Free time!?!
Its Sunday and I off course have the day of
But its not like I have free time…
Do the dishes. Check!
Vacuum. Check!
Mop the floor (if I’m in a really good mood)
Move stuff to their right place (moved a couple of bookshelf’s around to make use of floor space better and empty bookshelf’s is so much easier to move
Update my Website (not that important so it won’t happen today anyway)
Update the company Website (Under progress…) Check!
“Fix” a construction error in a bookshelf
Doing manual OCR (Damn OCR program not installed, besides it is almost useless anyway )
RELAX! (Doing that Now
) Check!
Why why do simple things become more and more complex the more you work on them!
And on top of that my gasmask is gone and now I have to hold my breath when I open my fridge…..
(about the fridge
Its Sunday and I off course have the day of

But its not like I have free time…

Do the dishes. Check!
Vacuum. Check!
Mop the floor (if I’m in a really good mood)
Move stuff to their right place (moved a couple of bookshelf’s around to make use of floor space better and empty bookshelf’s is so much easier to move

Update my Website (not that important so it won’t happen today anyway)
Update the company Website (Under progress…) Check!
“Fix” a construction error in a bookshelf

Doing manual OCR (Damn OCR program not installed, besides it is almost useless anyway )
RELAX! (Doing that Now

Why why do simple things become more and more complex the more you work on them!

And on top of that my gasmask is gone and now I have to hold my breath when I open my fridge…..

