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Its Time! ..Who should be the next President?

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  • #31
    Fine. My way, he's a Nazi. Your way, he has a fairly criminally incompetent understanding of WW2. Either way he's not presidential material. Look at how badly people are slamming Bush for not being 100% up-to-date on the political and historical situation.

    - Gurm

    Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

    I'm the least you could do
    If only life were as easy as you
    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
    If only life were as easy as you
    I would still get screwed


    • #32

      <font color="#0000FF" face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" size="2">"Pat Buchanan
      has been called an isolationist, an anti-Semite, and since the release of his
      latest book, someone who believes that the U.S. should not have gone to war
      against Nazi Germany. Those who are characterizing Mr. Buchanan in this way
      would seem to be stupid, malicious or badly misinformed."</font>

      Jane Chastain

      <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#FF3333">Buchanan,
      the misunderstood </font></a>

      <font face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" size="2" color="#0000FF">&quot;According
      to the Post, GOP presidential candidates and lackeys in the "conservative" press
      world are busy attacking Pat because he dared to suggest duplicity as a reason
      the U.S. entered World War II. The fact is he's probably right, but he never
      said the U.S. should not have fought W.W.II.&quot;

      </font></font><font size="1"><font size="2" color="#000000">Jon E. Dougherty

      <a href="" target="_blank"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#FF3300">Don't
      lie down with wolves </font></a>

      <font face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" color="#0000FF">&quot;Pat Buchanan has
      been defined as an "anti-Semite" for having the gall to state his opinion that
      the nation of Israel has undue influence in Washington, D.C., and that Palestinians
      deserve their independence from Israel. He is a "racist" because he dares believe
      merit, not race, should be the basis for awarding contracts and rewarding individuals.
      He is an "isolationist" because he thinks America should be a good neighbor
      but that the interests of America and Americans should come first in trade and
      treaty negotiations with other countries. What are other Buchanan sins against
      political orthodoxy? There are many. He believes we should get rid of foreign
      entanglements, including wars and interventions that have nothing to do with
      American security; he believes that if we are courageous enough and honest enough
      to do a thorough critique of strategic World War II decisions, we might learn
      something; he thinks we should put a stop to illegal immigration; he believes
      in God and traditional values; he objects to the use of tax money for producing
      pornographic materials and paying for abortions, including those in foreign
      countries; he thinks people should work for a living; he believes homosexuality
      is unnatural; he believes in capitalism; and, worst of all, he says what he
      thinks &quot;</font></font></font>

      Linda Bowles

      <a href="Politics%20of%20" target="_blank"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#FF0000">Politics
      of personal destruction </font></a>

      <font color="#3333FF" face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" size="2">&quot;Buchanan
      and Haidar represent the suppressed forces of yang, the pitchfork peasants at
      the bottom of mountains everywhere. They will concede they may be a little better
      off than they were, in terms of calories, but things are still not that great
      and in many intangible ways, the social fabric is still fraying. Trying to suppress
      the peaceful, patriotic Pitchfork Populists -- by calling them Nazis and Hitlers
      -- only makes matters worse. At the extreme, the Nazis do finally show up.&quot;

      </font><font color="#3333FF" size="2"> <font color="#000000">Jude Wanniski

      <a href=""><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#FF0033">Where
      Nazis come from </font></a></font></font></p>

      Goebbels convinced millions of Germans that they too were being "threatened"
      by Jews, Slavs and Russians. For their trust, Germany paid the price in millions
      of dead sons and daughters, as well as billions of dollars of lost treasure
      and decades of occupation by foreign powers. And mllions of innocent lives.

      Who convienced you that Pat Buchanan
      is a Nazi Gurm? </p>


      • #33
        So, is Jerry Springer going to host a presidential debate down there or what?


        • #34
          Ok, a thought...

          Palestine should NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES obtain their independence from Israel. Israel should just kick the idiots out of the country once and for all. Everyone is forgetting that none of the Arabs wanted the Palestinians, either. They're the dregs of Arab society - not welcome in Jordan or Syria or (God help us) Saudi or Iraq.

          And I understand that lots of people think that Israel has undue "power" in Washington. Well, if that were the case then Clinton wouldn't be pushing so hard for them to "compromise" away their sovereignty (which was established decades ago by the United Nations and the international community) to a bunch of crazed Arab separatists headed by a known terrorist.

          You want to know why there's no peace in Israel? Because every time they concede to one of Arafat's demands, he smiles and says "now we also want..."

