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Bush Jr.'s next move?

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  • #46
    Missle Shield is "too expensive" for US? LOL!!! We have money running out of our ears. Who are YOU to sit over there and tell America how to budget our money? Let's see, does Germany have a $2 TRILLION surplus in IT'S economy? I don't think so.

    What is this about Russia having to help US count votes? Sounds like you've been a victim of some propoganda there my friend. Tell me why on earth we would need Russias help electing OUR president? I never even heard the word Russia during the recounts.

    The difference in the votes for Gore and Bush equalled about .01% (not 1%, .01%) so for the first time in decades we had to use the Electoral system to decide. That's because we don't blindly follow the first jerk-off that amasses enough power to take over the Government. We actually vote. The ones that don't vote have that right And the ones that do vote actually care so we make the decision for the country. We made the right one with GWB. Anyway, who is RUSSIA to tell Americans how to elect a leader? Like you've got it down to a fine art?

    No, I'll take America over any other country in the world. I've been to other countries a few times and I've yet to see anything that even comes close to America. But, I am very fascinated to see what you guys have to say about us. So I'll sit here in my 3,500 square foot house with 2 luxury cars in the garage, watching my stocks and balancing my 3 bank accounts while you tell me that the USA sucks. HAHAHAHA!!! please.

    Now go take a shower.

    [This message has been edited by Kindness! (edited 17 February 2001).]

    (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


    • #47
      [Vlip leaning back on his chair and twisting his thumbs with an enigmatic smile]

      Time will tell, time will tell...


      • #48
        And you know what else makes it good about living in the USA is that anyone who is willing to work hard can achieve the same. If things are so good over there why does the US see so many people coming over here from there to become US citizens.

        Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


        System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
        OS: Windows XP Pro.
        Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


        • #49
          There is no point in this discussion. You cannot argue with people who think Bush is a good president and US covers 98% of the world. It's like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a tape recorder.

          Oh and Kindness, I hope it makes you happy sitting there in your 3,500 square foot house with 2 luxury cars in the garage, watching your stocks and balancing your 3 bank accounts while the poorest americans are just going to starve because Bush does not see any point in a social security system.
          Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.


          • #50
            I don't know, maybe they just want to find out for themselves if the USA are a bunch of fake dreams or not.

            I don't see why the USA is so much better than the rest of the world, or worse for that matter. I enjoy living in the Netherlands because I like it here, nothing more, nothing less.
            I don't see either why the USA wants to re-create something like the cold war.
            Rags' saying that there was never a speedup for that stupid missile-shield, confirms my idea's of the USA as an arrogant nation, which don't give a rats ass about treaty's as long as they can do what they see fit.

            WAIT; before you start your BBQ; this is my idea, from what I get off the news (no, not CNN; too USA-minded imo).
            Every country/nation has its ups and downs, but why does the USA want to show their downs so blatantly?

            (excuse me for bad grammar, I'm only a dumb foreigner )
            The path I walk alone is endlessly long.<br>It's 30 minutes by bike, 15 by bus.<br><i><font size="1">Puni puni poemi</font></i>

            Anime worth watching:
            <img src="">


            • #51
              Joel, nice post, but this guy wasn't worth the time.

              What I find funny is how a German can call Americans arrogant. Worse than the pot calling the kettle black. As to how we vote and how we mismanage things, who did you guys vote into power in 1933? And World War I would never have started if the Kaiser had not been on vacation and could not be bothered to take care of the little problem with Austria and the Serbs. No wonder my Great Grandparents left in 1866. The Prussians were taking all the fun out of things. And are you even Germans anymore? After centuries of your ancestors spilling their blood to keep the Turks out, you invite them in to take over the country. Pathetic.

              Isn't it interesting how liberals and conservatives now bash each other on an international basis?


              • #52
                Okay, people. I want to have some questions I have answered that were brought up by some queer thinking europeans who think that all Americans are ignorant/arrogant ****oles.

