Originally posted by RedRed
the new proposals are suggested as a replacement for road tax in 10 years time.
the new proposals are suggested as a replacement for road tax in 10 years time.
Excuse my cynicsysm, I own and drive a car.

The net cost would be, on average, the same. If you are driving along and your speed drops below a predetermined level (IE you are stuck in traffic) some GPRS system bill your credit card.
This way rural people (who cause very little polution) get hit, but the dreaded 'school run' gets clobbered....
John J
Road crash causes a ten mile tailback? £1 per car per hour, times 300 poor sods stuck in the jam, and all the Policemen too busy setting up speed cameras to deal with it.

Plus everytime someone panics and overbreaks, causing a sudden and inexplicable slowdown for a few minutes five miles down the road, everyone gets billed for it.
Of course, the next step will be the government claiming money from the car insurance companies for when their client has a road accident and holds up traffic. The insurance companies will up their rates, and the government charges tax on insurance dont they?
