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Messiest desk contest part 2 (unless of course I missed it)
yellow, orange, green, etc. Same basic sh*t. It's not my monitor Jord, I am partially color blind....I can't distinguish difference between many colors. For example, most light colors look white to me, most dark colors look black. Now I can add that yellow and orange look the same too
Dimitri"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed"
--- Albert Einstein
"Drag racing is for people that don't know how to brake and downshift at the same time."
So that's why I always think my teammates are killing me....No, those are more or less distinguishable for me. They're pretty bright colors (unless your in a shadowed area... Duh). The monitor was not funky colors, it was just pixely.... D: Any more questions?
Dimitri who is now stuck housesitting with a sick dog (he's a black mut [part lab/spaniel/retriever] or maybe he's blue, but I can't tell the difference)....
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed"
--- Albert Einstein
"Drag racing is for people that don't know how to brake and downshift at the same time."
stripes are what happens when you are boared and have lots of eltrical tape onhand
msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.
it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....
Don't son that gun is loaded.
Sure, Jorden. Pick on the crippled kid. Make you feel tough?!?
I'm also color-blind (dark shades of red/green/blue). For the longest time, I didn't realize there were more than two teams on UT. I kept b!itching that servers had team-kill turned on.
Imagine my surprise when I realized there was a green team!
Sorry to all my teammates I shoot from a distance - I really CAN'T tell what color you are...
Andy (aka Fenster)PIII 550@605
IWill Motherboard VD133
VIA Chipset
512MB PC133 CAS2 Crucial
G400 DH 32MB (6.51 Drivers)
DirectX 8.0a
SB Live! Value
8x DVD (Toshiba)
6x4x24 CDRW (Sony)
Intel Pro/100+ NIC
3Com CMX Cable Modem
Optiquest V95 19"
HP 812C Color Ink Jet
Microtek flatbed scanner
Intellimouse Explorer
Surround Sound w/two subwoofers
hey can anyone tell how many real guns are around and on that desk ?msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.
it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....
Don't son that gun is loaded.
Merchant: That stapler looks rather lethal...
Andy: Sorry. I didn't know either that there were other colorblinds on here and on the UT server. Maybe what we from MU should do is see if Andy (Fenster), or Dimi (Mitzo?) is in our team and say that to them !!
It won't spoil for the others, for they can see the difference in color (I hope)
I see a nice stainless semi auto in front of the monitor. Is it a 45??? Those are my favorite. and I see what may be an SKS leaning against the wall on the left side.
Bad neighborhood or what???
Paul"Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"
the stainless is a s&w 10mm auto
the other two are ww2 battle riffles (one enfield #2 mark 4) and the other a mossin naguant 303 british and 7.62x54r both the long guns are slated to be refinished.
the 303 is in the lower left and the mosin is just barely viewable under the monitor on the swing arm
i did have a ex buddy who was building me a custom 1911 but he ripped me off for my down payment.
i used to shoot compitition hangun and dcm (defence civial marksman)
if i ever post the rest of the picks ther is a built in gunrack at the other end of the book case, the only reason the two rifles are stacked where they are is they don't fit in the rack (they have longer than normal barrles.)
[This message has been edited by merchant2112 (edited 21 April 2000).]
[This message has been edited by merchant2112 (edited 21 April 2000).]msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.
it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....
Don't son that gun is loaded.
i took the other posts out, i've been real sick the last few days and don't think before i post stuff some times.msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.
it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....
Don't son that gun is loaded.
that stapler is real old, was my grandfathers (stamped property of us navy) its a militay assult stapler)msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.
it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....
Don't son that gun is loaded.