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Free time!?!

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  • Free time!?!

    Free time!?!

    Its Sunday and I off course have the day of
    But its not like I have free time…

    Do the dishes. Check!
    Vacuum. Check!
    Mop the floor (if I’m in a really good mood)
    Move stuff to their right place (moved a couple of bookshelf’s around to make use of floor space better and empty bookshelf’s is so much easier to move ) CHECK!
    Update my Website (not that important so it won’t happen today anyway)
    Update the company Website (Under progress…) Check!
    “Fix” a construction error in a bookshelf
    Doing manual OCR (Damn OCR program not installed, besides it is almost useless anyway )
    RELAX! (Doing that Now ) Check!

    Why why do simple things become more and more complex the more you work on them!

    And on top of that my gasmask is gone and now I have to hold my breath when I open my fridge…..

    JUST KIDDING! (about the fridge )

    Last edited by Technoid; 15 July 2002, 01:41.
    If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

    Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."

  • #2
    Hehe, at least your not stuck at work like I am!
    Titanium is the new bling!
    (you heard from me first!)


    • #3
      And now it's starting to become to friggin hot!
      27 in and pushing 45-50 in the sun
      If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

      Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


      • #4
        Man, it's just 27 and you're already whining ?


        • #5
          Is that Celsius or Fahrenheit?

          There's an Opera in my macbook.


          • #6
            He's talking about heat so it must be celsius.


            • #7
              He he!

              It all depends on the point of view and other circumstances!

              I have seen persons from your country that has Winter gear in the middle of our summer and complains about the Cold

              My sweet spot is between 10 and 18 degrees!

              after moving the thermometer about a meter the temp measurments raised to 35!
              If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

              Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


              • #8
                35 is hot, acceptable.

                I admit I hate cold but:

                Here, 10-15 degrees celisius is pretty cold for me and quickly gets on my nerves. BUT, when I was in switzerland I was just fine @ 4 degrees celsius with nothing but a t-shirt.

                How come ? H-U-M-I-D-I-T-Y, since I live in Tel Aviv (near the sea) it's friggin humide here. The cold is getting to your friggin bones.


                • #9
                  By the way, I'm fine with everything between 23 and 28 degrees celsius.


                  • #10
                    I've kept an eye on the temperature in Tel Aviv, seems to be always WAY high.
                    Titanium is the new bling!
                    (you heard from me first!)


                    • #11
                      Hm that may why it's bothering me...

                      Humidity is way high now!
                      If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                      Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                      • #12
                        When the temp is high and humidity is high the weather sucks!
                        Titanium is the new bling!
                        (you heard from me first!)


                        • #13
                          Yeah, humidity is the killer factor.
                          Temperatures in Eilat (Near Akaba in Jordan and Taba in Egypt) can go as high as 46 sometimes. It's not half as bad as 36 degrees in Tel Aviv cause the air there is super dry.

                          Whatever the temperature is, humidity is the factor that'll ruin your day.


                          • #14
                            Under 20 for me, please

                            Oh, and dry - or rainy I LOVE rain!

                            There's an Opera in my macbook.


                            • #15
                              Does rain make Bielefeld beautiful at least?

                              You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.

