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  • [options]???

    I've been using MOC for quite a while now and have been attempting to play with the g200clk program but it doesen't seem to work only reporting present settings.
    The author gives the syntax for(I presume ) a DOS command line as - G200CKL [options] .
    In my case with the program on the root of C: the command line would be C:\G200CLK [OPTIONS] or C:\G200CLK /options or ????

    To the author and programmer: I realize that you're a smart guy and all but a little less arrogance on your part would help more people not quite as smart as you enjoy your program. - M.

  • #2
    I don't get it, isn't there a readme file with some clear examples?


    • #3
      Here's an excerpt from the read me with some "clear" examples -

      Using G200CLK
      Syntax: G200CLK [options]

      If [options] is omitted, G200CLK will display the current settings
      of Matrox G200.

      Available options are:-

      PLL Clock Speed
      /1 [PLLCLK in MHz] - Set the PLL clock speed of Matrox G200.

      SDRAM/SGRAM Optimization
      /2 casltncy rrddelay rcddelay rasmin rpdelay wrdelay rddelay smrdelay
      bwcdelay bpldelay (Note: Lower numbers have faster timings)

      casltncy - CAS latency (0 - 3)
      rrdelay - Minimum RAS-to-RAS delay (0 - 3)
      rcddelay - Minimum RAS-to-CAS delay (0 - 3)
      rasmin - Minimum RAS active time (0 - 7)
      rpdelay - Minimum RAS-to-Precharge delay (0 - 3)
      wrdelay - Minimum Write Recovery delay (0 - 1)
      rddelay - Minimum Read-to-Precharge delay (0 - 1)
      smrdelay - Minimum Special Mode Register delay (0 - 1)
      bwcdelay - Minimum Block Write Cycle delay (0 - 1)
      bpldelay - Minimum Block Write-to-Precharge delay (0 - 5)

      Clock Dividers Control
      /3 gclkdiv mclkdiv wclkdiv
      0 - No division, 1 - Divide by 1.5, 2 - Divide by 2

      Memory Refresh Counter
      /4 rfshctr - Set memory refresh counter (0 - 63)

      Tips on Using G200CLK
      - At best, do not change Warp clock divider. Warp clock is very sensitive.
      Using a different Warp clock divider from the factory setting will result
      in serious system instability, especially during AGP texturing.

      - Do not use full SDRAM/SGRAM optimization. I have found
      "/2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0" to be a very good choice. Work very well even at
      143MHz MCLK. Faster SDRAM/SGRAM timings can only be used by reducing MCLK.

      - Matrox recommends using memory refresh counter of 34 for high speed MCLK.

      - Matrox Powerdesk drivers reset G200 to factory settings upon
      initialization. Putting G200CLK in AUTOEXEC.BAT will not improve G200
      performance in Windows. It is recommended to put G200CLK in Windows StartUp

      - Switching between non-3D accelerated modes and 3D accelerated modes in
      Windows will reset G200 to factory settings. Use desktop resolution and
      color depths that support 3D acceleration.

      - Unlike MGA-1064SG/1164SG, switching between full-screen DOS mode and
      windowed DOS box in Windows will not affect SDRAM/SGRAM optimization.
      Need I say more? - M.


      • #4
        How about this?
        KJ Liew


        • #5
          How about this?

          (...some benchmark scores...)
          Baseline - no G200CLK
          200MHz - G200CLK /1 200
          200MHz + RAM Opt - G200CLK /1 200 /2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

          Am I arrogant? I answer many questions on Matrox overclocking as long as they are not answered in the documentation or FAQ. I even provide support for Matrox users on general technical issues and share all my past experience in Matrox products, particularly Mystique 170.
          KJ Liew


          • #6
            Hi kjliew !

            Are you serious about 200MHz ?

            Sorry, but I haven't tried your G200Clk yet ... what I'd like to know is, if setting the PLLClk results into the same MClk speed.

            My Mystique Rev-5 maxes out at 164MHz MClk, before getting artifacts, and I'd like to know if I could push it even harder ...

            Btw, please do not feel offended by mschell ...

            I believe that anybody who is not very familiar with terms and syntaxes of hardware tools might feel very lost between those options ... or is simply scared to ruin his computer.

            Anyway, you're doing a fine job !


            Asus P2B-S - Celeron 500A - Mystique G200 @ 162MHz PowerStrip - 8MB SDRAM


            • #7
              No, Maggi. Your 164MHz MCLK will be much faster then G200CLK 200MHz PLL clock. The PLL clock will go through a 1.5 divider before it becomes MCLK, which translates into 133MHz something. Unless, you change the divider to 1. I'm truly amazed that your Mystique G200 will be able to go that far. Is is the SDRAM version?

              However, G200CLK is feature-to-feature comparable to Powerstrip in term of overclockability on Matrox G200. And, until today SDRAM/SGRAM optimization is still a unique feature of G200CLK. The next G200CLK will be packed with even more features.