                1. What is wrong with having a system that will shoot down missiles coming towards our countries.

                2. What is it that terrorists hate about our country? That our citizens are actually better off, even though their citizens could be just as well off if they actually had true capitalism and it's making them look bad?

                3. Where did I say I voted for GW Bush?

                4. What does it matter who I voted for, and why do you care?

                5. Where are reading that Baghdad got shot at? As far as I have seen in EVERY news report, the British and US planes bombed UNPOPULATED MILITARY TARGETS OUTSIDE BAGHDAD!

                6. Do you care that it was Saddam's own weapons that injured his citizens this last time as well?

                7. Do you really think that Americans don't care what the outside world is doing? Because I don't believe that's the case. In our new economy, the WHOLE WORLD is dependent upon one another.

                8. When has our Government sold nuclear weapons to terrorists?

                9. Do you know how critical we are of our own government?

                10. Do you really think that religion has anything to do with the world anymore?


                [This message has been edited by Rags (edited 17 February 2001).]


                • #53
                  <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">10. Do you really think that religion has anything to do with the world anymore?</font>
                  Sure it does, Matt. You just answered your own question about terrorists. Muslims hate anyone who isn't a Muslim. They want us all dead. They seem to think that our presence in Saudi Arabia soils the very f***ing ground they walk on, when we were only protecting them from being overrun by a powemad lunatic. They want us out, yet they come to European countries in droves and soil our entire culture. And then these lame European traitors bash US


                  • #54
                    "And BTW he was elected properly based on the electoral system that we have." Thats the problem: Even if you have more votes you dont necessarily get elected. as for wwII and the elections, it was more than 50 years ago, your electoin was 2000.

                    "And you know what else makes it good about living in the USA is that anyone who is willing to work hard can achieve the same. If things are so good over there why does the US see so many people coming over here from there to become US citizens"
                    yep, execpt he/she is black, asian, hispanic (exceptions confirm the rule) doesnt look good, doesnt go to church regularly and doesnt go to bed with his/her boss.
                    I am not saying that US sucks (not really ), im just trying to say that most (not all) americans seem to forget that they are neither the richest, nor the biggest, nor the smartest, nor the only country in this world. actually i am considering to go study a year or two in the US, but a country that cant keep up the power supply in the "high tech center of the world" shouldnt act as if they are superior to everyone else.

                    PS: all facts I got wrong are due to misinformation, but i read it somewhere, i didnt make it up. i guess as usual the truth is somewhere in the middle. as for the economic situation: german politic and politicians suck at the moment, but considering how our country looked after wwII (which sucked too) we did some impressive work over here, also considering that we just got reunited 10 years ago. But economy is going up, with all the german cars, amd and intel manufacturing here, and some nifty little inventions german scientist are gonna come up with in the next couple of years.


                    • #55
                      <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">...while the poorest Americans are just going to starve because Bush does not see any point in a social security system. </font>
                      Everyone in America has the exact same opportunity to do well. The number of people "starving"' in America is almost nonexistent. Can you say the same? The fact that I figured out a way to make money and do well for my family does not make me a bad guy. As for Bush not seeing any point to social security, if you will take a look you will most likely see that America spends as much on the "poor" as most countries produce in 10 years. I'd wager that our bottom 5% are way better off that the middle class of most other countries.

                      Hey, if you're happy, I'm happy. The fact is that there is a flood of people coming to America from around the world. Obviously they think that there is more opportunity here than where they are coming from. In my business I deal with LOTS of first generation immigrants. You try to convince them America isn't great. Ask them if they want to go back. They will laugh.

                      Another thing. A lot of people have said how much the schools suck in America, in this thread. On several different occasions
                      (in this same thread)I see that many of you are COMING TO AMERICA TO GO TO SCHOOL! Huh? If they suck why come here to attend them?

                      The contradictions never end.

