Wow, Nicram became a triple millionaire! Zokes is close to becoming a double millionaire.
We're #195 now and 96 by RAC, we're losing ground in that respect. Some of the heavy crunchers appear to be phasing out I'm afraid...
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We're #200 @ Rosetta@Home, improving the world!
As a team, we're losing RAC. We used to be close to 20K, not at 15 and going for 14. We could really use some more contributors.
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It looks like we will take over a couple of teams in the next few days, but then it will take a bit longer...
MMM might help a bit when winter in Australia happens...
I apparently lost a bit of RAC, but am not sure why: computer was on, and was not doing anything... Perhaps it is the new virusscanner we got installed... Current weather here really prevents me from running on the dual Xeon... not that it contributes that much, but with 25° indoors, I don't want to add more heat...
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#198 now. We're doing fine with a #84 by RAC but we've had better times. Only 6 of the 13 that ever joined actually earn credits nowadays and if Nicram does not up his game, I'll be #1 again soon(tm).
We'll need to about triple our credits to get to #100 so we can use all the help we can get. Had to build my oldest a new computer which is now adding credits as well. Had to take it off her previous machine as it was slowing it down, mostly at boot time as Rosetta reads a lot of small files. SSDs annihilate that issue though.
Personally, I am now #24 of the Netherlands by TC and #4 by RC. If just my other two kids would apply themselves a bit more I'd have a great excuse to build them the same machine and get to #1 by RAC of the Netherlands...
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We're #200 @ Rosetta@Home, improving the world!
More news to follow...Tags: None
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