
    If NT, use computername as proxy, and \\computername in wsockhk.txt

    Dial-up-connection, not always connected;
    I don't know with other OS, but at least in win2k seti@home has a tendency to want to dial out then done with wu, leading to problems.
    Solution: Run the seti@home-client as a user that DON'T have a dial-up-connection configured.

    If all is working:
    On win9x, put a shortcut to setiq.exe in the startup-folder, so setiq starts at boot-up.
    On NT, install setiq as service. (can always run as system)

    On all NT-machines you should also install all seti@home-clients as services. The gui can't be installed as service.
    For dial-up configure the seti@home-client-services to run as user with no dial-up configured.

    Since running seti@home as service cuts off some crunch-time this is a good reason to
    run setiq also on stand-alone machines.
    Running as service don't work with the batch-method.

    -- End ver. 0.99 --

    "I make so many mistakes. But then just think of all the mistakes I don't make, although I might."

  • #2
    I'm just wondering, if I run Seti as a service on 'Workstation1' and Seti plus SetiQ on my 'Server' can I cache units on Server for itself and the rest of the network. Workstation1 will be left logged off most of the time (i.e. at 'Press Ctrl+Alt+Del' to logon) whilst running the service (with -proxy paulspc:5512 switch).

    Will SetiQ be able to cache units for my machine (logged on 24/7 - sometimes locked though) and the client(s) who will get logged on and off constantly?



    Pace3000 Network: (early stages)
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    Meet Jasmine.


    • #3
      Look in ver.1, it should be in your mail...

      Of course it will, that's the point with services.


      • #4
        'scuse me for being picky ,but a few grammatical errors.
        >>>For people don't knowing, <<<<
        Should be - For people who don't know,

        >>>Then the qseti.txt-file is to your linking<<<

        err ,I think you mean liking

        >>>>Note, setiq doesn't start caching before first request to get wu is received from a seti@home-client.<<<<

        Note that setiq doesn't start caching WU's until a seti@home client requests one

        >>>>Running as service don't work with the batch-method<<<

        Running as a service doesn't work with the batch method

        >>>Then setiq is running the seti@home-clients is pointed to the setiq-machine.<<<<

        Then setiq is running with the seti@home clients ,with the clients pointing to the setiq machine.

        Other than that ,looks like a good SETIQ FAQ ,I might even refer some from TA to that hehe

        One thing ,I use SETIQ on a single PC with dial up ,I've never had it auto dialing .(Win 95b)
        Did you have this line set?

        Again ,sorry for being picky ,but seeing as you might be having it on a website(?) ,I thought you'd want it 100%

        I guess I won't recruit for my team here Team Anandtech

        [This message has been edited by Assimilator1 (edited 27 October 2000).]
        Team AnandTech - SETI@H, Muon1 DPAD, F@H, MW@H, Asteroids@H, LHC@H, Skynet POGS.

        Main rig - Q9550 @3.6 GHz, HD 5850 (Cat 13.1), 4GB DDR2, Win 7 64bit, BOINC 7.2.42
        2nd rig - E5200 @3.73 GHz, GTX 260 c216, 4GB DDR2, Win XP, BOINC 7.2.42


        • #5
          Thanks Assim but there's a newer version in my inbox

          I'd noticed that there were those grammatical errors but thanks for making sure we caught them all - well, I think we did

          No offence Rattledagger!

          Meet Jasmine.


          • #6
            Assimilator, I caught the linking-error 2 minutes after I posted my version here. I have already changed one of the lines to this:
            "Then setiq is up and running the seti@home-clients is pointed to the setiq-machine:"
            I don't know if this is correct, but your version isn't my idea, since the seti@home-clients aren't running yet...
            For the other errors, thanks. I'm not good in english.

            For your question, yes, I'm running with startupconnect=no.
            Why I got this error, and why it went away then the user running seti@home hadn't got any dial-up configured, I don't know. I don't even remember if this bug also was there then I didn't have any network, or if I always ran as a user with no configured dial-up. The only I does remember, is that I didn't run the service as system.
            Since I have only run seti@home under win2k, I really can't say anything about other OS.