                      (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


                      • #56
                        Just a thought on the schools sucking in America comment:

                        What makes you think that our schools are so much worse? I already know what you are going to say: "you score lower on the xxxxx test and the xxxxxx test on average"
                        Well, that is not really comparing fairly now, is it? Because in America ALL of our students take those tests. In your countries, you have only certain CLASSES taking those tests, not everyone. I am sure that if we were selective about it, we could get that average score up as well, and of course we would have the media screaming fould because of it.



                        • #57
                          Good Lord, people.

                          I'm not going to start on the "our country is better than yours" routine, it gets us nowhere. However, I feel obliged to point out the following:

                          1. In my country, if I am smart and work hard I can be rich. Not well off, not comfortable, but RICH. Instead of worrying about my family's future, I can put enough money in trust for them to never have to worry. Perhaps this is possible in other countries, but not from what I've seen. In fact, ANYONE here can work hard and become rich. That's what's great about our system.

                          2. If I want a missile defense system, I can build one. If WE want a missile defense system, WE can build one. If you don't like it, please by all means feel free to shoot missiles at me. Heh.

                          3. How's this for an option - we in the USA will take our worthless stupid selves and stay home. Ok? Next time a fascist dictator threatens to take over all of Europe, we'll just let him. Ok? And all you damn capitulating, sideline-sitting, or just downright incompetent folk can cry all you want. You don't like us? Fine, we'll stay home. Let's see how the world would look if we had stayed home LAST TIME:

                          France - speaks German. Executes anyone who isn't blond haired and blue-eyed. Arc de Triumph renamed "Arc de Capitulation".

                          England - speaks German. Teeth are substantially better, as is cuisine, beer, and automaking.

                          Switzerland - speaks German. Tried to stay neutral, but Hitler won the rest of Europe and came after your gold. Oopsie!

                          Poland - depopulated.

                          Italy - speaks German. Hitler won and then turned on that fat f**k Mussolini. Trains no longer run on time.

                          Shall I go on? Do I think that your countries are worthless? Absolutely not. But I like mine, thank you very much. You choose to stay there, which is just fine. I choose to stay here. But don't criticise us, since our system is working substantilly better than yours.

                          And yeah, we have poor people. Oh well. So do you.

                          - Gurm

                          Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
                          The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                          I'm the least you could do
                          If only life were as easy as you
                          I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                          If only life were as easy as you
                          I would still get screwed


                          • #58

                            Here is the map of what was bombed:

                            As you can see most of the targets were some ways away from Baghdad, the closest one there was well outside of Baghdad by miles.



                            • #59
                              Quote from a FoxNews story:

                              "There have been reports of a more active air defense. If the Iraqis were testing the new administration, they got a message that the United States was going to be vigorous in defending its aircraft and enforcing the no-fly zones," Duelfer said. "They got a good message."

                              Don't mess with GWB. He's not as dumb as you think.

                              (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


                              • #60
                                <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">As for Bush not seeing any point to social security, if you will take a look you will most likely see that America spends as much on the "poor" as most countries produce in 10 years.</font>
                                Kindness-> Let's keep things in perspective here; will you? You can't compare a complete orchard with one appletree, don't you think?

                                Gurm has a point about WW2; I fear that we would still speak German now, if the allied forces didn't come to the rescue.
                                I've been looking into some historybooks: Japan decided to attack Pearl Harbor, America decided to retaliate (duh, who wouldn't), Hitler saw the opportunity to declare war against America, and all hell broke loose.
                                America teamed up with England which was, despite Hitlers bombs, still alive and kicking, while on the other side of Europe the Russian army -despite Stalins mistakes, made chopped liver out of the German army thanks to a little help from King Winter.
                                So if Japan didn't level Pearl, Hitler wouldn't have the guts to declare war and America wouldn't point a finger to Europe at that time.

                                But that's not the main issue here; I'd just wanted to get some facts straight.
                                The path I walk alone is endlessly long.<br>It's 30 minutes by bike, 15 by bus.<br><i><font size="1">Puni puni poemi</font></i>

                                Anime worth watching:
                                <img src="">

