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They are going to cause more trouble than they are worth.

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  • #31
    Now as well as the Aussies asking for their people, The Saudis are doin the same:

    The Saudi Interior Minister, Prince Nayef, has asked the US to hand back for interrogation the more than 100 Saudi nationals he said were being held at Guantanamo Bay.

    "I know about them, but we don't know the charges against them, except that they were arrested in Afghanistan," the minister said.

    "We ask that they be handed over to us so we can interrogate them, since they fall under the kingdom's regulations."

    It really IS quite likely that at least some will be returned to Saudi (you dont want them to add $10 a barrel for oil and to turf US bases out)


    The Talibhan have killed no more than 20 foriegners during the war. The Nazis killed more than 4 million, before and during WWII. Al'qaeda has killed about 4000, in total (excluding Russians during the Afghan war). The Russians killed some 20 Million over 10 years. The Chineese perhaps as many again (if not more)
    The Nazi regieme had factories of death. The Nazi war machine was infinately worse.

    You don't really think that the al-Qaeda members we have captured will just go home to their shops, like the Germans did, do you?
    no, but it wasnt expected of many of the Germans either.

    Can you tell me the last time a court in CALIFORNIA sent someone to their death, for ANY crime? He wont be executed.

    With a bomb you would be looking to depressurise the plane. That could be done against the toilet bulkhead. With an electrical fuse, all you have is a couple of wires and a small circuit. You wont light semtex. As you are doomed anyway, you could simply touch both wires to the contacts and boom. In fact if you do it at the rear of the plane, you might stand a chance of damaging some of the avionic linkages to the tail, or the generator under the toilets
    Dont just swallow the blue pill.


    • #32
      The Saudi Interior Minister, Prince Nayef, has asked the US to hand back for interrogation the more than 100 Saudi nationals he said were being held at Guantanamo Bay.

      "I know about them, but we don't know the charges against them, except that they were arrested in Afghanistan," the minister said.

      "We ask that they be handed over to us so we can interrogate them, since they fall under the kingdom's regulations."
      And a big fat middle finger to you, Saudi bastards. This was all your fault anyway. If you hadn't funded the damned wahabbi radicals in the first place, masses of your people wouldn't hate us AND you! Now there are madrasses all over the world funded by your oil money, teaching people to hate us. F*** YOU! Give us one good reason why we shouldn't take a big rake and plow you all under that desert of yours. Then we could take all the oil we want for free. Doesn't matter what we do anyhow, everyone hates us no matter what. At least then they would respect us.

      (you dont want them to add $10 a barrel for oil and to turf US bases out)
      Point is moot when the whole place is a barren territory of the USA. Certain people need to get some sense and realize that they need to worry about what WE will do when people who are your citizens, trained to hate us using YOUR money start knocking down our buildings and killing our people. The saudi royal family is a bunch of cowards, afraid of their own people, or they would not have created this situation in the first place. To expect them to solve a problem they were too weak to prevent in the first place is laughable.


      • #33
        Perhaps the Saudi's will torture them a bit chop bits off. It maybe worth sending them back.
        More seriously does America want to keep these people forever?
        Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
        Weather nut and sad git.

        My Weather Page


        • #34
          does America want to keep these people forever?
          no.. we don't

          I like Chuck Jolley's idea, though. The plane carrying them to Saudi could mysteriously crash in the Bermuda triangle. The Pilots might miraculously survive, but those poor prisoners, chained to their benches in the plane.. tsk, too bad.


          • #35
            I doubt that we will send them to Saudi untill we think we have everything from them.

            There are, of course, moral reasons why the US does not use torture.
            But also, it doesn't work very well. You are simply told whatever the torturee thinks you want to hear.


            PS The plane thing is too complicated. Just pitch them over the side of a ship.

            PPS I don't realy think we should do it. It's just nice to think about.


            • #36
              Yep send them in a ship just when a massive hurracane is coming.
              Natural disaster no one to blame but the weather people and they tend to get it wrong.
              Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
              Weather nut and sad git.

              My Weather Page


              • #37
                To be honest, now that you have them, the only logical thing to do is to keep them. You cant let them go, not just yet anyway and you cant kill them. It doesnt matter how they end up dying: whether it from being dropped over the side , their plane ditching in the briney to a bullet in the back of the head, the US will get the blame. Internationally they wouldnt want the political backlash.

                I also feel that the US is above that type of behaviour, though I could be wrong.

                regards MD
                Interests include:
                Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


                • #38
                  I say we put them all in a 767 and crash it into Saddam's Palace in Baghdad.

                  The Saudi's may surprise us. They may start cutting body parts off of the Saudi Nationals.

                  "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                  • #39
                    And last night Bush put Iran, Iraq and N. Korea all on notice.

                    More heads getting ready to roll.....

                    Dr. Mordrid
                    Dr. Mordrid
                    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                    • #40
                      I say we put them all in a 767 and crash it into Saddam's Palace in Baghdad.
                      You're my hero, Paul.


                      • #41
                        And last night Bush put Iran, Iraq and N. Korea all on notice.

                        The stupidity of this astounds me! Iran spent the last 10 years support the Anti Talibhan forces in Afghanistan!

                        AMERICA acuses Iran if interfering with Afghanistan - THATS RICH! At least its in Irans backdoor....

                        America acauses the Iranian leadership of not being democratic? WHEN WAS THAT A CRIME??? Most of the world is LESS democratic than Iraq

                        President Khatami, many of whose reformist supporters had been hoping for an improvement in relations with Washington, said Mr Bush's remarks were reminiscent of Washington's attitude towards Iran before the 1979 Islamic revolution which toppled the US-backed shah.

                        "The American president's remarks not only showed that he does not have the ability to learn from history but also that the US policy is now worse and more unrealistic than under his predecessors," he said.

                        the speech transcript (the load of old cack that it is):

                        Dont just swallow the blue pill.


                        • #42
                          Not only that but this will f**kup all the hard work put in by the British diplomats over the past few years in trying to resume normal relations with Iran.

                          Regards MD
                          Interests include:
                          Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


                          • #43
                            Should we have relations with any country that supports terrorists? In Irans case it's probably more sabre rattling to put preasure on Palastine terror orgasisations so some peace can be attempted in israel.
                            Iran, Pakistan and Saudi did interfer in the internal politics you can't deny that. A lot of people have disappeared in Iran, Iraq for there views. Thats the crime bit. If it was a democratic state they would be freer to express their opions.
                            Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                            Weather nut and sad git.

                            My Weather Page


                            • #44
                              I agree with PIT here...the reason Iran was mentioned was to warn it from supplying the PLO etc with weapons. Are we supposed to ignore what they are doing? I dont think so.

                              Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


                              • #45
                                Should we have relations with any country that supports terrorists?
                                Bah. They're only "terrorists" when the US doesn't support them. Otherwise, they're people we funded/trained for our own devices (Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Chile, you name it).

                                Somewhere else I found a link to this <A HREF="">handy comparison of these kangaroo courts compared to an actual military tribunal</A>.

                                Also, I think it is rather interesting that we started the Nazis at less of a disadvantage during the Nuremberg Trials.
                                Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.

