So, now we are left with an extra crispy squirell. As the body slowly crumbles into a ashy mess (dirtying up the new rug by the way) the spirit of the squirell vows revenge on the nasty god that decided to toast it nice and proper right then and there. After a few decades in purgatory our squirell buddy is released and he re-incarnate's as......
No announcement yet.
What we need, is an ongoing story...
... Matrox G400 Max warehouse. Oh no! Now it understands where all those Maxes have gone! In the mean time our hero silently...year2000:Athlon500/MSI6167/256M/10GIBM/6GSamsung/18GSCSI IBM/CL2xDVD/RR-G/HPPSPrinter/G400DH32M/DeltaDC995/MX300/ADSPyro1394/AHA2940UW/3comXL100
... screach of a car trying to brake and with a wry smile he/she shouts to the empty night: "Why me! Why can't I just have a nice bubble bath in my mo-tub, with my beloved Jor-Den from Krypton I, and just watch the world go by." And yet the car...
[This message has been edited by Meek (edited 17 November 1999).]year2000:Athlon500/MSI6167/256M/10GIBM/6GSamsung/18GSCSI IBM/CL2xDVD/RR-G/HPPSPrinter/G400DH32M/DeltaDC995/MX300/ADSPyro1394/AHA2940UW/3comXL100
the Fizzymobile loaded with partying, naked, Phz (her evening gown tied to the mast antenna) and company all enjoying their Tompson Twins blaring thru the sky with nothing nearby except a.....
[This message has been edited by Dilitante1 (edited 17 November 1999).]Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it
- what is heard from behind our this point Tylau runs off like the lame-ass little twit he is. Fortunately there are friendly faces inside, and the weary traveller sits and orders a.......
[This message has been edited by Dilitante1 (edited 17 November 1999).]Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it