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Cannabis ?

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  • #46
    I'm not sure about other places but at least in Australia, it is more illegal to grow a tobaco plant then a dope plant. afaik its illegal most places for personal use. Hence why you have never seen anyone growing normal tobaco

    Juu nin to iro

    English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


    • #47
      Me thinks KvH should inform all as to what the real basis for his hatred toward cigarettes is.

      I am a cigarette smoker and smoke outside. The reasoning for this is because if it were not for my family smoking and constantly breathing in the stuff while groing up most likely would never have started. Due to other health problems it is extremely difficult to stop (discussion for another day).

      I don't care how bloody hot or wickedly cold it is outside I go out just so my family isn't forced to breath my bad. I do this out of respect for them, but am not limited solely to just them, it applies to all.

      Once my younger brother astounded by my endurance and stamina made the comment that he should start. I looked him straight in the eye and told him that if I ever catch him lighting up that will be the last day he saw the sun... and he knew I ment it. He never started to which I thank the Lord for

      The biggest difference between smoke a cig, and smoking a dOOb is simple, we don't have peeps (Goverment or industry) claiming it's not harmful to us. We do know what we're getting ourselves into and understand the repercussions of doing such.

      Look at the tobbacco company's, sure they claimed to not be doing all that they were for eons, but it's not like the goverment or the states themselves are anymore innocent. They helped them pull this off. It's not like that the states didn't tax the bajezus out of cigs for all eternity. Which in my mind makes them hippocrates, going back and sueing them for hundreds of millions of $$ just so they can pump it back into their heath care system. They had the resources to know exactly what the real deal was, ignored what health professional were saying all this time, and refused to do a damn thing about it. Why because simply put they're greedy, turning a blind eye until they saw the wrong in their ways.

      Let me ask this, is their a single person whom smokes and desires to quit getting any help? Hell NO! (maggots)

      "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

      "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


      • #48
        I can't add too much to this discussion, as I have never smoked tobacco or weed. I have sucked in a good deal of second hand smoke though, which drives me absolutely insane and makes me more violent than normal It got so bad at work last summer I was tempted to pick up a gas mask at an army surplus store for when I went outside, where all the smokers were.

        If anyone is interested in quitting though, I have a great stop smoking program (long story how a non-smoker has one). I have seen people who have smoked for 50+ years stop smoking with this program. It is a cold turkey program and very regimental, so be prepared. Email me if you are interested, or Sasq can relay it to you.

        “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
        –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


        • #49
          yeah working on it, still need to morgage the wife to buy the oranges
          Juu nin to iro

          English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


          • #50
            i'm a closet smoker at the mo.. lol...

            ciggs. that is
            Last edited by Lizzard[MPE]; 8 May 2002, 03:43.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Greebe
              Due to other health problems it is extremely difficult to stop
              Yet you get people who chained smoked for years and they just stop and never go back.
              Personaly smoking has never done anything for me it's something I can take or leave (99.999% of the time). As for smoking weed I've only had second hand stuff but the effects were interesting on myself and my friends.
              Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
              Weather nut and sad git.

              My Weather Page


              • #52
                does the effects of weed change as you get older?

                i remember in highschool it would make me happy, giggley, awake, entergetic.. etc

                but a few years ago i decided to smoke a few and it started making me literally fall asleep about 10 minutes later. so i quit smoking it, probably for the better anyway.


                • #53
                  it started making me literally fall asleep about 10 minutes later
                  Bit like alcohol does with me now in my old age... and most other things except coffee and cigarettes
                  DM says: Crunch with Matrox


                  • #54
                    test - ignore pls


                    • #55
                      As usual...

                      This is opne of those especially charged discussions where everybody has an opinion and rather violent ones at that. Personally of course, I smoke cigs and pot, but I dont touch alcohol of any kind. Why? Because it makes me feel like shit. I used to smoke a lot more cigs, but have cut down as I am one of those addictive personalities that find it very hard to quit smoking, and oddly enough, dont have that problem with weed. Admitidly I havent been smoking weed for a long time, but I usualy smoke a joint or eat a brownie if I had a stressful day and it does wonders. Pot is also for me a great cure for insomia and migraines, something I have suffered with for most of my life. Is it bad for me? Yeah, probably. DO I think that pot's detractors have overhyped any real harm? yes to that too, but not because I am a die hard stoner and need to get my fix every day, it's more of a "Hmmm... this is like getting drunk without the hangover" that I feel when I get stoned and dont really see the problem with it. WIll it cut years off my life? Most likely. Do I care? Not really, sicne it enables me to enjoy my life better. SO I might have fewer years, but I will feel better. And before I get lambasted with some silly argument, until you have spent 3 months getting 1 or 2 hours sleep a night, as well as headaches that literally bring tears to your eyes and last for 3 days, then shut up. I have had stuff prescribed for these conditions that was more expensive than pot, more addictive and yet still didnt really help me. Like everything else, it's all dependant on circumstances. KVH had a really bad one with cigs and I respect that, and I would never offer him a smoke. But at the same time there's people that think differently and thats fine. Hell, when the US did some of it's most impressive expantion (hoover dam, Empire state building, etc) pot was a common thing for the workers as a relaxant.

                      Anyways, I am rambling on and on when I should be working. SO there's my .01. Have fun!
                      A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.


                      • #56
                        that was a good point and i agree with you. and im at the point where im not sleepingand getting the headaches.. and starting to wake up from after an hour or two of sleep with black bags under my eyes ... maybe i should start getting more sleep hmmm...


                        • #57
                          Personally, I found it a great help for both those problems and has been a lifesaver for me at least. And even though it's only been 2 years since I started, I havent tried any other kind of drug, so I dont pay much attention to those "portal drug" people
                          A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.


                          • #58
                            9 times out of 10 a drunk gets violent and wants to fight. A pot smoker just wants to melow out. I have talked to several police officers who have said that they would much rather pull someone over who has been smoking pot than one who have been drinking.

                            As for a pot smoking on the job. Companies already have policies againist drinking on the job or coming to work drunk that can easily be modified to include pot smoking on the job or coming to work stoned.

                            There are some who may want to see it legalized to the point of cigs but most just want to see it legalized to the point of alcohol with the prevision of allowing someone to grow a small amount for personal consumption.

                            Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                            System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                            OS: Windows XP Pro.
                            Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                            • #59
                              <does the effects of weed change as you get older?

                              i remember in highschool it would make me happy, giggley, awake, entergetic.. etc >

                              nope, the same at any age
                              I'm with the ugly guy below me

                              (It's amazing how many threads I kill with that line )


                              • #60
                                well apparently the weed changed in Southern Indiana.... or i did.

