It sure seems that way to me, taking the past year or so into account.
We have the G450.. ok.. it was targeted at the buisness end, and substantially slower than a G400MAX. Numerous issues with games and OpenGL speed issues throughout the incremental driver releases. Dualhead on G400 is visually superior to G450 in several cases. Mass-exodus of engineering talent to NVidia.
Then there is the virtual snubbing of Matrox video editing fanatics with the announcement of the end of MJPEG support. Refusal to talk about any upcoming products. "G800" or whatver it was scrapped.
Apparent severe delays with the G550, and upon release it looks quite a bit 'less-than stellar' in the performance department. Talk of Matrox not focusing on OpenGL driver development very much. Headcasting.. enough said there.
Now more delays with the final driver release for MJPEG Marvel users.
Matrox has dropped the ball big time on customer relations quite a few times recently, and they don't seem to be making very much technological progress with their boards (still using the G450 core with 64-bit memory bus), and drivers are going down the tubes. Whats going on M?
We have the G450.. ok.. it was targeted at the buisness end, and substantially slower than a G400MAX. Numerous issues with games and OpenGL speed issues throughout the incremental driver releases. Dualhead on G400 is visually superior to G450 in several cases. Mass-exodus of engineering talent to NVidia.
Then there is the virtual snubbing of Matrox video editing fanatics with the announcement of the end of MJPEG support. Refusal to talk about any upcoming products. "G800" or whatver it was scrapped.
Apparent severe delays with the G550, and upon release it looks quite a bit 'less-than stellar' in the performance department. Talk of Matrox not focusing on OpenGL driver development very much. Headcasting.. enough said there.
Now more delays with the final driver release for MJPEG Marvel users.
Matrox has dropped the ball big time on customer relations quite a few times recently, and they don't seem to be making very much technological progress with their boards (still using the G450 core with 64-bit memory bus), and drivers are going down the tubes. Whats going on M?