Step 1: Learn local language well enough to apologize to mother for taking children halfway down the slope after a fall. 
Needless to say, I failed that step in Germany.
Here are some mistakes I see beginners make frequently.
1. Rely on snowplow at high speeds when - it's useless at that point
2. Tuck and go straight - turning is your friend
3. Not wear proper clothing - poles hard to hold with frostbite
4. Not wear butt padding - this is a personal preference.
5. Be concerned about looking good - nobody cares
Good luck with the skiing, I'm sure you'll create lots of stories to tell until next time you go.

Needless to say, I failed that step in Germany.
Here are some mistakes I see beginners make frequently.
1. Rely on snowplow at high speeds when - it's useless at that point
2. Tuck and go straight - turning is your friend
3. Not wear proper clothing - poles hard to hold with frostbite
4. Not wear butt padding - this is a personal preference.

5. Be concerned about looking good - nobody cares
Good luck with the skiing, I'm sure you'll create lots of stories to tell until next time you go.
