I've been using MOC for quite a while now and have been attempting to play with the g200clk program but it doesen't seem to work only reporting present settings.
The author gives the syntax for(I presume ) a DOS command line as - G200CKL [options] .
In my case with the program on the root of C: the command line would be C:\G200CLK [OPTIONS] or C:\G200CLK /options or ????
To the author and programmer: I realize that you're a smart guy and all but a little less arrogance on your part would help more people not quite as smart as you enjoy your program. - M.
The author gives the syntax for(I presume ) a DOS command line as - G200CKL [options] .
In my case with the program on the root of C: the command line would be C:\G200CLK [OPTIONS] or C:\G200CLK /options or ????
To the author and programmer: I realize that you're a smart guy and all but a little less arrogance on your part would help more people not quite as smart as you enjoy your program. - M.