          Enough is enough. They won the last several wars. It's time to just take a stand - they'll win the next several wars too. With or without the help of the US.


          As for the whole Buchanan debacle - to suggest that duplicity was involved in our entry into WW2 is just plain foolish. Even setting aside the fact that we had a responsibility to our allies, there were MANY good reasons to enter the war (which you can obtain by reading almost any source on the subject, and I won't go into them here).

          However, to further support your position, I just asked the Magic 8 Ball (at ) the following question:

          "Is Pat Buchanan a Nazi?"

          And it said "No." (and then asked me to enter a contest and fill out an online survey)

          So I guess he isn't, after all! Whew! That's a load off my mind, that's for sure.


          So I watched the debates last night. Well, I started to. Ok, I confess - I flipped to them during the commercials in "Dark Angel" (God, she is hot!). And now I'm scared. Gore is still a creepy evil criminal freak (and possible Alien), but Bush is an idiot. *sigh*

          - Gurm

          Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.

          [This message has been edited by Gurm (edited 04 October 2000).]
          The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

          I'm the least you could do
          If only life were as easy as you
          I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
          If only life were as easy as you
          I would still get screwed


          • #35
            Oh, and a quick recap:

            When I punched up Buchanan on "Ask Jeeves", here's what I got for a summary of his "foreign policy":
            - Kick UN out of US by 2001; use Marines to “help pack”. (Sep 18)
            - All US troops out of Europe by end of first term. (Mar 24)
            - Cuba: Siege mentality is pillar of power; end embargo. (Dec 1999)
            - Russia: Offer EU membership instead of encirclement. (Oct 1999)

            So... he wants out of the UN, but still wants an active voice in the EU? I see. That makes lots of sense, really!

            - Israel: Provide for self-defense, but concede land for peace. (Oct 1999)
            - Palestine: a flag, a land, a capital in Jerusalem. (Oct 1999)

            Hmm... he does realize that he's talking about a nation the size of Rhode Island, right? And that he's talking about giving it to a group of people that have sworn the destruction of Israel _AND_ the United States on several occasions? And that these same people have killed US Citizens? Smart fella. Honestly.

            - Puerto Rico: No statehood; eventual independence. (Oct 1999)

            Now that's not nice. All they want is to belong. I mean, c'mon - we take them in/over and then don't allow them the benefits? What kind of nation are we?

            - Quebec: Offer seceding provinces alliances or statehood. (Oct 1999)

            I see now. Annex Canada, but ditch Puerto Rico. It's all becoming clearer now.

            - Hitler was no threat to US; sought mastery of Europe only. (Oct 1999)

            Haha! Ha! Ha! HOO HOO HA HA! HAHAHAHAHA MUHAHA MUHAHAHAHA! Oh, that's rich.

            - Push US foreign policy toward isolationism. (Sep 1999)
            - Israeli lobby should not dominate Mideast policy. (Sep 1999)

            I already covered that one. The US government HATES Israel's sovereignty. They always have.

            - Withdraw from UN; Kyoto Treaty; Rome Treaty. (May 1999)
            - End foreign aid; withdraw from most of IMF. (May 1999)

            But he's not isolationist. Honest!
            And another thing:

            Had Britain & France not given the war guarantees to Poland, there might have been no Dunkirk, no blitz, no Vichy, no destruction of the Jewish populations.
            That's the most patently ridiculous thing I've ever heard. To think that there are people who believe that the holocaust was somehow a political issue or a wartime maneuver... is just... *sigh* sad.

            And here I was, ready to concede that perhaps I had spoken rashly. Hmph!

            - Gurm

            Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.

            [This message has been edited by Gurm (edited 04 October 2000).]
            The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

            I'm the least you could do
            If only life were as easy as you
            I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
            If only life were as easy as you
            I would still get screwed


            • #36
              So, how many of you watched the debate last night? How many of you listend to NPR or another news radio station this morning? How many of you heard the opinion that Gore won?

              This is absolutely ridiculous. Gore was described as "agressively controlling the questions and taking them where he wanted to go". I call it straying far far off topic and avoiding the question. Bush was relaxed, confident, calm, and stayed on topic. Gore was nervous, loud, and couldn't look directly at the camera for more than a few seconds. He rudely interupted Bush and the moderator on a number of occasions. He let out a very audible arrogant condescending sigh after almost every single point that Bush made. He did a fine job of attempting to twist Bush's plans without actually having any substance in his own plans to validate his canadacy.