              I'm confident that G200CLK will provide better speed improvement over Powerstrip.
              KJ Liew


              • #8
                No, Maggi. Your 164MHz MCLK will be much faster then G200CLK 200MHz PLL clock. The PLL clock will go through a 1.5 divider before it becomes MCLK, which translates into 133MHz something. Unless, you change the divider to 1. I'm truly amazed that your Mystique G200 will be able to go that far. Is is the SDRAM version?

                However, G200CLK is feature-to-feature comparable to Powerstrip in term of overclockability on Matrox G200. And, until today SDRAM/SGRAM optimization is still a unique feature of G200CLK. The next G200CLK will be packed with even more features.

                I'm confident that G200CLK will provide better speed improvement over Powerstrip.
                KJ Liew


                • #9
                  People like Mschell really p*ss me off. What is it with their attitude?

                  It's a *FREE* public BETA for goodness sake! No one is forcing you to use it! Jeeze! If you paid for it I could see your point but I think you're the arrogant one. Stick with MOC then instead of getting all pissy on kjliew. OR read the other forum postings to see what settings others are using. Or wait till the win32 version comes out which may be easier on you.

                  If you check out the readme on Millclk etc they are all the same with their dos flags so you should be used to it by now. It's only MOC that gives you a no-brainer gui.

                  kjliew's is doing you (and me) the favour...

                  Keep up the good work kjliew


                  • #10
                    Hi Kjliew !

                    Thanx for input !

                    Yep, my Mystique has SDRAM, but apart from that it carries a little sticker with 'Rev-5' printed on it ...
                    Also the bios readout programm from GBM stated 'Revision: 5', and I got confirmed by one of the finest Matrox employees, that this was the latest production line using the .35 micron chip.

                    That beats does outperform my former Millenium with SGRAM in all benchmarks except for the 'Z-buffer clear' which dropped to ~1/3 of the speed SGRAM does.

                    Now I think, I MUST try your G200Clk ... I hope I find some time for that.

                    We'll stay in touch ...

                    One not for Opus:

                    Take it easy man
                    You know, sometimes it is hard to find and read the ReadMe ...
                    but of course, you are absolutely right.


                    Asus P2B-S - Celeron 500A - Mystique G200 @ 162MHz PowerStrip - 8MB SDRAM


                    • #11
                      [slow deep breaths]
                      Think of a happy place, think of a happy place...


                      • #12
                        I would like to say that perhaps my wording was a bit strong in my post question about using G200CLK and I apologize for that but I was not the first to ask this question, two or three other people on the other Matrox forums had basically the same problem, did anyone answer their question? - if they had then my post would have been unnecessary. Myself and others would not have to have asked the question if Kliejw had devoted more than a sentence or two in the readme explaining exactly how to operate the program(not tweak settings once the options are enabled) they are documented very well.
                        Did one person who replied to this post even bother to supply the correct command line or whatever it takes to run the options part of the program? What do you call that?
                        Yes it's true the program is free but one still takes the time to download and attempt to run it, I think the author should devote at least a few minutes of typing or in lack of that, a warning that the program should only be used by very experienced computer users but that's my opinion.

                        Unfortunately for myself, work constraints allow me only 3 of 4 hrs of computer time a week, while I'd love to spend time hacking around getting things to work by trial and error, the time is just not there do that anymore, hence my question for a "quick fix". In light of that fact I've decided G200GLK is too time consuming to use, I'll stick with MOC and Powerstrip. - M.


                        • #13
                          "Did one person who replied to this post even bother to supply the correct command line or whatever it takes to run the options part of the program? What do you call that?"

                          Well speaking for myself, I am not suitably 'qualified' to supply the proper instructions as to it's correct use as I haven't installed it yet. Markus has also said he hasn't tried it yet. I call it conscientious. My replies were concerned with your attitude.

                          My past experience with beta programs/drivers and some final ones has meant that I now wait a few weeks till trying out the programs for myself. This gives me the time to research others experiences/problems with the software and minimises the possible downtime of my system.

                          I had downloaded it and read the readme and followed the treads in the forums but for now (because of the work I'm doing on the system) I'll hold off on trying G200CLK although it looks very promising. I'm perfectly happy with MOC for now but I will move over to G200clk in due course.

                          "a warning that the program should only be used by very experienced computer users but that's my opinion."

                          If you claim to have experience with MOC you will have read the readmes for Millclk/Mystclk etc and it is obvious by their content and their similarity to the style in which the G200clk readme was written (kjliew wrote them all) that advanced setting adjustments can be daunting for less than experienced users.

                          Check out the G200clk thread in the hardware forum (I don't know why Ant hasn't moved this over to the MGA Tools forum yet) as more users are reporting more optimal findings



                          [This message has been edited by Opus (edited 05-20-99).]