            Paul, no offence. My reason to post here first was to get feedback on missing stuff and typing errors.
            With the small feedback it seems what either nothing important was missing and my meaning came across, or no-one understood anything.


            • #7
              Sorry Rattledagger - what was that last post about? I don't think English is even your language! Hehe, seriously now, what are you on about? Ok, genuinely serious, Seti? Please help me what is this? Too much cheese and wine for Paul?

              # Armageddon alert sarge!
              # Everybody stay calm!
              # Don't panic!
              # It's just the end of the world!
              # Maybe I should stop singing before it really is #

              PS: Prize for the first person to get the author of those first 4 lines correct - maybe Guru won't be '1st ' this time

              <font size="-7">Note: Prize is of an undisclosed nature and upto the discretion of the competition organiser. Answer posted should cost no more than 3 WUs.</font>
              Meet Jasmine.


              • #8
                Ok Rattledagger thanks! I'll get the mail later tonight and try and get it into html format.

                Meet Jasmine.


                • #9
                  Ok, setiqueue isn't working for me. I have a utility running on the server machine acting as a proxy, hence the proxy_server=localhost:8080. (I need this to get through our real proxy which requires authentication). Anyway, here's what it says when I try to connect to download WUs.

                  Seti Queue.  Revision .78b  Courtesy of: Ken Reneris
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  INI  report_stats=no
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  INI  work_unit_adjust=1
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  INI  sync_hour=3:08
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  INI  queue_depth=4 days
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  INI  ave_over=3 days
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  INI  max_poll=10 minutes
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  INI  proxy_server=localhost:8080
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  INI  log_filesetiq.log  hours=1
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  wu   (rpd=-1) Min:1 Max:2 Queued:0
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  SRV  auto-connect to seti server disabled
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  SRV  Waiting
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  CMD  AGALLAG -> Connect
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  SRV  connecting to seti@home server
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  SRV  get new work unit
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  SRV  response buffer error
                  10/30 Mon  2:33pm  SRV  Waiting 1s
                  Sometimes the line that says "response buffer error" says "server did not reply" instead.

                  A little help? Getting this to work could allow me to add a couple of sun ultra 10 workstations.

                  I will finish what I sta
                  Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


                  • #10
                    Well, your error-message seems to indicate connection-problems to Berceley, but it can also be blocked in the proxy.

                    If you haven't tried to run seti@home on the setiqueue-machine before installing setiqueue, you should do this now. You can get 4 different results:

                    1: Seti@home works with no -proxy or -socks.
                    2: Seti@home works with -proxy
                    3: Seti@home works with -socks
                    4: Seti@home can't connect at all.

                    For 1&2, SetiQueue should work.
                    For 3, SetiQueue will not work.
                    For 4, seti@home is blocked, and SetiQueue will not work.


                    • #11
                      The setiqueue machine works fine with a stand-alone seti client, using #2 (-proxy localhost:8080, which is the "proxomitron" utility which in turn points to the corporate proxy server). Setiqueue doesn't seem to handle this setup though.

                      Edit: This is also my 600th post. Yay for me
                      I will finish what I sta

                      [This message has been edited by agallag (edited 31 October 2000).]
                      Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


                      • #12
                        If I understand the proxomitron utility correctly, it's an extra proxy that only filters out unwanted information, but really don't need to run to gain access to the main proxy.
                        If this is the case, you should try pointing setiq directly to the main proxy.

                        Hope this works.


                        • #13
                          I don't use proxomitron for it's filtering capabilities, I use it because the seti client doesn't support http proxy authentication. Proxomitron tacks on the authentication info into the http header. Check for more info. There's no other way to get seti through our firewall. What I don't understand is why the seti client alone works fine with this method, but setiqueue can't handle it.

                          I will finish what I sta
                          Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


                          • #14
                            Well, I've tried everything I can think of to get this thing to work, but it just won't go. I guess it just can't handle my kind of firewall (which is very strict). Sucks to be me I guess...

                            Carpe Cerevisi
                            Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


                            • #15
                              heh, never mind Andy, it means you're just slowing to let me pass... I will go back past you, just you wait