              All around Gore was a jackass who couldn't stay on topic and wouldn't let that f*%&ing medicare issue die. It also occurs to me that Gore has an awful lot of "number 1 priorities", like about 7 of them?!

              How anyone can support that man I can't possibly understand, and how anyone can think that he won that debate baffles me even further. But then, I geuss some people don't mind condescending arrogant slimy bastards who want to run every aspect of your life.
              Primary System:
              MSI 745 Ultra, AMD 2400+ XP, 1024 MB Crucial PC2100 DDR SDRAM, Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro, 3Com 3c905C NIC,
              120GB Seagate UDMA 100 HD, 60 GB Seagate UDMA 100 HD, Pioneer DVD 105S, BenQ 12x24x40 CDRW, SB Audigy OEM,
              Win XP, MS Intellimouse Optical, 17" Mag 720v2
              Seccondary System:
              Epox 7KXA BIOS 5/22, Athlon 650, 512 MB Crucial 7E PC133 SDRAM, Hercules Prophet 4500 Kyro II, SBLive Value,
              3Com 3c905B-TX NIC, 40 GB IBM UDMA 100 HD, 45X Acer CD-ROM,
              Win XP, MS Wheel Mouse Optical, 15" POS Monitor
              Tertiary system
              Offbrand PII Mobo, PII 350, 256MB PC100 SDRAM, 15GB UDMA66 7200RPM Maxtor HD, USRobotics 10/100 NIC, RedHat Linux 8.0
              Camera: Canon 10D DSLR, Canon 100-400L f4.5-5.6 IS USM, Canon 100 Macro USM Canon 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM, Canon Speedlite 200E, tripod, bag, etc.

              "Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke


              • #37
                Hey, HedsSpaz - we're almost neighbors now! (I just moved to PA...)

                - Gurm

                Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
                The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                I'm the least you could do
                If only life were as easy as you
                I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                If only life were as easy as you
                I would still get screwed


                • #38
                  AH HA!! I knew I remembered someone saying that they had just moved near here! Just couldn't remember who it was.

                  Allentown right? Say, did you go to the Celtic Classic this past weekend in Bethlehem? It occured to me after I got there that someone from the MURC might be there, obviously too late to do anything about it.

                  Anyway, if you didn't you should plan on going next year, it was a fabulous weekend. Great music, classic highland games, and most importantly, lots of beer.
                  Primary System:
                  MSI 745 Ultra, AMD 2400+ XP, 1024 MB Crucial PC2100 DDR SDRAM, Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro, 3Com 3c905C NIC,
                  120GB Seagate UDMA 100 HD, 60 GB Seagate UDMA 100 HD, Pioneer DVD 105S, BenQ 12x24x40 CDRW, SB Audigy OEM,
                  Win XP, MS Intellimouse Optical, 17" Mag 720v2
                  Seccondary System:
                  Epox 7KXA BIOS 5/22, Athlon 650, 512 MB Crucial 7E PC133 SDRAM, Hercules Prophet 4500 Kyro II, SBLive Value,
                  3Com 3c905B-TX NIC, 40 GB IBM UDMA 100 HD, 45X Acer CD-ROM,
                  Win XP, MS Wheel Mouse Optical, 15" POS Monitor
                  Tertiary system
                  Offbrand PII Mobo, PII 350, 256MB PC100 SDRAM, 15GB UDMA66 7200RPM Maxtor HD, USRobotics 10/100 NIC, RedHat Linux 8.0
                  Camera: Canon 10D DSLR, Canon 100-400L f4.5-5.6 IS USM, Canon 100 Macro USM Canon 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM, Canon Speedlite 200E, tripod, bag, etc.

                  "Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke


                  • #39
                    I usually vote for the one that I feel will hurt me the least.
                    This is EXACTLY why I don't vote. It's like choosing how you want to die; it doesn't really matter in the end 'cuz yer dead!

                    I, personally, think Ant should be president. I'm sure we could get around that pesky "Natural born US Citizen" requirement somehow..

                    Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.


                    • #40
                      Gore looked like he was trying out a Halloween costume of Ronald Regan. The makeup was overboard and the shoulder pads that he had under his coat was overboard. His facial muscles must hurt today.

                      Bush was snorting somthing. Several times he kept snorting up some snot or somthing. Bugged the hell out of me. He has no Idea about foriegn policy.

                      Some folks are easy to lead I call them Sheeple. baaaaaaaa
                      Tell them a lie enough and they will count it as the truth.


