I remember reading this:
"You might feel that the air war is justified - I dont. If the US really wants to destroy binladen or the taliban they have proved that they wont do it from the air. A report on the BBC news today stated that the put the Taliban casulties at 'the low hundreds' the US dont have anymore targets to bomb. Ground troops will be required. Will the US stand for bodybags? I dont think so.
Lets be honnest here - It doesnt look like the current tactics are working. "
from a certain member. Let's be honest. Someone needs to eat some crow
"You might feel that the air war is justified - I dont. If the US really wants to destroy binladen or the taliban they have proved that they wont do it from the air. A report on the BBC news today stated that the put the Taliban casulties at 'the low hundreds' the US dont have anymore targets to bomb. Ground troops will be required. Will the US stand for bodybags? I dont think so.
Lets be honnest here - It doesnt look like the current tactics are working. "
from a certain member. Let's be honest. Someone needs to eat some crow
