Now as well as the Aussies asking for their people, The Saudis are doin the same:
It really IS quite likely that at least some will be returned to Saudi (you dont want them to add $10 a barrel for oil and to turf US bases out)
The Talibhan have killed no more than 20 foriegners during the war. The Nazis killed more than 4 million, before and during WWII. Al'qaeda has killed about 4000, in total (excluding Russians during the Afghan war). The Russians killed some 20 Million over 10 years. The Chineese perhaps as many again (if not more)
The Nazi regieme had factories of death. The Nazi war machine was infinately worse.
no, but it wasnt expected of many of the Germans either.
Can you tell me the last time a court in CALIFORNIA sent someone to their death, for ANY crime? He wont be executed.
With a bomb you would be looking to depressurise the plane. That could be done against the toilet bulkhead. With an electrical fuse, all you have is a couple of wires and a small circuit. You wont light semtex. As you are doomed anyway, you could simply touch both wires to the contacts and boom. In fact if you do it at the rear of the plane, you might stand a chance of damaging some of the avionic linkages to the tail, or the generator under the toilets
The Saudi Interior Minister, Prince Nayef, has asked the US to hand back for interrogation the more than 100 Saudi nationals he said were being held at Guantanamo Bay.
"I know about them, but we don't know the charges against them, except that they were arrested in Afghanistan," the minister said.
"We ask that they be handed over to us so we can interrogate them, since they fall under the kingdom's regulations."
"I know about them, but we don't know the charges against them, except that they were arrested in Afghanistan," the minister said.
"We ask that they be handed over to us so we can interrogate them, since they fall under the kingdom's regulations."
It really IS quite likely that at least some will be returned to Saudi (you dont want them to add $10 a barrel for oil and to turf US bases out)
The Talibhan have killed no more than 20 foriegners during the war. The Nazis killed more than 4 million, before and during WWII. Al'qaeda has killed about 4000, in total (excluding Russians during the Afghan war). The Russians killed some 20 Million over 10 years. The Chineese perhaps as many again (if not more)
The Nazi regieme had factories of death. The Nazi war machine was infinately worse.
You don't really think that the al-Qaeda members we have captured will just go home to their shops, like the Germans did, do you?
Can you tell me the last time a court in CALIFORNIA sent someone to their death, for ANY crime? He wont be executed.
With a bomb you would be looking to depressurise the plane. That could be done against the toilet bulkhead. With an electrical fuse, all you have is a couple of wires and a small circuit. You wont light semtex. As you are doomed anyway, you could simply touch both wires to the contacts and boom. In fact if you do it at the rear of the plane, you might stand a chance of damaging some of the avionic linkages to the tail, or the generator under the toilets