                      • #41
                        I know how to solve all our problems! Take all the active nuclear weapons in the world. There should be about 25,000+ left. Tie them all together and drop them down the deepest cavern in the world.

                        Synchronize all the detonators and nuke the world. No world, no problems. That's what I say!

                        “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
                        –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


                        • #42

                          Here's some medical insight on what it takes to become the President

                          Cell Migration

                          All babies start out with the same number of raw cells which, over nine months, develop into a complete female baby. The problem occurs when cells are instructed by the little chromosomes to make a male baby instead. Because there are only so many cells to go around, the cell necessary to develop a male's reproductive organs have to come from cells already assigned elsewhere in the female.

                          Recent tests have shown that these cells are removed from the communications center of the brain, migrate lower in the body, and develop into male sexual organs. If you visualize a normal brain to be similar to a full deck of
                          cards, this means that males are born a few cards short, so to speak, and some of their cards are in their shorts.

                          This difference between the male and female brain manifests itself in various ways. Little girls will tend to play things like house or learn to read. Little boys, however, will tend to do things like placing a bucket over their heads and running into walls.

                          Little girls will think about doing things before taking any action.

                          Little boys will just punch or kick something and will look surprised if someone asks them why they just punched their little brother who was half asleep and looking the other way.

                          This basic cognitive difference continues to grow until puberty, when the hormones kick into action and the trouble really begins. After puberty, not only the size of the male and female brains differ but the center of thought also differs. Women think with their heads. Male thoughts often originate lower in their bodies where their ex-brain cells reside.

                          Of course, the size of this problem varies from man to man. In some men, only a small number of brain cells migrate and they are left with nearly full mental capacity but they tend to be rather dull, sexually speaking. Such men are known in medical terms as "Engineers."

                          Other men suffer larger brain cell relocation. These men are medically
                          referred to as "Musicians", "Doctors", and "Fighter Pilots."

                          A small number of men suffer massive brain cell migration to their groins. These men are usually referred to as......"Mr. President."

                          Paul, let's lighten up a bit here gang
                          "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                          • #43
                            Paul, let's lighten up a bit here gang
                            wow! i didnt know paul was so "plural"!

                            P5A-B AMD K6-266@300
                            Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP (oh, lets party)
                            Creative SB Awe32 (a classic, superb card)
                            Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                            64meg Ram
                            Ali V agp chipset
                            ICQ UIN: 24730025

                            [This message has been edited by nehalmistry (edited 04 October 2000).]
                            <font size="1">Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4X MoBo
                            VIA Apollo Pro 133a (694x/686A) chipset (4x agp, UDMA 66)
                            Celeron II 733 CPU (coppermine 128)
                            128meg (2x64) 133mhz SDRam
                            Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP 16 mb
                            Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digital model 0100 (MP3+, Gamer)
                            Quantum LM 30 gig HD 7200 RPM UDMA 66
                            Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                            Optiquest V775 17" Monitor
                            Actima 36X CD-Rom
                            Advansys 510 SCSI Card (ISA, but good enuf for my burner)
                            Yamaha 6416 CD-RW
                            Windows 2000 (primary)
                            Slackware Linux 9.0(secondary/emergency)</font>


                            • #44
                              All of me are having a rough day at work...LOL

                              "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                              • #45
                                The part about the debates that bugged me the most (other than the sigh thing that Gore was doing) was the way that Gore kept harping about 50% of Bush's plan going to the top 1% of the people. Well DUH! The top 1% Pay WAY more than one percent of the taxes.
                                Couples in the 28 percent and 31 percent tax brackets, which includes those with incomes up to $158,000, would see their tax rate cut to 25 percent. The top bracket of 39.6 percent would be scaled back to 31 percent, a 22 percent reduction. Because the wealthiest Americans pay the most in taxes, they inevitably will realize the largest net savings from any across-the-board tax cut. But look! The "rich" are still paying a larger portion in taxes than the "middle class".
                                I hate the fact that we are punished for doing well in America. The people that are making $1,000,000 per year are doing that well because the worked to get where they are. When the Democrats refer to the "working class" they are referring to people making less than $50,000 per year, as if those us that are making more than that are lying around doing nothing but cashing checks. Well, the people that are making the big money are creating all of those jobs that the "'working class" hold. There is a lot of work that goes into building a company that can support several hundred people. Spare me the class warfare and make the system fair for everyone and God bless the top 1%. They have earned it.

                                [This message has been edited by Kindness! (edited 04 October 2000).]

                                (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)

