Ok, folks. I am through pulling punches. You want to know how I feel about Catholicism? Let's see...
I've been to Catholic masses. Their funerals are almost letter-perfect to druidic rituals. Their theology is full of holes. Their answer, when asked about the holes, is to go ask the priest - who in turn directs you to ask the bishop, etc. etc.
They disregard their own Bible in favor of whatever the hell they've been told to think. Their entire system is flawed. Confessions? Priests? How about where it says in the Bible "no man can come to the father except through me"? How about other passages that say that you must talk to God yourself, and nobody else can do it for you?
The Catholic Church, as it currently exists, was founded in the 12th century (I may be off by 50 years, so sue me) because the Holy Roman Emperor (who wasn't Holy or Roman at the time, go figure!) couldn't control the people at all. They had no respect for him. So he contracted with the church of the day to make it a sin to disobey the Emperor. They also enacted dozens of other stupid laws and rules, and levied a tax (tithe) on the people.
As a member of a religion that can trace its roots back at LEAST 6000 years, I find it difficult to buy into any mamby-pamby 800 year old religion. Especially one that is so hypocritical.
Did you know that until about 20 years ago forks were an excommunicatable (sp?) offense? Yes, that's right - if you ate with a fork, you were of the devil. I don't know the reasoning - maybe "if the fingers God gave you aren't good enough..."
And now the Pope has abolished "Limbo". Well good for him, since it wasn't in the Bible to begin with. Oh, and guess what - neither is Purgatory. Oops! Was that a secret? Apparently, since when my wife was in Catechism (10 years ago) you weren't allowed to HAVE a Bible. If they caught you with a Bible you were punished. You were only allowed to read the books of Catechism.
Catholicism is just like a big ol' cult.
Nobody means it. I have yet to see a church filled with FERVENT Catholics. I see churches all the time that are filled to the brim with protestants, or Jews, or whatever that REALLY BELIEVE. You go to a Catholic mass, and all you have are people standing up, sitting down, doing the hokey pokey, turning around, and standing up and sitting down again. Mechanically. Like robots.
It is disturbing.
And for those of you who believe in the spiritual side of things... I can feel things. I can feel good and bad presences. I don't know if it's REALLY "spirits", or if it's just the "aura" of the place. Who knows? But I've never felt an EVIL presence in a Church - until I went to my Grandfather-in-law's funeral. That place felt DISEASED. Unholy, if you will.
I know, I'm babbling again.
And I want to stress that I don't hate Catholics - they're people, and I don't hate any people (unless they piss me off personally, hehe!). But you need to really mean it if you're going to spend that much of your life doing something. Honestly. And there are too many big fat holes in Catholicism.
Oh, and can someone explain Saints? Since the Bible specifically says in dozens of places that praying to anyone but God (Jesus, Holy Spirit, Trinity, whatever) sends you on an express train to hell, how is it that you can pray to Saints? Or to Mary?
- Gurm
Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
[This message has been edited by Gurm (edited 16 May 2000).]
I've been to Catholic masses. Their funerals are almost letter-perfect to druidic rituals. Their theology is full of holes. Their answer, when asked about the holes, is to go ask the priest - who in turn directs you to ask the bishop, etc. etc.
They disregard their own Bible in favor of whatever the hell they've been told to think. Their entire system is flawed. Confessions? Priests? How about where it says in the Bible "no man can come to the father except through me"? How about other passages that say that you must talk to God yourself, and nobody else can do it for you?
The Catholic Church, as it currently exists, was founded in the 12th century (I may be off by 50 years, so sue me) because the Holy Roman Emperor (who wasn't Holy or Roman at the time, go figure!) couldn't control the people at all. They had no respect for him. So he contracted with the church of the day to make it a sin to disobey the Emperor. They also enacted dozens of other stupid laws and rules, and levied a tax (tithe) on the people.
As a member of a religion that can trace its roots back at LEAST 6000 years, I find it difficult to buy into any mamby-pamby 800 year old religion. Especially one that is so hypocritical.
Did you know that until about 20 years ago forks were an excommunicatable (sp?) offense? Yes, that's right - if you ate with a fork, you were of the devil. I don't know the reasoning - maybe "if the fingers God gave you aren't good enough..."
And now the Pope has abolished "Limbo". Well good for him, since it wasn't in the Bible to begin with. Oh, and guess what - neither is Purgatory. Oops! Was that a secret? Apparently, since when my wife was in Catechism (10 years ago) you weren't allowed to HAVE a Bible. If they caught you with a Bible you were punished. You were only allowed to read the books of Catechism.
Catholicism is just like a big ol' cult.
Nobody means it. I have yet to see a church filled with FERVENT Catholics. I see churches all the time that are filled to the brim with protestants, or Jews, or whatever that REALLY BELIEVE. You go to a Catholic mass, and all you have are people standing up, sitting down, doing the hokey pokey, turning around, and standing up and sitting down again. Mechanically. Like robots.
It is disturbing.
And for those of you who believe in the spiritual side of things... I can feel things. I can feel good and bad presences. I don't know if it's REALLY "spirits", or if it's just the "aura" of the place. Who knows? But I've never felt an EVIL presence in a Church - until I went to my Grandfather-in-law's funeral. That place felt DISEASED. Unholy, if you will.
I know, I'm babbling again.
And I want to stress that I don't hate Catholics - they're people, and I don't hate any people (unless they piss me off personally, hehe!). But you need to really mean it if you're going to spend that much of your life doing something. Honestly. And there are too many big fat holes in Catholicism.
Oh, and can someone explain Saints? Since the Bible specifically says in dozens of places that praying to anyone but God (Jesus, Holy Spirit, Trinity, whatever) sends you on an express train to hell, how is it that you can pray to Saints? Or to Mary?
- Gurm
Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
[This message has been edited by Gurm (edited 16 May 2000).]